The Nobel Police Prize

Go back to sleep, then.

It is a message that challenges the popular notion that there is a fundamental difference between Obama and Bush foreign policy; also points out the pychological factor why it may appear so to many people.

It reaps the conservative mask off Rush Limbaugh…the neoconservative warmonger.

Here is another one that analyze the mass media...MSNBC = Fox...lose of criticality and objectivity. enjoy
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Oct 25, 2006
I personally find the movie Team America: World Police to be a better (and funnier) criticism of the USA:s foreign politics. ;) The guy in this clip is just babbling in a monotone voice. It really would've been more interesting in text.

OT: Everyone in the world is waiting for Obama to fulfil his promises. I don't see anything new in the first video, and most of all I see no sources, besides political rhetoric, to the claims that Obama plans to increase bombing in Pakistan and increase troops in Afghanistan. I've seen news about him having strategies similar to Bush's but I haven't seen any reports on more soldiers (unless you mean the 4000 being sent there to help train Afghani troops?).

Anyway, one might argue that since the USA went into Afghanistan and Iraq and caused all sorts of instability it is now part of their duty to help re-establish a decent amount of stability in said countries. Political opponents of Obama and, in his time, Bush had a really easy argument when they demanded the withdrawal of American troops, since it is now a very delicate and complicated issue. Blowing shit up and then getting out of there as fast as possible really would've made the US look bad.
Feb 15, 2009
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