Elder Scrolls Online - Recent Account Bans

I feel the same way when it comes to this game. I've also had a friend request that we play together - and I was stupid enough to say sure. So, I spend most of my time "offline" which you can, thankfully, set manually.

And people thought Bethesda sucked for keep their TES series clear of coop.

Who thought that already?
Mar 29, 2011
And people thought Bethesda sucked for keep their TES series clear of coop.

Who thought that already?

There's a difference between playing cooperatively with friends in the same room in a few sessions dedicated to that experience, and playing an MMO with people you can't interact with that easily.

Playing "online" in a game that's largely designed for you to pay attention for several minutes at a time listening to dialogue is inconvenient and uncomfortable when you have to wait for others that have to do the same, unless you're in that mindset. This is why many opt to skip reading/listening to quests altogether when they're playing with other people - which will mean a much less compelling experience in that way. This is not a good approach for ESO - if you want the best it has to offer.

It's no different than being in the mood for any other social experience in the world. Sometimes, you prefer being at home - and then there are times when you're in the mood for something else.

Feeling forced to interact with other people when you're not in the mood is the uncomfortable part.

Obviously, you're not the sort of person who finds reality very important when forming an opinion about reality, so this probably won't do much to help you understand why people enjoy different things at different times, for a variety of reasons.
Once I'm at cap - I'll decide if the gameplay and endgame are interesting enough to sustain my interest. I doubt that, as I'm not really a big treadmill player. Been there, done that.

Exploration, questing and leveling is very important for me. It's a core of RPG in my opinion. With cap level reached third part of fun is gone. Exploration and questing is often also depleted by that time. RPG turns to something else (strategy, wargame, shooter, I don't know), time to look for a new RPG I guess...

Well, going back to ESO. I'm 160 hours in game and I still have a big number of huge unexplored regions. I think I've spent about 3 or 4 hours on "group" content. The rest is solo. However dungeons are full of co-players quite often. So, it's not exactly a solo game. Respawn rate is quite high. Not good for solo players eighter.
Apr 26, 2008
There's a difference between playing cooperatively with friends in the same room in a few sessions dedicated to that experience, and playing an MMO with people you can't interact with that easily.

That reads indeed as a very realistic report.

The TES series are well known for providing a few sessions.

Interactions must happen in the same room for that type of games, how so mattering because a split second of non coordination would make the difference between outcomes.

And in the end, it is a friends' issues. They would move to a same place for a few session of TES series games because these games call for few sessions of play but refuse to move to the same place to play TESO.

Indeed, oozing reality, like breaking report directly from the ground.
Mar 29, 2011
That reads indeed as a very realistic report.

The TES series are well known for providing a few sessions.

Interactions must happen in the same room for that type of games, how so mattering because a split second of non coordination would make the difference between outcomes.

And in the end, it is a friends' issues. They would move to a same place for a few session of TES series games because these games call for few sessions of play but refuse to move to the same place to play TESO.

Indeed, oozing reality, like breaking report directly from the ground.

It's true that bananas go well with chocolate. Add vanilla icecream - and you've got a dream within reality!
It's true that bananas go well with chocolate. Add vanilla icecream - and you've got a dream within reality!

It is just a matter of tastes.

It is know by now that some are comfortable with the all subjectivity thing to force their tastes on others.

It remains that Bethesda provided players with an opportunity to prove their love for a coop mode.
It revealed that some loved the idea of it, not so much the reality of it.
Mar 29, 2011
It is just a matter of tastes.

It is know by now that some are comfortable with the all subjectivity thing to force their tastes on others.

It remains that Bethesda provided players with an opportunity to prove their love for a coop mode.
It revealed that some loved the idea of it, not so much the reality of it.

Yes, certainly - anything you want to believe can be true if you twist what you don't understand to support it.

But you really should try coconuts!
Great review form Angry Joe joxer! Care to comment about Joe's points rather that disassociate about Chien DArt?
Jan 10, 2008
Eh… I never agree with Angry Joe 100%. But his reviews are entertaining and he tries not to skip any aspect of a game. And he can do that because he has "an army" of players who join in his playthroughs whenever needed. Seen his group PvP here? Hell almost everyone there has a horse, means many players went for that special edition with a horse and it's not cheap nor is ignorable thing - and he didn't skip to mention the obvious cashgrab in the review like some written ones (or those were previews?).

But most definetly he can't be bought by publishers like Gamespot or IGN, seen his Titanfall review yet? He's not as nice to the game as all those metacritic "critics" were.

In this case of ESO review, someone who is playing ESO should watch that review and say if Angry Joe got it right or overexaggerated. Not sure the heap of dead spiders and 2 coins loot was "fabricated", was a bug of a sort or maybe he just wasn't lucky.

Even if he was wrong, I kinda find hard to believe Critical Miss strip is wrong too plus the other day someone linked us a vid of a troll that doesn't help, can't be kicked out of a dungeon and is looting all chests in the area.
In current state, assuming Angry Joe's experience is what everyone gets, ESO needs an enema, needs a redesigned loot system, needs a possibility to help your friends while questing and needs a cheaper horse!
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Apr 12, 2009
I havent played enough yet to feel that I can fully take on Joe's review, either for or against all his points, but I can comment on some. For the most part I agree w/ Joe on a lot of his reviews, he gets off on a weird tangent sometimes, but I find him overall agreeable, particularly on his RPG game reviews.

