Fallout: NV - Modding FNV to Make it Look Like Fallout 4


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Rock, Paper, Shotgun has an article up in which the author attempt to find the mods needed to make Fallout New Vegas look somewhat like Fallout 4. The author presents the article not as a guide, but as a discussion item.

For context, I barely played Fallout: New Vegas upon release because, despite sterling wordsmiths Obsidian handling it, I found Fallout 3’s engine and especially combat too distractingly wonky to deal with. As much as I wanted to I just couldn’t lose myself to the wasteland, because the wasteland looked and felt like Team America recreating Riverdance on some mudflats. Half a decade later, I can avail myself of the many mods aimed at resolving just that, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll finally be able to enjoy a game that half the internet is madly in love with. I’ll think about survival, difficulty and new campaign mods some other time: this is about seeing if I can find a way into to the game Obsidian made.

After many and varied types of fiddling, there were three and a half tools I needed before I could meaningfully get going. The first was Fallout Mod Manager, one of several rival tools for (un)installing and managing legions of FNV add-ons. Even that is split into two different forks, which is where the aforementioned half a tool comes in. The most recent ‘official’ FMM is available here, but you’ll almost certainly need to install the 4GB RAM usage patch on top of that. So I went for this custom build which has that built in already, but is only available via (free) registration for the Lovers Lab forum (a place which I should probably warn you is festooned with assorted nudey mods, so possibly NSFW and all that, although the FMM thread itself is clean).
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
The title is more clickbait than anything; most of these mods have been around for years. And I would never recommend downloading a pre-packaged exe...
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
It's clickbait. It wasn't really about modding FNV to look like FO4. Not at all.
Sep 8, 2009
He found FO3's engine and combat too wonky to deal with? Seriously? Can he play nothing more complex than Freecell?

Whatta tool and idiot. While far from perfect, FO3 is fun and eminently playable with just a few Mods and a couple tweaks to an 'ini' file or two.
Should this be necessary with an A-list game? No. But you deal with what is, not what should be. I'm sure he doesn't mind endlessly tweaking his iPhone apps and crap. Why get POed at a game?
Jan 23, 2009
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