Skyrim Questions


December 26, 2008
Boston, MA
You'd think after playing 300+ hrs I'd have all the answers… heh

None the less some nagging questions I got and if anyone can offer some input I'd appreciate it;

A dragon attacked me at the village of Dragon Bridge, 4 or 5 of the villagers decided in their infinite wisdom to help. "A" for effort but "F" for results, they all died by the time my crew and I took out the dragon. So question what happens when a slew of townies (not guards but named NPCs) die in something like this? Does the town respawn new ones or does the location become a ghost town in effect?

I have killed many dragons, (current level 41) but I still only have access to the 2 shouts I started with. The greyed out shouts say they become available with more captured dragon souls. How many more do I need I must have killed close to a dozen dragons so far. When do the other shouts open up? Is it tied to the main storyline perhaps (I am at the point of sneaking into the thalmor embassy)?

Side inquiry to ES lore gurus, with ES Online being 1,000 years before Skyrim does that mean the dwarves will be in the MMO version timeline wise?

Thanks for any insight!
Dec 26, 2008
Boston, MA
Hmm. I'm not an expert but I'll respond anyway :D

1000 years, it's possible the Dwemer are still in existence. I think they are, actually, but I'm not 100% sure.

Not sure what you mean with the shouts. In order to gain new shouts you have to find word walls that have shouts written on them. Then you can unlock the shouts by using your dragon souls. You should be able to unlock any shouts you have learned from word walls with your dragon souls. Go back to that screen and click the button that says "unlock shout" or something. It should flash on your screen when you're hovering over the greyed out shout. From what I remember, one word of power is equal to one dragon soul, so you should be able to unlock as many words of power that you currently have with those dragon souls. But you have to have learned the word of power from a word wall. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Hope that helps!

Oh, and I don't think any villagers respawn. Once they are dead, that's it. However, one time a smith died during a battle, and someone replaced them as the town smith. That person already existed in the game world though, it was not a respawn. So no, characters don't respawn. Gotta keep those villagers alive if you want to keep them around :)
The dead stay dead. :p (There are a lot of essential NPCs in the game, and they simply don't die.)

And the Dwemer were already gone by 1E 700. My understanding is that Elder Scrolls Online takes place in the year 2E 583, which is nearly 3,000 years after the disappearance of the Dwemer.

To spend your dragon souls and unlock shouts try pressing "R"
Jan 15, 2011
There is a mod that make villagers less "suicidal" or you could use the console to respawn them if you feel lonely. Of course, both these "solution" work only on the PC.
Oct 13, 2007
I was furious with the suicidal villagers design. Glitch. Bug. Whatever.
They definetly don't respawn, they have a name and there is no way you can check if they're used for a quest or not once they're dead as for some reason Skyrim won't mark any quest as failed when it's not solvable but only if you cancel those thieves' guild ones. Unlike suicidal villagers, nonsuicidal mobs do respawn.

But at least those poor villagers don't do this while being dead for 300 hours of gameplay:
Perhaps we need 3000+ hours of gameplay to see this one fixed. Or 30000.
Apr 12, 2009
Thanks all for the help. Well I am surprised with the way dragons attack villages and towns they didn't have a group of NPC's to replace those that are killed. I am not sure of the logic of having a entire villages population being mass executed and turning it into a ghost town more or less. I am tempted to use that less brave villager mod in fact.

ahhh seems I get a F for reading as now I understand how to unlock shouts! Thanks!

The more I am reading about the ES online the less I am liking it. Seems a bit too cartoony for my taste art direction as well, less skyrim more WoW leaning IMO. And that not being a good thing.

Sad about the dwarves, on a side note I find it odd the ruins of their civ still exist in the time of skyrim. Even after 3000+ yrs would ANYTHING still be standing or running? Looking at their ruins in skyrim seems they only disappeared a few centuries ago by the condition of their crumbing cities not thousands. My 2 coppers

Appreciate all the input!
Dec 26, 2008
Boston, MA
The more I am reading about the ES online the less I am liking it. Seems a bit too cartoony for my taste art direction as well, less skyrim more WoW leaning IMO. And that not being a good thing.
Some of the environments look fantastic. A bit disappointed in some of the character models, as elves are just pointy-eared humans lacking those awesome brow ridges, etc. But I have an open mind about it - mainly I want to know whether it will be fun to explore all the lands of Tamriel and how the RP will work in a multiplayer game. If there is a subscription fee, I would have to pass, as I just can't bring myself to pay a monthly fee for any game.

Sad about the dwarves, on a side note I find it odd the ruins of their civ still exist in the time of skyrim. Even after 3000+ yrs would ANYTHING still be standing or running? Looking at their ruins in skyrim seems they only disappeared a few centuries ago by the condition of their crumbing cities not thousands. My 2 coppers

Maybe the Falmer have been keeping up the maintenance for them?
Jan 15, 2011
The snow elves aka falmar seem to have mentality of a pack of wild dogs and not a very high IQ by the crude nature of how they live. I am not sure any of them would have the engineering training or ability to learn such skills to keep the dwarf cities from crumbling, just my impression however.

As for the MMO, I agree the video looks good, my comments are not critical of the end result, my issue is more the theme/style they went with. I was hoping for a more gritty low fantasy realism like skyrim not high fantasy cartoon WoW. That said your critique of the avatar models I fully agree with however.
Dec 26, 2008
Boston, MA
The Falmer are more intelligent then you think. I'm not a TES lore expert but from what I understand they are just as intelligent as any of the 10 races. They have just been cursed for whatever reason.

