ME 3 - To play now or to wait for ending DLC

I find it interesting that these websites claim that they have done it. They are lying or deluded? Anyway, it's kinda interesting, since BioWare said all endings would be achievable through single-player.

Maybe the "secret" scene is kinda of a bonus for multi-player, because like I said, it's not really that important however you spin it. In my opinion.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
I think (could be wrong) that what Bioware actually said is that the best ending could be achieved via single player ... whatever that happens to mean. You could also edit the game (on PC) to achieve it.

I don't think sites are lying I think they are just confused as there was a lot of confusion on how things worked between the two types (EMS, TMS) and all the little variations on essentially 3 endings. I read plenty of discussions from people who misunderstood and some who swore they still did it ... my own conclusion is the final ending requires MP - not from my own playing but on what I concluded from weeks of following posts on it.

As for DLC ... I have already deleted and removed ME3 for now. I have my saved game. But while I was very irked with the endings ... games over and I am playing other games. I took what they gave me and adjusted it to my vision and felt satisfied enough for now. Playing the DLC would be like opening an old wound and not sure I even want to give them more money after Casey Hudson bypassed the usual review process and rushed out the ending.
Jun 4, 2008
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