NWN2 - 1.04 Final Patch Released @ Official Forums


August 31, 2006
The Land of AZ, USA
Nathaniel Chapman announced in this forum thread that the final version of patch 1.04 and auto-updater 1.07 have been released:
Hey everyone, the v1.04 patch for Neverwinter Nights 2 has been released and is available via the Autoupdater. English, French, Italian, German and Spanish versions of the patch are available. Note that you will also get a new version of the updater when you attempt to update your game.
Head to that thread for a list of patch fixes and new features.

More information.
Aug 31, 2006
The Land of AZ, USA
Wow ... another great update with loads of stuff. Anyone with performance issues notice an improvement there?
Oct 18, 2006
fortunately i finally beat the game last weekend, so won't have to mess with the game again until they get an expansion out. i've never had any problems with the game, other then the ai being rather umm, not there too often. which still seemed the case in the version i finished at 1.03somethingorother
Nov 10, 2006
Neverwinter Nights 2 – Version 1.04 Patch Notes
January 15th, 2007

New Features
• Voice Menu
Users can now press the Voice Menu key (‘V’ by default) to activate a menu from which they can quickly access frequently used voice commands and emotes. Users can drag these to the hotbar, as well.
• Added support for bindable keys to change the hotbar pages.
• You can now drag and drop buttons from the Mode Bar and Quick Cast Menu onto the Hotbar. This will also work for Spontaneously Converted spells.
• Players now have the option to turn on a second horizontal hotbar and 2 vertical hotbars.
• Users can now select in the options menu whether or not they want left click and hold in Driving Camera to move the character or mouselook.
• All combat modes can now be triggered instantly, except for Parry, Rapid Shot, and Flurry of Blows, which are deferred until the beginning of the next round.
o Your pending combat modes are now displayed on the action queue UI, with a countdown ticker, tooltip, and mouse click support.
o You can now toggle of and off a pending combat mode.
o Combat modes are no longer turned off for party members at the end of their combat round.
• Trees throughout the game should look better as many of the tree textures and models have been revamped to be more visually appealing.
• Localized versions of the NWN1 sounds used in the game have been added to their respective languages.
• Several new loading screen tips have been added to v1.04.
• Support has been added for displaying game information on the Logitech G15 Keyboard.
DM Client
• DMs can now drag items from the creator menu to the hotbar.
• DMs can now jump directly to an area.
• DMs can now add and subtract experience points, gold and levels.
• EffectDamage() – A flag has been added to the EffectDamage()function which allows you to skip Damage Immunity, Damage Reduction, and Damage Resistance. The default for this flag is FALSE, so existing scripts will continue to work the same.
• Script Debugger - The NWN2 script debugger has been included with this version. It is located in the Utils directory, filename DebugServer.exe.
• A comment field has been added to the Journal Editor.
• More robust undo/redo support has been added to the Conversation and Journal editors.
Bug Fixes
• The Mode Bar and Mini-map will now properly retain their hidden or revealed state after area transitions.
• The Practiced Spellcaster and Improved Rapid Shot feats are now available for characters that meet the prerequisites.
• The Manyshot feat will now properly grant additional attacks per round.
• Improvements have been made which reduce load times in some situations.
• The game will no longer crash when attempting to buy when on a blank page.
• The game’s transition to Act 2 would very rarely fail to occur. This has been made more reliable.
• Dual-wield slots will now persist on the hotbar during module transitions.
• Holding the left mouse button to move will now function properly in all camera modes and angles.
DM Client
• DMs will no longer automatically run lore checks on acquired items.
• Feedback has been added for several DM abilities.
• DMs can now spawn items into containers.
• The DM Client should no longer crash on transition to large exterior areas.
• Wildshape and Elemental Shape are no longer dispellable.
• The Wildshape effect will no longer disappear when saving.
• Devil’s Sight now properly allows affected characters to ignore concealment penalties due to darkness.
• Balagar’s Iron Horn radius reduced from 30 feet to 20 feet.
• Greater Fireburst will now do the correct amount of damage.
• Monks will no longer get their class AC Bonus while wearing armor or using a shield.
• Improved Reaction will now properly calculate uses per day.
• Characters with crossbows can now use Rapid Shot if they have Rapid Reload.
• Multiple types of Damage Resistance on the same item should now function more reliably.
• The game will no longer crash if you drag an item from a magic bag onto the magic bag which contains it.
• TRX files are now renamed when renaming their associated area.

2DA Changes
The following 2DA files have been changed in v1.04:
• actions.2da
• feat.2da
• keymap.2da
• nwn2_dmcommands.2da
• nwn2_emotes.2da
• nwn2_tips.2da
• spells.2da
• visualeffects.2da

In addition, nwn2_voicemenu.2da has been added.

