The Witcher - Review @ Worthplaying


October 18, 2006
Another favorable review of CDProjekt's The Witcher surfaces at Worthplaying, who give it a score of 8.6/10:
Although the fighting sounds complex, the action-oriented feel of combat works with some practice. Motion-captured moves performed by a professional swordsman behind Geralt's blade treat you to a visual show that is part Schwarzenegger's Conan and part Errol Flynn. It isn't a clickfest as you might find with Diablo or Oblivion, but your reflexes will be tested when you start chaining together attacks....Signs are also part of the witcher's bag of tricks; they act as quick and dirty magical abilities that aren't exactly considered magic, but they're useful enough to witchers. Signs range from a gust of wind that can stun foes, allowing Geralt to kill them quickly without the swordplay, to setting foes on fire, making signs a potent complement to his weapons prowess...

...Geralt can drink NPCs under the table for information; there's even a combat skill to improve his chances in combat while sloshed. As long as you can see through the blur and guide Geralt's staggering self to an inn, or imbibe a potion that clears his head in a sip, drinking friends and foes under the table can become second nature. You can also play poker dice, rolling for cash and become a professional. Thanks to the physics system, it really becomes more of a game of chance than the unseen, artificial edge that can often create your typical "ace" opponent in other titles. ...

...As fun as The Witcher can be, it does have issues. With as many interior and outdoor areas as there are, it's not unusual to wade through several dozen loading screens in only a few minutes, with each load often averaging about a minute or so. I had a book next to me to leaf through just for these instances...Saves also don't overwrite older ones, and given how many automatic saves there are including your own, the 20MB files can easily begin to add up and bog down the Load Game function...

Despite its faults, The Witcher is a diamond in the rough as a mature, gritty and atmospheric RPG that heads into territory not often explored. The modern, tongue-in-cheek additions to the fantasy tale of Geralt's journey and the choices that shape it build a unique experience that might keep you awake into the wee hours simply to find out what happens next. Games have grown up along with their players, and The Witcher is the kind of title that the genre deserves to have.
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
...Saves also don't overwrite older ones, and given how many automatic saves there are including your own, the 20MB files can easily begin to add up and bog down the Load Game function...

I liked this review except for this tiny little detail he got wrong. The saves do overwrite themselves if you click on the old saved game and click the button that says "save". Not too hard to figure out I think. If I didn't overwrite my old saves I would have around 100 of them now, but other than that tiny little problem it was a nice overall look at the game.
Feb 3, 2007
Yes, he should have said "don't automatically overwrite." I go in and delete down to two saves per session, and it's mainly the autosaves I'm removing--the rest of the time I mainly use the quicksave, and I think it's actually not a bad thing that it doesn't overwrite itself. :)
Oct 18, 2006
Not overwriting autosaves are a good feature !

Overwriting autosaves -> crash while saving /corrupt save / out of disc space -> ...and you you have a good chance to lose many gaming hours
Oct 18, 2006
This review was the closest to my own experience with the game... a brilliant diamond in the rough. I honestly can't wait to see what "Witcher: the Sequel" turns out to be, AND I can't wait to replay this once the next patch resolves some of the load screen issues (which it apparently is designed to do).
Many games have two quicksave slots incase one of them gets corrupted. Some games even make a safe copy of the previous quicksave before overwriting it.
Oct 19, 2006
it's not unusual to wade through several dozen loading screens in only a few minutes, with each load often averaging about a minute or so.
Does not compute.
Oct 19, 2006
Does not compute.
In the cities and a good example would be doing the Investigation, where you get a Autosave on either the entry or exit of each zone during a MQ or Shanni's party.
Unless you have a state of the art system and your save times would be much faster.

Schwarzenegger's Conan and part Errol Flynn.
I found this rather humorous, since it seemed farthest from these hokey hollywood movies and much more like martial arts. :lol:
Oct 18, 2006
I think what abbaon means with "does not compute" is:
assuming few < "several dozen"
and loadtime is approximatly 1 min
then "several dozen" * 1 min > few minutes
indicating the statement is false or the loadtimes are not approximatly 1 min. Q.E.D

Oct 18, 2006
actually the autosaves do automatically overwrite each other. When the autosaves get to a certain amount the newest will overwrite the oldest.
Oct 19, 2006
Ok Loof, looks like it flew over my head, thanks. :)

Yes, there are 4 Autosaves and they overwrite each other in order, which is a very nice system.
Actually improves on Half-Life whom originally came up with 2 Autosaves that overwrote each other, in addition to 2 Quicksaves, too bad Witcher's Quicksaves are really just saves, not Quicksaves which shouldn't require a Cache flush, in the same zone, iirc.
Think I saw HiddenX mention patch 1.2 would allow for Autosave disable, helping with load times. :)
Oct 18, 2006
I'll be getting a copy of this soon - hope it's as good as everybody seems to think it is.
Oct 26, 2006
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