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This brings back memories. A lot of these games I wanted bad but my game store never had them. I remember Prophecy of the Shadow. It looked so good but was not good at all. I got stuck in the beginning back the bottle of zinfandel was spelled one way in my inventory and another when I had to type it in. Bleepity bleepers.

I remember it being called Traveler and not Mega Traveler in my mind. These are the games for the P&P game and you could print out the character sheets, right? These games were awesome.

I wanted Scavengers so bad. I saw it in a Radio Shack once before ATMs and didn't have the cash for it and when I went back to get it, it was gone and I never saw it again.

Oh the glory days, back when the world made sense and games were like pizza - when they were good they were great, and even when they were bad they were still pretty good.

Looking at the art for Buck Rogers it is so crystal clear why I bought it and so unclear why it seems no one else did.
Feb 16, 2009
Gemstone 3 - that was fun! It's the only game I know based on the Rolemaster & Shadow World system.

I don't have any memory of that Magic Candle series at all.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I owned several of those games.
It' interesting that back then you had these awesome box arts in the front and back of the game, big demons hurling huge fireballs at your party, and then the actual game screens had 4 colors and 320 pixels. It sort of reminds me of current game marketing. Even new games marketing videos are basically cinematics, not showing anything about the game. I hate that, it's 2015, do in-game marketing videos!
Sep 23, 2008
Apart from sometimes cheesey art and chainmail bikinis, I like that you had to use your own imagination to make the games come alive. Much like books.
Todays games are more like movies where everything is shown and very articulated.
It's like wanting to see live-action Lord of the Rings, but fearing it will replace all the pictures you made up in your head after reading the books first.
Feb 21, 2015
BW, Germany
I enjoyed that trip down memory lane - and it was what inspired me to play Buck Rogers again.

That said, I quit once I realised just how many random encounters there are in that game. I guess I forgot about that part :)
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