Darkfall Online RULES

According to Warcry update from one of the developers, Darkfall beta is supposedly going to be starting summer 2007.

So, without further ado... WOOHOO !!!

(I've only been waiting 5 years for this...)
Oct 18, 2006
How can you call it the "best game ever" when it hasn't even come out yet?
Oct 18, 2006
How can you call it the "best game ever" when it hasn't even come out yet?

He has proclaimed himself a 'fanboy' ... this means he is impervious to facts or the need for any actual game ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Why do you troll my thread?
Oct 18, 2006
Why do you troll my thread?

I was just poking fun - I have followed this thread since you started, and am interested to see how things turn out.

But I think bjon045 has a legit question - I was just being a smart alec about it. :)
Oct 18, 2006
Uhhh ok.

I like Darkfall's design. I havent played the game, but the design is superior and I have confidence that the gameplay will be good due to awesome design abilities of the devs.
Oct 18, 2006
I like Darkfall's design.
That is perfectly reasonable - I don't think anyone is questioning your preference, but I *think* that the question came up when you started talking in absolutes and as if the game was out.

I havent played the game, but the design is superior and I have confidence that the gameplay will be good due to awesome design abilities of the devs.

The questions I have are:
- since the game isn't even in beta yet, what is really known?
- What experience in MMO's have the devs demonstrated to date.

Honestly, without these they need to show that they will be something other than dirt under the wheels of the WoW juggernaut. Look at the NCSoft Auto MMO, City of Heroes / Villains, and Sony's Vanguard ... as well as D&D Online and LOTROnline.

I hope they do well and applaud your enthusiasm - but without actual product everything remains to be proven.
Oct 18, 2006
I dont find any need to prove anything to anybody. Look, if you two guys have your doubts, then leave my thread alone. I was actually talking to other people looking forward to Darkfall, not to doubters that are looking for proof and looking to argue. I am not interested in arguing...
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Oct 18, 2006
Sorry to sound snappy, I dunno what my prob was that day.
Oct 18, 2006
I wouldn't mind being back in my early 20's when I actually had the time and determination to play MMORPG's, shadowbane and this one sound right up my alley, I loved the ones where you inflicted pain and suffering on your fellow gamers. I always enjoyed looting someones corpse or even looting someones house, i'm sure looting someones city would be equally if not more satisfying.

I've heard that shadowbane suffered from having huge guilds that completely dominate the servers, won't that affect this one too? They need to have area specific servers I think - it is probably nor fair for americans to compete against countries like korea where the clan mentality is so much stronger. It's not that the american players don't have the skills it's just they like to do things on a smaller scale and favour the individual. I heard about one korean clan/guild that had a real life meeting and over 1000 players turned up :lol:
Oct 18, 2006
No, zergs will be limited due to three important factors:

1) player-to-player body collision: you cannot walk through a player, and you can block another player with your avatar's body; you can also rush and push someone out of the way which is a combat tactic

2) the immense size of the world: local communities form that have land ownership, along with racial warfare, limit certain factors; but more importantly, it takes time to get from one place to another because the world is so large... no instant transportation, it takes planning and organization

3) very strict limitations on teleportation abilities: runes are required that are a) expensive, b) take a long time to cast, c) lootable by anyone & rare, d) must be attuned to the destination beforehand at the destination (attuning taking up to 10 minutes without interruptions), and e) can only teleport one person (the user)

There will be no zergs, really. There will be large battles though. Which will be a blast.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm not a MMO guy, but am really hope that they pull it off - if for no other reason than to satisfy your enthusiasm :)
Oct 18, 2006
Ahhhhh Thanks! :D
Oct 18, 2006
The developers have said it is similar to Mount & Blade, if youve ever played that.
Oct 18, 2006
Yup, Darkfall design is the best design for any game I have ever seen. And I've been playing games since Apple IIgs with Ultima 3.
Oct 18, 2006
I don't play MMOs - not because I'm principally opposed to the concept, but simply because I have no interest in level grinding and doing mindless repetitive activities. I have to say that Darkfall, at least based on the PR and design ideas, comes pretty close to my conception of the ideal MMO. What especially intrigues me is the potential for politics and diplomacy. Smaller townships will need to ally themselves with others in order to survive. A would-be conquerer could attempt to break alliances through treachery or bribery. Spies and traitors will likely play a significant role. It will also be interesting to see how some of the larger Kingdoms and Empires govern themselves. Will they chose to be democratic, or totalitarian?

I really like the fact that they've taken über items out of the game. I hope they apply the same concept to über characters. Realistically, even a master swordsmen, no matter how skilled, would be in trouble if he were confronted by 3 or 4 assailants in the open field. The Darkfall FAQ stated that there will be a level cap, which I certainly view as a positive thing. The more they curtail the power of the individual, the better (imo). That way, your success in the game will depend on strategy and your ability to build relationships, not on how many hours you spend casting a spell against a tree.
Dec 9, 2006
There is a cap for skill levels, going from 1 to 100 points for each skill.

Also, you can learn a lot of different skills but there is a soft cap for the total number of points you can have overall.

The devs have said that it slowly gets more difficult to improve other new skills the more you approach the soft cap.

So you can learn all the skills in the game, but it would take you a VERY VERY long time be best at everything. Also, they plan on releasing content updates about every month with new skills, plus regular expansions. So you basically will never be the "best" at everything.

The game is really more focused on player skill, tactics, racial warfare, clan warfare with land ownership, and inter-relationships with other player groups. Which is marked difference from all the EQ-clones out there.
Oct 18, 2006
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