Bioshock - Reviews @ Eurogamer, Games Radar


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
"Staggeringly beautiful", "the work of true visionaries", "a living painting", "a game that's landed fully formed from a couple of years in the future". 10/10.
That's Eurogamer's take on Bioshock in their 3-page review:
So to have any shred of doubt surrounding BioShock comprehensively swept away within the first ten minutes, well, you feel like dancing. You want to tell people about this game who you know won't even care, just because it makes you so giddy inside. Before we get into the nitty gritty, here's the deal: Bioshock doesn't just meet your expectations, but completely redefines them forever in ways you never even expected - in ways that games used to in the past, routinely. The hours spent playing this masterpiece were the perfect encapsulation of why videogaming is such a favourite waste of time for so many of us. Thrilling, terrifying, moving, confusing, amusing, compelling, and very very dark. BioShock isn't simply the sign of gaming realising its true cinematic potential, but one where a game straddles so many entertainment art forms so expertly that it's the best demonstration yet how flexible this medium can be. It's no longer just another shooter wrapped up in a pretty game engine, but a story that exists and unfolds inside the most convincing and elaborate and artistic game world ever conceived. It just so happens to require you to move the narrative along with your own carefully and personally defined actions. Active entertainment versus passive: I know which I prefer.
...and Games Radar says it masters "narrative, emergence, a sense of place" and that any one of these would qualify for classic status. 10/10:
Your skirmishes take place in an environment bristling with manipulable elements. Drones, turrets and security cameras are the most obvious, but there are also fuel puddles that can catch fire, and water that any burning Splicer can be counted on to run towards - which can then be electrified. Detritus, grenades, missiles and even fireballs can be sucked up and flung, and your enemies themselves can be subverted to do your work - directly or otherwise.

Only a handful of the standard weapons are really interesting or satisfying when used alone, but mix them with a generous menu of Plasmids in an environment like this and they become spectacular. Even with an element as familiar as the grenade launcher’s proximity charge, the scope for impishly inventive violence is overwhelming. Clump five on a barrel and propel the resulting super-bomb at a crowd of victims with Telekinesis. Chuck one in the nearest pool of water then set your prey alight. Stick one on the ceiling directly above a Cyclone Trap - an invisible springboard that catapults unsuspecting enemies hilariously into the air. The AI for a befriended drone even has some ideas of its own: bolt a proximity charge to the little guy and he’ll divebomb the next enemy he sees.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I'm going to be standing outside my local Gamestop, money in hand, when they open the doors the day it comes out. This game sounds like a serious winner.
Oct 18, 2006
Columbus, OH USA
I'm going to be standing outside my local Gamestop, money in hand, when they open the doors the day it comes out. This game sounds like a serious winner.

That's what people did when Oblivion came out, too.

And I hope you're aware of the fact that most of the immersion is due to the high-end-graphics, lightning, detailled environment. I wouldn't dare play this with my old machine. If you have a brand you PC, you should get it indeed.
Aug 16, 2007
yeah this game shares so much in common with oblivion

its a video game
May 26, 2007
standing under everyone
I think it has now officially surpassed Oblivion as far as hype is concerned. PC Gamer print gave Bioshock "only" 95% but it got perfect scores in every net review so far and also in the official Xbox mag AFAIK.
Oct 18, 2006
its inevitable that great records will be broken. whether or not it becomes the highest scoring game ever is irrelevant i think. what matters is if it becomes the game that someday warrants a spiritual succesor of its own. having a spirit at all in a game is a worthy feat. regardless of who thinks oblivion is a great (or even best) game or doesn't i can't imagine oblivion ever having a spiritual successor
May 26, 2007
standing under everyone
I think it has now officially surpassed Oblivion as far as hype is concerned. PC Gamer print gave Bioshock "only" 95% but it got perfect scores in every net review so far and also in the official Xbox mag AFAIK.

Yip, the hype is what I dislike most about the product so far. Though it seems more "people"-hype and less "press"-hype, which is good. Love the way they treat fans.

If the game is close enough to what it is hyped to be to fool people, it'll survive (like Oblivion). If not, the backlash might burn it (probably not, though).
Oct 19, 2006
Hey, it's still nothing more than an FPS!! It's not like it's an RPG!!!! :p
Aug 31, 2006
Can we expect to see System Shock 3 after all the cash Bioshock will be seeing?
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Looks like Ken Levine finally hit one out of the park... a critically-acclaimed game that is also going to rake in the benjamins.
Damn after reading those, I feel like I just met a great girl, had great sex, and she turn out to be smart, charming and pretty the next morning, anyone have a cigarette? ;)
Oh, wait nevermind I quit long ago.
Oct 18, 2006
Looks like Ken Levine finally hit one out of the park... a critically-acclaimed game that is also going to rake in the benjamins.

Don't count your chickens... Jade Empire got these same early reviews and had a much bigger hype machine, and it was only a moderate commercial success. It has no competition right now, so that's a good thing, but the installed base for the XBox 360 still probably isn't where they would like it. I think that the PC version will do pretty well. At least as well as any of Irrational's games of the past seven years.

These early reviews are so reminiscent of Black and White, Oblivion, and Jade Empire, it's scary. I have absolutely no trust in about 90% of the gaming press nowadays. But I do trust Ken Levine to make a great game, so I've got it pre-ordered. I wonder how many glaring or obvious flaws will be found by 98% of the people who play the game that the media completely ignores, like Oblivion's crap PC interface and level scaling.
Oct 18, 2006
Hey, it's still nothing more than an FPS!! It's not like it's an RPG!!!!

From Gamespot:

Today's #1 Game
Publisher: 2K Games Developer: 2K Boston
Platform: PC Genre: Action
Release Date: 08/21/2007
More Info | Add to My Games | Forum | Check Prices

If it is fun then it is fun but I understand what you mean, I would rather play a fun RPG.
Nov 28, 2006
Well I pre-ordered today, which means I got the $20 discount, so I only pay $70 for it, which will make it the cheapest new release game I've bought... maybe ever. After reading these two reviews I decided to just do it, by the sounds of it I'll enjoy this as much as a good RPG anyway. It certainly sounds fun, and it sounds like a stimulating, interesting, thoughtful setting. Looking forward to this one a lot. If it was a full-fledged RPG I'd probably be salivating and going crazy waiting to play it, so maybe it's for the best that it's not!
Jul 26, 2007
nwn was hyped pretty bad too and lionheart.

what's the conversion from Australian to US Dollars right now?
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
$1AUS=$.85US!! Sorry JDR, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else BUT Australia!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
That doesn't make any sense, if the conversion rate is $1AUS=$.85US, then why are you people paying $80-$90 for pc games?!? Shipping isn't THAT expensive.O_O
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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