Bugs Fixed from v1.04 Beta

• The game will no longer crash to desktop at launch on Windows 2000.
• Entering and Leaving stealth mode via the Voice Chat menu is now more reliable.
• The dialogue with Qaggoth in Tavorick’s estate will no longer loop.

• Using the “Verify Module” command will no longer cause the starting area to be opened.

Taken from the forum...
Dec 21, 2006
This patch added lots of nice improvements. I really like the changes they made to combat modes. Before the combat modes were akward to use with them going off all of sudden and taking separate turns to enable them on. From what I've read on the nwn2 forums, next patch seems to include some nice improvements as well like stealth/invisibility fix.

It's nice to see Obsidian putting so much support into NWN2. But I bet all that doesn't come out of nowhere. I'd guess Atari and Obsidian have hopes for expansion. Makes sense to weed all the bugs before that.
Dec 13, 2006
It's nice to see Obsidian putting so much support into NWN2. But I bet all that doesn't come out of nowhere. I'd guess Atari and Obsidian have hopes for expansion. Makes sense to weed all the bugs before that.

I'm also hoping they have plans for a solid Premium Module program.
Oct 18, 2006
Yeah, that would be nice too. NWN2 has already been out for some time now, so I guess this year would be good time to reveal their future plans.
Dec 13, 2006
for those of you who are looking for a standalone version of the v1.04 final patch. you can grab it from our site for free. no registration requiered ...

Jan 25, 2007
for those of you who are looking for a standalone version of the v1.04 final patch. you can grab it from our site for free. no registration requiered ...


Can you provide a link?
Oct 18, 2006
keep in mind that the updater itself does it automatically.

they are already talking design specs for version 1.06.

What we can expect to see is improvements for PW's as they will likely be focusing on the built in updater. They've already tackled a major bug in the PWC file and the unnecessary extras that ended up in it.

They are beating Bioware now. How long has 1.68 for NWN1 been out now? Although talk looks up, as we'll finally see horses in the old game as a dev just was hooting about it in their alpha patch.

An expansion will likely have the horses in NWN2 as JE Sawyer nixed them to get the game out the door in time for Christmas.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
I'd guess Atari and Obsidian have hopes for expansion. Makes sense to weed all the bugs before that.

I hate to use your quote for the start of a flame war so, my apologies.

It makes sense to weed out all the bugs before release. Our standards as PC gamers are abysmal.
Nov 28, 2006
Yep, but what are we going to do about it? Unfortunately NOTHING!! Until we ALL boycott every buggy game until fully patched, things are not going to change and that will never happen!!
Aug 31, 2006
It makes sense to weed out all the bugs before release. Our standards as PC gamers are abysmal.

True, but an awful lot of what is happening in the patches is play-balancing, tweaking of characters and classes and other things. However, poor performance, stuff like combat modes switching off, and so on are stuff that should have been addressed before release.
Oct 18, 2006
Wow ... another great update with loads of stuff. Anyone with performance issues notice an improvement there?

I wasn't really having performance issues, but I have noticed that the game is performing even smoother now (using fraps). It looks and plays great. I'm probably 3/4 of the way through and I've loved every minute.

Dec 8, 2006
I think Patch 1.03 did a lot to optimize speed mostly based on the system it was playing. When I upgraded and used the recommend options suddenly it was a lot faster but I noticed the graphics were turned down. That was something I had already done on my own.

I'm goign to get more RAM and a new MB with PCIe and a new video card before I finish the OC here. By then maybe PW's will be a lot better.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
"I think Patch 1.03 did a lot "
I sure agree 1.03 was a huge milestone at least for me.

Looking forward to trying this out after I finish off a couple titles currently working on. :)
Oct 18, 2006
They could slowly begin to care more about the custom content community. I think the single player campaign is fairly playable by now. Of course, it's nice if they would further improve it, but people who bought the game primarily because of the toolset (like myself) feel a bit let down I think. Somehow I expected the custom content part of the game would be more polished than that of NWN1... well, it wasn't. I can live with that, at least the toolset is way more powerful. But things like the 2da restrictions that are in place at the moment are just a damn pain in the ***.
Dec 21, 2006
I understand how modders might want some more attention paid to their issues, as they are a big part of the success of the franchise, but speaking personally I'm glad to see the single-player focus. There's a real lack of single player love out there from developers, although it's getting better. And I am even gladder to see them tweaking the combat, which has been my major complaint--tho the ai is really more to blame there.

Obsidian has put a lot into this game--I really think it's their best game so far, and I came into it with very low expectations. Of course, I haven't finished it yet.;)
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Oct 18, 2006
I keep waiting for rumors of an expansion pack or something to come out. That would be nice.
Oct 18, 2006
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