Shaker - Update #6, Combat


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Tom Hall and Brenda Brathwaite explain the combat of their old school RPG, Shaker.
Combat: Steel and Spells

Combat in the world of Antera is full of swords and sorcery! Outside of combat, you have free movement about the world of Antera, but once you have an encounter with the not-so-friendly residents of this medieval world, it’s old-school, turn-based combat.
Before the Encounter
Your party has six characters in total (your four characters and two local NPC recruits). Before combat, you are free to arrange your party as you wish in front and back ranks. The further back your characters are, the safer they will be. The closer they are to the action, the more brute-force damage they can do. Back-rank characters must have spells, long-range attacks or weapons, or special skills. All weapons and spells have specific ranges.
Entering Combat
Combat occurs when you near an enemy, and you enter combat mode. Before you, you see the creatures in the world, and combat proceeds in turn-based rounds. In traditional RPG fashion, you choose each character’s action. The NPCs are, at first, autonomous, but you can choose their actions once they fully trust you. Once everyone determines their course, the game determines who goes first based on everyone’s quickness (plus or minus any modifiers). Combat then plays out in front of you with each party member or enemy taking turns in order of their Initiative. Combat ends when you defeat the enemy or they run away, knowing what’s good for them.
Combat Rounds
During combat, your characters have several options to choose from depending on their available weapon, profession and location in the party. You may choose from: Attack using your current weapon, select a Spell/Special using your profession’s unique powers, or use an Item. You can also get the hell out of dodge or skip your turn.
Combat continues round after round until there’s a victor. Hopefully, you’re the one looking down on the bodies of your foes! :)

Vote up Shaker: Old School RPG on Good Old Games! Here's the link to add the game to the community wishlist.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
I'm still not convinced enough. Sorry.

A note to myself - if there is an Easter Egg to massacre virtual Daikatana box in the game… I wouldn't mind to put a few bucks there.
Apr 12, 2009
Regardless of how you feel about the 'polishedness' of Loot Drop's presentation, general comparisons to Project Eternity and their ability to make all their money in five days should be taken w a grain of salt.

Project Eternity has a lot more immediate name recognition for their designers than Loot Drop, considering Obsidian has already been releasing PC rpgs recently, whereas Brenda B and Tom Hall haven't released any front-and-center PC games for a while.

just putting it out there
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Jan 23, 2007
They seemed to have jumped to 200K quickly and then slowed dramatically. I wonder if they 'fatally' damaged their kickstarter by have such a weak launch (i.e. info-poor, uninspired - "old School RPG"...seriously? - Sure, they're not Obsidian, but what I saw on the first 1/2 days was simply 'meh' as the young un's say these days).
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
Oct 13, 2007
At this point they either need to wow us with some visuals, even if its art, or introduce some serious innovations. There are simply too many other projects vying for people's attention.

Now that said, 7,000 backers is nothing to sneeze at.
Sep 15, 2012
or introduce some serious innovations.

I don't think that Skaker the Old School RPG is about innovations and there is nothing wrong about that.

If you want innovations, I suggest you go check Star Citizen, but it might not be your thing.
Oct 13, 2007
I have discovered this Space Sim game yesterday and it does seem great but I haven't had time yet to read all the details. But is it an on-line game only or is there a single player campaign as well?

There is a single player campaign (centred around Squadron 42). I'm only backing it because of that. And I'm not sure if it's really 100% MMO for the multiplier, seems more like a mode to host private servers with limited number of players with RSI having their own public ones. Also, it support co-op multiplayer.
Oct 13, 2007
There is a single player campaign (centred around Squadron 42). I'm only backing it because of that. And I'm not sure if it's really 100% MMO for the multiplier, seems more like a mode to host private servers with limited number of players with RSI having their own public ones. Also, it support co-op multiplayer.
That is good to know. Yesterday, wen I was reading about it I assumed it was single player but after a quick peek at your link's site I only saw references to on-line aspects hence my confusion.

Anyway, I enjoyed Space Sims like Wing Commander very much so seeing this project is good news and a nice surprise.
Jun 22, 2011
Madrid, Spain
Now that is fucking cool. Starting to sound like a definite buy for me.

Yeah I'm planning on pledging a bit this week. I do wish they had more of these details up at launch though - they may have hamstrung themselves with their slow kickstarter start. Of course they might be able to build to an impressive finish more along the lines of "Bones" if they're able to get good press coverage and put out more art and interview info.
Nov 20, 2006
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