Thorvalla - Update #10, Want to see a dragon?


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
You can't accuse the Thorvalla folks of not trying, that's for sure. Update #10 has added an animated dragon to the previously seen "house" scene.
As you can see from the demo, 3D objects integrate very nicely with the pre-rendered background — the house and trees — appearing seamless as a unified image, without any degradation of quality. That is the level of quality and detail you can expect from the final game!
In the demo you will notice that, once again, the light changes from day to night and you can use your mouse to scroll around the area. In addition, using your mouse wheel will give you the opportunity to zoom in and out of the scene.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Nice dragon. While I think this Kickstarter is doomed, I also think if they tighten up their pitch with some viewable gameplay content they might have a chance on a second round.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Not sure what makes this game so different than PE yet PE got almost 4 mil.

What's turning people off about this game?

Are people just getting burned out on all the isometric turn based kick starters?
Not sure what makes this game so different than PE yet PE got almost 4 mil.

What's turning people off about this game?

The Project Eternity kickstarter website read like: give us this money and our well known established and proven game studio will be able to make a game the way we want to without having to go back to the publisher suits for permission on every decision.

The Thorvalla kickstarter website read like: give us this money and me and a couple other industry veterans will be able to found a new studio, hire a new team, come up with a game design, rule set and engine and oh by the way, here's some line drawing art.

Maybe I read to much (or little) into the sites, but Thorvalla just felt like a couple of guys in the basement to me. We've done this before we just need funding to do it again vs. we've seen it done and are pretty sure we could do so.
Are people just getting burned out on all the isometric turn based kick starters?
Noting to do with if I'd want the game if it came out, but everything to do with lack of confidence that I'd ever see a game even if they got 4-mil in funding.
Last edited:
Oct 18, 2006
Nicely put Bergeral!
Jan 10, 2008
Skepticism is p. ridiculous, considering these accomplished veterans ask for a mere 15$ minimum. If this got funded, there's no chance in hell an RPG fan couldn't get worth that out of the game. So yeah people are oversaturated at this point in time.
Not sure what makes this game so different than PE yet PE got almost 4 mil.

What's turning people off about this game?

Are people just getting burned out on all the isometric turn based kick starters?

People were happy that serious developer like Obsidian will deliver them a game that will be made by RPG fanatics for RPG fans... I'm not saying that Guido Henkel doesn't have skills or great ideas - I believe that hi team can create a great game, but I think the timing was not right - Project Eternity drained pockets of quite a few people, XMas is coming very soon and there are heaps of good games on sale recently. I think that if they come back again with better pitch, clearer ideas and some fruits of their labor and design then the project wiull be successfully fuded!
Oct 27, 2012
Skepticism is p. ridiculous, considering these accomplished veterans ask for a mere 15$ minimum. If this got funded, there's no chance in hell an RPG fan couldn't get worth that out of the game. So yeah people are oversaturated at this point in time.

Duke Nuk'em Forever.
Oct 18, 2006
What's turning people off about this game?

For me there are two things in play. One has nothing to do with this kickstarter and one does.

First, I'm experiencing kickstarter burnout. There are just too many projects in play at one time for me. That is not necessarily a bad thing perhaps, but for me I just start to tune out from the overload.

Second, is this kickstarter seems 'messy.' Most everything I've seen comes off as messy and disorganized. I like the overall idea for this game, but everything from the writing to the posted videos reminds me of my pre-teen son's messy bedroom. Admittedly, this is a biased observation as I swing way too far to the other side of the pendulum, namely that I'm hyper organized which drives everyone nuts. But there you have it.
Oct 18, 2006
For me it was a simple matter that PE had a variety of things I like and Thorvalla had something I really dislike in an RPG. I may be more flexible in games I buy but I am very picky about any game I would support by backing it in a KS.
Jun 4, 2008
This thread made me wonder why I haven't pledged for Thorvalla. I went to their kickstarter page and read through the info and I got even more confused as to why I hadn't pledged. I think this could be good. No chance in hell they'll make it though, but I pedged anyway to show my support.
Dec 20, 2010
For me it was a simple matter that PE had a variety of things I like and Thorvalla had something I really dislike in an RPG. I may be more flexible in games I buy but I am very picky about any game I would support by backing it in a KS.

Just curious, what does Thorvalla have that you really dislike?
Dec 20, 2010
Just curious, what does Thorvalla have that you really dislike?

Primarily the whole card collection aspect - just dislike any game where items/magic is handled in that fashion. I find it breaks immersion, for me. I realize it is just my own quirk but there it is, rational or irrational.

"One thing we can tell you, however, is that the game will in part be inspired by trading card games. Don’t misunderstand, however. Thorwalla is not a card game! Instead, it functions much more like a traditional RPG with turn-based combat. The difference will be in that the cards represent, supplement and enhance the characters’ abilities, much in the way traditional character attributes do."

I have always disliked this type of mechanism - whether it be runes, cards, or gems that create your character or magic spells. I like things innate.

I just dislike the mechanism for a game as whole.
Jun 4, 2008
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