There is also a quest that sends you to a Falmer cave where
the boss Falmer is protected by a Dwemer Centaurion, and he clearly has Dwemer parts on the table that he was tinkering with.
At the very least it's apparent that they are closely tied to the Dwemer in some way. I wouldn't be surprised if they were maintaining the Dwemer cities and have possibly figured out how to use the Dwemer gear for their own purposes.

It is a bit strange knowing now that the Dwemer ruins in Skyrim are over 3000 years old. You would think those Dwemer Spheres and Centaurions would need some new oil at the very least. But hey, it's TES man, just go with it :D.
It is a bit strange knowing now that the Dwemer ruins in Skyrim are over 3000 years old. You would think those Dwemer Spheres and Centaurions would need some new oil at the very least. But hey, it's TES man, just go with it :D.

Dwemer oils exist in Skyrim!
Oct 13, 2007
I know that, but don't you think after thousands of years of those Centaurions and Spheres and Spiders functioning, they would need an oil change? Maybe the Falmer are giving them regular oil changes as well as maintaining them? That's actually an interesting point. Although one could just say that the reason they don't need any mechanical work is because they haven't functioned in thousands of years, they just awoke when you entered the ruin, which in turn hasn't been visited in thousands of years. The Dwemer were master craftsmen anyway, so it's possible that a machine they build could still function thousands of years later. Hell, there are multiple instances of this happening, from the Dwemer ruins with functioning mechanics in Skyrim, to 200 years before and the Dwemer Orrery and Dwemer Forge in Oblivion.

All I know is, the Dwemer are fascinating. I love that Skyrim added a bunch of Dwemer ruins and continued the mystery.
I agree, I was also surprised when I learned that the 1st era lasted 29 centuries. I think the Dwemer ruins in Skyrim don't quite feel like they could be 4,000 years old unless some of those automatons were running around cleaning the place from time to time.
Jan 15, 2011
unless some of those automatons were running around cleaning the place from time to time.

Maybe, you just discovered the use of the centurion spiders.

The Elder Scrolls eras are rather strange. The 1st era was really long, the 2nd era wasn't on the short side either. Yet some of the thing from it still exist from the 1st era in the 3rd one: Dwemer's ruins, Yagrum Bagarn, couple of magical artifacts, etc. In Oblivion, there are still corpses from the 2nd era Akaviri invasion in the Pale Pass too.

Maybe the 1st era seems longer because the dragon broke and change how time flowed? Things haven't changed much in Mondus…
Oct 13, 2007
Well, yeah, there's a lot of craziness in the Elder Scrolls world. Technological advancement seems to have stopped dead for thousands of years. Cure disease potions that can be made from not one but several combinations of various ingredients - can you imagine what that would do to a society? Warfare… put a mage that knows fireball on a cart with a huge vat of restore magica potions and another huge vat of healing potions You can use him to power your city after the war is done.

Such is the nature of fantasy worlds. Just roll with it.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I know that, but don't you think after thousands of years of those Centaurions and Spheres and Spiders functioning, they would need an oil change? Maybe the Falmer are giving them regular oil changes as well as maintaining them? That's actually an interesting point. Although one could just say that the reason they don't need any mechanical work is because they haven't functioned in thousands of years, they just awoke when you entered the ruin, which in turn hasn't been visited in thousands of years.

My issue with that theory is NO ONE not a adventuring group, bandits, thieves or the like tried to swing open the mostly unlocked doors to the ruins except your PC in 3,000+ yrs? Putting aside the fact there is no way the ruins could survive that long in their present condition I find it even more implausible no one in thousands of years isn't doing what your PC is doing. Spelunking into the dwarf ruins for loot over all that time.

Seems to me those guards would be fairly busy over all that time defending their home. Thus then we are right back to the maintenance over time issues.

Which then leads to the question of over all that time the defenses were never overrun until you came along...? That seems... odd to me.
Dec 26, 2008
Boston, MA
What's odd? Get real. It's just another bug. That won't be fixed.
Apr 12, 2009
They did. You get get their left-overs.
Oct 18, 2006
My issue with that theory is NO ONE not a adventuring group, bandits, thieves or the like tried to swing open the mostly unlocked doors to the ruins except your PC in 3,000+ yrs? Putting aside the fact there is no way the ruins could survive that long in their present condition I find it even more implausible no one in thousands of years isn't doing what your PC is doing. Spelunking into the dwarf ruins for loot over all that time.

Seems to me those guards would be fairly busy over all that time defending their home. Thus then we are right back to the maintenance over time issues.

Which then leads to the question of over all that time the defenses were never overrun until you came along…? That seems… odd to me.

Try not to overthink it. Most games tend to fall apart once you start applying reality. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Valid point.

That said the other more technical issue I have with skyrim is the lack of monster types. Take away the giant spiders, falmar and durger and that is is about 66% of all monster encounters. Seems on this level is where they cut corners. I would have liked to see more monster types, not as many as what was in the tool kit of NWN 2 or the D&D monster manual of course for skyrim that would be overkill. But more selection then endless durger and falmer would keep things more interesting..
Dec 26, 2008
Boston, MA
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