Deathfire - Update #2, We Thank You

A shame they couldn't use some beloved old IP for this project, since those Kickstarters seem to do much better. If they'd slap a name like "Wizardry 10" (just as an example) on that game, they'd probably already have their first million.

That makes me wonder for how much the rights to those old classics go for right now, considering how many of them seem to lie dormant.
Dec 3, 2008
I think we did pretty well on the update front, wouldn't you say? I tried to get an update up every day of the campaign, and I also tried to make sure it contained valuable information, not only a brief "Hello".

The updates were ok IMO. The problem I see is that you only got specific in the updates. I can only speak for myself here, but I never check back if a project didn't convince me the first time around. I don't go back every day to read a new update and decide if it's worth backing now.

That said, the updates were still lacking in details. We've had an update on combat now, but still the flow of combat in Deathfire is rather obscure. I don't know much more than that it's turn based, I can use items and range figures into the calculations somehow. The one thing that stands out most right now is the companion interactions; but that one depends a lot on people's tastes (i.e. MMO's are still superior for social dynamics).

Not trying to knock your campaign. I'm sure Deathfire and also Thorvalla would have been good games had you had the chance to develop them. But both campaigns would have been served well with more information.
A shame they couldn't use some beloved old IP for this project, since those Kickstarters seem to do much better. If they'd slap a name like "Wizardry 10" (just as an example) on that game, they'd probably already have their first million.

That makes me wonder for how much the rights to those old classics go for right now, considering how many of them seem to lie dormant.

The Wizardry IP is in active use by the Japanese, so in that particular case, the answer is "a lot":
Dec 26, 2011
Yub, actually most of the big licenses are in use. ;)
Wizardry, Ultima, Might and Magic....
Lands of Lore is in EAs torture chambers.
And the small ones...well, probably not worth the effort.
Jun 2, 2012
Jun 2, 2012
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