Sui Generis - Funded!


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Sui Generis has been funded (160k of 150k) and the team has posted a short update:
It's been a bumpy ride but somehow we came through. This is thanks to you, our backers and supporters. We never dreamed we could get such great support from the community, we're deeply touched by the passion you've shown and how much energy (and hard earned money!) you put into making this happen. We can't thank you enough. We came to Kickstarter to make the game we've always dreamed of, we've always been highly motivated but your enthusiasm and dedication are a stronger motivator than anything we've known and now we know we're making this game for you!
A special thanks goes out to Brian Fargo, TotalBiscuit, Stephen Fry, Zojoi (Shadowgate), Corey Cole (Hero-U), Obsidian Entertainment, and everyone else who helped us!
Now we're going to focus on making you the best game we possibly can. It's going to take a little time for the whole team to relocate so we can work together but we won't stop working hard for a minute. We will stay in touch with you, keep you updated and get your feedback. If you haven't done it yet then please come join our forums where we already have a great community.
Thank you!
The Bare Mettle team
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I wasn't gonna back this up, but I really wanted to see it finished so I ended up backing. I'm a sucker for dramatic endings.
Aug 7, 2008
On a side note: This project had the most unusual trend curve:
All other projects I have followed had a big spike in the beginning, that a long slump, then a final ascent, e.g. Dead State. (
SGs trend started really poor, stagnated for most of its run, and then suddenly peaked enormously in the last days. The trendline never exceeded the funding goal until the last day.
Oct 18, 2006
It's not that unusual. Projects with no lead-in (i.e. initial visibility) follow a curve similar to that one. Well unless they are really atrocious pitch or ideas.
Oct 13, 2007
Good thing I'm not a betting man, I would have been eating my hat right now..but good for them that they pulled it off. But I think most of the credit for the KS must go to their fans who really pushed hard to get this publicized and dug even deeper to push up their pledges.

@himmy: I agree that Thorvalla seems doomed - I have (perhaps foolishly) pledged there too...but man, they really need to up their game :-/ And they have no sexy tech demo to help them on their way, just a static house rendered in UNITY...not exactly overwhelming. Still don't like teh card element, but I could probably get over that - but KS projects need to start showing that they have down more prep work,. design (world and mechanics) etc. Not simply arrive with a wheelbarrow of half-baked ideas and then dump them at your feet. sheesh.
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
Somehow this didn't get on my radar until yesterday. Very impressed with the technology and physics and having read the Forbes interview I feel I have a much more concrete idea that what the initial backers had but as most ambitious kickstarters I have doubts about the abilities and resources to pull off even 20% of what they're imagining.
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
Good thing I'm not a betting man, I would have been eating my hat right now..but good for them that they pulled it off. But I think most of the credit for the KS must go to their fans who really pushed hard to get this publicized and dug even deeper to push up their pledges.

@himmy: I agree that Thorvalla seems doomed - I have (perhaps foolishly) pledged there too…but man, they really need to up their game :-/ And they have no sexy tech demo to help them on their way, just a static house rendered in UNITY…not exactly overwhelming. Still don't like teh card element, but I could probably get over that - but KS projects need to start showing that they have down more prep work,. design (world and mechanics) etc. Not simply arrive with a wheelbarrow of half-baked ideas and then dump them at your feet. sheesh.

I think your point of view is exactly the same as the majority of Kickstarter community - people don't want to hear any more general statements about greatness of the game, that is not even designed yet and they want to see the hard work that was already done to believe in the positive outcome of the project.
Oct 27, 2012
I'm not a PC gamer (yet), but I am happy this got funded. It's a game I am interested in when I do buy a gaming PC, I will definitely check this one out.
I think your point of view is exactly the same as the majority of Kickstarter community - people don't want to hear any more general statements about greatness of the game, that is not even designed yet and they want to see the hard work that was already done to believe in the positive outcome of the project.

Seeing what can be done is a positive outcome in itself.

What it has shown is that most backers want to see the same old.
Mar 29, 2011
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