Gothic 3 Gothic 3 wiki

I think that is a fairly common wiki structure, but if the structure is premade(only moderators can create new articles/categories), it shouldn't be too hard to control, especially if the moderators are notified whenever changes are made in any of the articles.

Also, the workload will most likely decrease in time, unless the wiki is expanded, as articles become more and more complete, so five should at least be able to keep it organized after a while.
Oct 18, 2006
And some note about people ruining the experience...
I think the problem is lesser than it really is. Fore most you must be logged in and validated. That usually intimdate people doing too much damage. (but it happens). The focus is a game, and also in a "niche" market with a pretty "mature" following (oh my good, now i am really guessing!) :)

I would think that the efforts of ruining the experience will be rather old once the games lifecycle is over and we, the fans, playing it. (I played gothic for the first time last summer, followed by gothic 2 and used all forums hint i could find!). Its for the fans the wiki will be constructed.

But time will tell.

It looks like Maylander have both the knowledge about the game and a clear structure in his head how it should be done. So, i will not come with suggestions, since you guys already have an pretty good idea(?).

If there need be help in maintaining the material and contributing to it. I'll gladly help! I think it will be a appreciated effort, and a long lasting one. And the experience doing this will help you all when you do one for NWN 2... :)
Oct 18, 2006
That's a good point, I don't think there are too many members in the Gothic community who would be childish enough to try and ruin a Gothic 3 wiki. There will certainly be some, especially outside the community, but it won't be as many as if we were trying to make a wiki for the average "pop title".

Also, Gorath is the one organizing this wiki as far as I know, not me, as he's the main moderator for Gothic. I will definetly help out though, with whatever is needed. :)
Oct 18, 2006
I've already seen a Gothic 3 wiki. So far, it's well done.
Nov 1, 2006
Tacoma, WA
You forgot to post the link.

Our wiki is online. Just the layout is missing.
Aug 30, 2006
I assume that it's not public yet, because you didn't post a link. Same for the other supposed Gothic 3 wiki.

It would be great to start collecting all tweaks in one place and maybe add some templates for different setups.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
I just need to find the time to (learn to) implement the basic directory structure. Then we can start. The layout is unfinished but that doens´t matter now.
Aug 30, 2006
A gothic wiki is a great idea. Its easy to use and what is the most important, adding new info is child's play. Like if something terribly usefull pops in your mind during the lunch break, it takes only 2 min to add it there. And it never fades away like the forum posts. :)
Oct 19, 2006
Our wiki and the style guide can be found behind this link.

All you need is a forum account. Have fun entering data! :)
Aug 30, 2006
Oh come on guys. All I did was run a search in wikipedia's site. For those who are too lazy to do the same: Here's a link.

EDIT: Keep in mind this is in English.

EDIT 2: Ok so this site doesnt have any tweaking or guide information. But it has a good idea of how to do the basic infos.
Nov 1, 2006
Tacoma, WA
That's not a Gothic 3 wiki, that's information about Gothic 3 on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a wiki containing a lot, but each different article is not a wiki of its own. It's just a part of the huge wiki called Wikipedia.
Oct 18, 2006
Ah, that explains a lot. :) I'll have a look at the wiki now.

EDIT: Just so you know: the formatting guide for the wiki software can be found here. Start filling it. :)
Last edited:
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
The first entry has been made. :)
Who did it? HiddenX? The log says "Unregistered", which is hopefully impossible.

The page named "FormatingRules" is more a long list of options to format the text. You can use it like a catalog to find out how to create the desired effect. Most commands are trivial.
One thing you need to remember though:
Internally wiki pages have the following naimg convention:
AxxxxxBxxxx or AxxxxxB .
If you use such a construct the wiki will create a page with that name or set a link to it if the page already exists.
Aug 30, 2006
Regarding the page length I think if you need to scroll down more than ~5 pages we should create another menu branch to specialize the infos a bit more.
Aug 30, 2006
Could I suggest a new wiki thread be started with just the links to the site and the formating info in it and have it sticky? Any furture discussions on layout, content ext about the wiki can be handled within the wiki.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
Yes, I´ll open another thread.
Aug 30, 2006
The first entry has been made. :)
Who did it? HiddenX? The log says "Unregistered", which is hopefully impossible.

I've been entering some stuff this afternoon (most notably a start with the ini tweaks article), but it should be under 'Thaurin', so I don't know why it should list as Unregistered. Probably somebody else did it then. No, wait-- it lists the owner as Unregistered. Weird, my session must've timed out or something.

Regarding the page length I think if you need to scroll down more than ~5 pages we should create another menu branch to specialize the infos a bit more.

If I remember right from Wikipedia, it could make an internal table of contents with html anchors and everything, but I understand that this wiki software doesn't support it yet? It's possible using some workaround with <a id="name"> or something, but I haven't tried it. That way, people could click down to a section of an article.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
That's not a Gothic 3 wiki, that's information about Gothic 3 on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a wiki containing a lot, but each different article is not a wiki of its own. It's just a part of the huge wiki called Wikipedia.

Ahh I understand what you guys man now. I mixed them up.
Nov 1, 2006
Tacoma, WA
First, the moderation. At the moment it seems like Gorath is the only one with power there, and given the nature of Wikis, that's going to have to change. You can always revert changes, but it's easier to have a good team of mods who can stop any vandalism, attacks, or just plain stupidity and stubbornness before they get out of control. Forum moderators are a good start, but also look at people who show a good knowledge of the Wiki editing system and contribute useful information. These people care about the content and will happily defend it to their last breath, for free, and they're your best defense.

Second, the structure. The Wiki is fine for Gothic 3 as is, but when you start adding more games, you'll regret not having naming conventions and structure in place (ie there's probably more than one game that'll justify a Guides or Maps section). It's still very early on, but it's always easier to correct now rather than later.

I'd also recommend having the basic pages already laid out, so that people can just copy-and-paste existing pages and change the content as necessary. This ensures that all information is there and where it should be for each type of page. For example, imagine a generic quest page layout. It would always include important, easy-to-reference categories like starting location and NPC, effect on reputation, gold/item rewards, and type (kill, deliver, talk, escort), as well as having a textual description on how to complete the quest, with cross-references to give you as much detail as possible (if you want it). Each major type of page (quest, town, NPC, item) should have a template of this sort, to make adding content as easy as possible.
Nov 8, 2006
Hong Kong
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