NWN2 Anyone really enjoying Mysteries of Westgate?

Neverwinter Nights 2

Damian Mahadevan

Keeper of the Watch
Original Sin Donor
November 23, 2008
I am loving the party management in the dialogues? Like i want to make my influence higher but you can get both positive and negative influence points so it isnt always black and white.

I got mine dl'ed from dlgamer.com.
Nov 23, 2008
Well, I talked about my thoughts in my review ... ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Nice review. I just beat the game. What an excellent ending for the good side anyway, dunno about the evil ending.
Nov 23, 2008
Hi Everyone. We've been trying to spread the word, so I thought I'd post this news here in case you hadn't heard. MoW's 3-activation limit has been removed. We asked Atari to do this based on fan feedback. You still need to activate when you install MoW but you can now install it as many times as you like on your computers. :)
Jun 21, 2009
Hi Everyone. We've been trying to spread the word, so I thought I'd post this news here in case you hadn't heard. MoW's 3-activation limit has been removed. We asked Atari to do this based on fan feedback. You still need to activate when you install MoW but you can now install it as many times as you like on your computers. :)

Yep, as Prime Junta noted ... we really appreciate this!
Oct 18, 2006
I am playing MoW right now and really enjoying it. Although I'm just beggining my journey in Westgate so I don't have an opinion yet.
Jun 16, 2008
Completed. Good expansion, although short one. Took me about 15h to complete with sidequests. Also evil ending is nothing special - not good and not bad but I expected more. I don't know about good ending though. Dialogues are okay, same with story but atmosphere is great. For an expansion that had pushed release date 2 years that sucks it's so short ;) Anyway I don't regret buying it, it's worth that money. I just hope that next Ossian's game will be longer and released in reasonable time.

I know that release date was also moved because Ossian/Atari wanted to make good DRM. Of course you can already find this game on torrents without problems and all that DRM is just fucking around with legal consumers.
Jun 16, 2008
Thanks Konjad. MoW was never intended to be an expansion pack. The adventure pack is smaller, more similar in size to the Premium Mods for NWN1, although I believe, a better product than them. So one shouldn't go into playing MoW expecting an expansion pack. However, I know that it's boxed in Poland and goes for 60 zloty, so it could be viewed as an expansion there. Had we done an expansion though, and on an expansion budget, you would have seen a whole *lot* more. :)

Also, I recommend you play the good ending, so you can see the full story.
Jun 21, 2009
Had we done an expansion though, and on an expansion budget, you would have seen a whole *lot* more.
I hope you will! You have a little fan over here ;) And when I say that a game is "okay" take it as complement because I usually love bitching and there are very few cRPGs I call "okay" ;) For example in recent 3 years there were only 3 good cRPGs: The Witcher, Mask of the Betrayer and... Mysteries of Westgate :)

BTW since I have a way to speak with you (I love that thing in english - I don't know if I'm speaking with one person or whole team but I can use "you" and in both cases it's correct ^^) then I'd like to give you some advices of a fan:
First of all you are on a good path and don't change it. I mean don't try too much to be cool like Obsidian did with SoZ. Obsidian made a mediocre game NWN2 then released MotB (which was great!) and later SoZ which has different opinions (for me it's horrible). You made a nice world with good atmosphere. That's because you made small world but thanks to that you could do everything by your own hand (I mean your "world" looks real and not empty like in Gothic III, Oblivion or SoZ). I hope your next game won't be different. I also like that "dark" atmosphere (please don't misunderstood it with shitty "dark&gritty" Bioware's campaign about Dragon Age) and hope to see that as well in your next game.
Secondly I want to say that you made "evil" [except ending?] very well. In most D&D cRPGs evil means mindless idiot-psychopath killing people. You managed not only avoid that but make Reinara realistic person. I don't remember another D&D game where evil party member was made better than any good one. She did have feelings as well, she came back to me because she liked me, didn't she? ;)
And don't forget about endings! I don't know about good ending but that evil should have been done much better. Ending may change opinion on the whole game. Ever played Arcanum? The game was good but then in the end I thought "What the hell was Troika doing?!". That is because I got evil ending which was... one of the worst of all endings I've seen in all cRPGs. I felt like someone said to me "you got few hours of good gameplay, now fuck you because we're bored of work". It changed my opinion about the game and I do not think about it as classic as I thought I would be. At least they gave me 5 cool endings in Bloodlines :p

OK, I will stop writing in half of post because storm is coming. I will write more about my opinion of the MoW later.
Jun 16, 2008
OK, storm's gone.

So, in previus post I said that you are on a good path and you should finish what you're doing (evil ending in this example).

Now tell me, why didn't you put in here any joinable character with casting class? I felt that some fights are too hard because I have no one to cast spells. One more NPC and that would be enough but no, I had to manage to play without offensive spells because I choose to play rogue in the beginning (when I didn't know yet there will be no casting class character). You've made this adventure pack only for spellcasting classes. Other classes aren't good because it raises the difficulty level (and I'm playing on D&D classic difficulty level in NWN). That means MoW has unbalanced classes for player because it favors only some of them. Keep it in mind when you'll be making game with classes.

Hmm... I wanted to say something more but I forgot what was that about. Well, I will write it when I remember it.
Jun 16, 2008
Thanks for your detailed feedback, Konjad. I’m glad you liked the game and put it in your top 3 RPGs for the past 3 years!

As for a casting class companion, the important thing to know is that we started pre-production of MoW (design doc planning for the game) in late 2006. At that time, we felt that the casting class AI wasn’t good enough compared to NWN1 spellcasting AI. So even though we wanted to have a spellcaster companion, we didn’t think it was a good idea. We thought that if we could only have 3 companions, and 1 of those 3 worked poorly, it could ruin the game experience. I think that was the right decision for back then. Of course, after we had finished making the game in September 2007 (shortly before MotB was released) and in the 18 months after that when MoW finally released, the spellcaster AI was much improved. Had that been available back in 2006, we would have put a spellcaster in MoW.
Jun 21, 2009
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