RPGWatch - Game of the Year 2011 Awards: Best RPG

As expected to be honest. Skyrim and TW2 were both excellent, so their top spots were well earned.
Oct 18, 2006
dragon age 2 wasn't that bad people, yeah its not the best and it doesn't compare to origins but still it was good enough.

I'd agree, the main problem was that it was marketed as a sequel to DAO when it was nothing of the sort. They misled fans of the original.
Jun 23, 2011
Well clearly RPGWatch readers have better taste than RPGWatch editors :)

(just kidding...or am I?)

Shame Witcher 2 is not first, I enjoyed Skyrim for 180 hours, but Witcher 2's highs were much higher than those of Skyrim. Cannot wait for my third playthrough in april!
May 24, 2011
I thought Drakensang River of Time was hands down the best game of 2011. It was skillfully crafted, without a pinch of 'consolitis' attached to it. The German to English translation was superb, as well.
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Oct 18, 2006
Columbus, OH USA
As a German Drakensang - Am Fluss der Zeit was a 2010 game for me.
So I voted for the Witcher 2 and Skyrim.
Oct 18, 2006
As a German Drakensang - Am Fluss der Zeit was a 2010 game for me.
So I voted for the Witcher 2 and Skyrim.

Haven't had a chance to play The Witcher 2 yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to like it I just don't have the time right now. I looked at Skyrim, and it just seems too 'consolized' for my tastes.

I thought the new Drakensang was pretty outstanding, and I was lucky enough wait until the add-on was released to be able to play through the whole game.
Oct 18, 2006
Columbus, OH USA
As a German Drakensang - Am Fluss der Zeit was a 2010 game for me.
So I voted for the Witcher 2 and Skyrim.

But it wasn't included in our 2010 poll. So from that perspective your vote was only correct if you really believe Witcher 2 and Skyrim were better.
Aug 30, 2006
Well, how did Bethesda/Zenimax pay you guys off with? Skyrim is CERTAINLY NOT an RPG of ANY sort. It's an action-adventure game period. There are no longer any skill checks at all, attributes have been removed ENTIRELY, leaving only what SHOULD be derived stats…

I'm ENTIRELY DISGUSTED by the SELLOUT guys. Oblivious was bad enough with it's disregard for skill checks, but at LEAST it kept the attributes in play which made to me an ARPG/first person melee game.

You guys have ENITRELY LOST your way as far as RPGs go. The primary directive IS game mechanics and HONORING them! NOT PANDERING to witless(edit]/clueless/moronic[/edit] fools who think clickity-clickity-click and NEVER FAILING UNLESS they FAIL their clickity-clickity-click is NOT an RPG AT ALL. BOTTOM line GUYS RPGs are their game mechanics and checks/FAILURES NOT clickity-clickity-click -> adventure game with MINIMAL "RPG" "features".

BTW: That pretentious idiot with his RPG scale is a freaking moron.

Christ! Even Bioware got the RPG mechanics part right for a while(until being swallowed by EA on their way to the usual EA acquirement/demise scenario)....
Oct 26, 2006
Well, how did Bethesda/Zenimax pay you guys off with? Skyrim is CERTAINLY NOT an RPG of ANY sort. It's an action-adventure game period. There are no longer any skill checks at all, attributes have been removed ENTIRELY, leaving only what SHOULD be derived stats…

I'm ENTIRELY DISGUSTED by the SELLOUT guys. Oblivious was bad enough with it's disregard for skill checks, but at LEAST it kept the attributes in play which made to me an ARPG/first person melee game.

You guys have ENITRELY LOST your way as far as RPGs go. The primary directive IS game mechanics and HONORING them! NOT PANDERING to witless(edit]/clueless/moronic[/edit] fools who think clickity-clickity-click and NEVER FAILING UNLESS they FAIL their clickity-clickity-click is NOT an RPG AT ALL. BOTTOM line GUYS RPGs are their game mechanics and checks/FAILURES NOT clickity-clickity-click -> adventure game with MINIMAL "RPG" "features".

BTW: That pretentious idiot with his RPG scale is a freaking moron.

Christ! Even Bioware got the RPG mechanics part right for a while(until being swallowed by EA on their way to the usual EA acquirement/demise scenario)….

You're funny.
Apr 17, 2007
BTW: That pretentious idiot with his RPG scale is a freaking moron.

Just put me on your ignore list or drink a :beer: (or two).

Critisizing a game/the game creators for their faults and make improvement suggestions -> okay.

Condemning a game/the game creators for their design decisions/goals -> not my style.

Link: CRPG-Meter for Skyrim
Oct 18, 2006
HiddenX: I personally really like your RPG meter. On the "Pretentious Idiot" scale (with 1 being not a pretentious idiot at all, 5 being the epitome of all things pretentious and idiotic) you score quite well, so don't worry about the troll ;)

cutterjohn: so let me get this straight…you hate that RPGs are (gasp!) fun to play? The blasphemy! Given your "enlightened" thoughts on RPGs and obsession with numbers, perhaps you should "play" Microsoft Excel instead of Skyrim. Anything resembling fun or immersion must be tossed out!
Nov 18, 2010
Hehe - wow. You can really feel the impotent rage as he pounded that out on the keyboard.
Nov 20, 2006
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