But i agree with him so far on the loot. I thought the 1 Gold Thing was only going to be during the opening, initial 'tutorial phase' of the game. Usually you get worthless junk during this phase of the game, so I thought nothing of it. As time has went on, the loot ramped up a little, but not monetarily. A gold piece here and there just doesnt cut it when youre looking at items that cost like 600, like bows and shit you kind NEED for your character. The mount thing is a major gripe for people, and I think I'd be a little bummed if I hadnt bought the full-blown version w/ mount included.

More importantly though, my friends all say the grouping and actual MP part of the game is awful. Talk about a facepalm :D In an MMORPG, this is so mind-blowing: how do you screw up the core component of a game? Right now I'm solitary, but I'd definitely like the option to play w/ my friends when I think the time is right. Adventuring an MMO w/ good friends can be a really good, once in a lifetime experience at times. Hopefully, they'll have the issues sorted out by then, and people will stop referring to it as the best "singleplayer mmo they've ever played" :D

A lot of his Pros/Cons are subjective views of his likes. The quests suck, the writing sucks, etc. So far I've rather liked all the asthetics and actual game content, so I'll disagree on that. That said, I'm like level 10 (ive been doing several different toons) so I cant speak to later stuff than that
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
But most definetly he can't be bought by publishers like Gamespot or IGN, seen his Titanfall review yet? He's not as nice to the game as all those metacritic "critics" were.

I did. I watch his vids even about the games which I have no plans to play myself.

But i agree with him so far on the loot. I thought the 1 Gold Thing was only going to be during the opening, initial 'tutorial phase' of the game. Usually you get worthless junk during this phase of the game, so I thought nothing of it. As time has went on, the loot ramped up a little, but not monetarily. A gold piece here and there just doesnt cut it when youre looking at items that cost like 600, like bows and shit you kind NEED for your character. The mount thing is a major gripe for people, and I think I'd be a little bummed if I hadnt bought the full-blown version w/ mount included.

So either a mind-numbing grind or a field day for the Asian gold miners? Or is ZeniMax's cunningly prepare for the introduction of some more pay to win tricks?
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Jan 10, 2008
I actually watch his takes on RPG titles, no matter if I played them or not. He is hilarious and tends to be fair. I mean… Seen his reasoning how a journalist becomes a part of your crew in ME3? I couldn't stop laughing and what's worth he could be right there. Dunno where does he get all those ideas, but he does great reviews.

And for those who want to see more about a game he releases a real gameplay vids, in time we'll probably see more about his play through ESO dungeons and PvP on his youtube channel.

Hopefully Zenimax will as soon as possible correct all those annoyances shown in AJ's review. Why?
I'm almost sure soon Fallout MMO will be announced. It would be a sad day if FO MMO would have the same problems ESO does.
Apr 12, 2009
Great review form Angry Joe joxer! Care to comment about Joe's points rather that disassociate about Chien DArt?

I despise Angry Joe's style, so I don't think I'll bother stomaching another of his MMO reviews. His review of GW2 was a complete joke and he has minimal experience with MMOs. He seems too concerned with acting drunk and failing to be funny than trying to understand the point of games.

What would it matter, anyway? We both know your opinion was formed long ago when you decided you didn't need to know anything about ESO to have a negative opinion about it. Not unlike a lot of other people around here, including the less sane ones like Chien ;)

Your complete ignorance when it comes to the gold drop mechanic is yet another shining example of how you form your opinions based on other ignorant opinions. Gold in this game is not earned by picking it up from mobs - but from selling all the loot you find. You basically pick out everything that supports your unfounded opinion and pretend it's all there is to the game.

In the real world, the game seems to be quite divisive in how people respond to it.


I think I've gone into plenty of detail, personally. The game is great if you like to explore and you take your time when doing quests. It's not a good game if you just want to click through dialogue and kill things - which is probably why Joe didn't care for it. He gave GW2 9 or 10 IIRC - which is one of the most shallow MMOs I've ever played.

WoW trained people to expect certain things from an MMO - and that's hurting games that expect people to care about lore and NPCs.

That said, I'm somewhat disappointed as I move through the Aldmeri Dominion areas. They're not as visually diverse as I expected from playing the beta - where I tried all three factions.

Obviously, they have to stick to the lore - but I expected more variation, and I'm getting pretty sick of green foresty areas.

That's a negative I didn't expect.

Beyond that, I'm enjoying the game quite a bit - and I'm constantly impressed by the writing and the elaborate nature of what happens during quests. Definitely the best actual questing of any MMO I've played - and in the top 3 when it comes to dialogue and writing.

At this point, with around 70 hours played - I'd give the game around 7/10, and I haven't really tried PvP yet.
I realize that PMS can be a bitch so I go easy and just remind you that I didn't have a problem with ESO but with your breathless, gushing, fanboish attitude towards it even before beta and/or early release.
Jan 10, 2008
Game is well balanced when it comes to gold. After 170 hours of gameplay I don't have millions which I don't know where to spent for. Quite opposite. I still need to earn more gold in game to buy me a horse and extra bank storage.
Apr 26, 2008
I realize that PMS can be a bitch so I go easy and just remind you that I didn't have a problem with ESO but with your breathless, gushing, fanboish attitude towards it even before beta and/or early release.

That could have been believable if liking a game and being able to rationally point out why, without ignoring obvious flaws was the same as gushing fanboism. Unfortunately, it's not, so the logical conclusion is that interpreting it as such means you had an agenda against the game from the start. Exactly as you've demonstrated again with your snap judgment about gold.

Your approach remains unimpressive and won't do much to help you understand the game and the appeal it has to certain players.

But it's amusing to witness your denial, so keep it up ;)
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