What games are you playing now?

Risen, finally.

I can't believe it's really here - no, wait, yes I can, haha, and I'm loving it, so far.

Praise be!
Dec 24, 2006
Milky Way
GTA Chinatown Wars on PSP. In some ways better than the DS release, in some ways not as good. Still better than the over-rated GTA IV either way.
Oct 18, 2006
Gothic 1 - finally. :)


Risen rocks. Exploration is great fun, the design of the world is wonderful, with all the complicated landscape and caves and places where you can climb and fall to your death, and ah…. and the combat is awesome. I had to reload a battle with a pack of Talon Moths several times just because I let my guard down at the wrong time, but once I stood victorious, it was very satisfying. In fact, I grew so cocky that next I took on a Rotworm (at level 4) but that ended pretty bad ;) although I think it's possible, as long as I avoid that special attack. So much fun…

Still no idea whom I should join, but that can wait…
Dec 24, 2006
Milky Way
When the review of Risen is negative, combat always seems to be one of the major sticking points. I think that these type of people just dont get it, and want more of a straightforward hack and slasher. I'm w/ you, I think it's a pretty cool system - but it's anything but straightforward, you need to spend some time w/ it to see what your different styles of blows and such will do. Every type of opponent needs to be evaluated, how and when do they strike. Very rarely can i just run at something and flail away til it's dead. You at least have to block or step out of the way quickly, and if humanoid you better be ready to parry. It can be a bit tricky, but it's all about the timing of your parries and blows (when sword wielding at least), i think it's great.

I generally soften up or pull enemies a little from afar w/ a bow, then alternate between a bastard sword & shield (generally animals & monsters) or a two-handed sword for humans & humanoid opponents. And talon moths. It's really satisfying to slice thru a few of them at once and send em squealing to the ground, flailing away in unison! ='.'=

Ive gotten into some pretty pitched sword battles in those ruins, w/ multiple skeletons coming at me w/ a variety of arms. Another fun thing to do (and use for training) is turn traitor and start attacking people in the middle of the bandit camp and harbor town and see how long you can last. I can pretty much kill everyone now @ level12 that can be killed, unfortunately there's a lot of invincibles. Good swordfighting practice tho
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Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
That's like the 3rd different time I've seen you hand a game that award, JDR. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
it's anything but straightforward, you need to spend some time w/ it to see what your different styles of blows and such will do. Every type of opponent needs to be evaluated, how and when do they strike.

Yes, exactly! Some enemies can be dangerous but once you have them figured out, you usually can handle them. I mean, at one point I already had a (nearly) perfect strategy for fighting boars, but sea vultures still gave me a problem. I still only have a "sword" and a light shield, and I'm suprised how I can defeat even some more difficult enemies early on* by observing them, and knowing when to block, when to dodge, and when to strike (and how many times). And sometimes I just have to create the right conditions for the battle. Y'know, this is what I wanted from combat - a sense of achieving something.

*Well, this could mean that combat will be too easy later, but I don't know for now. One more thing, the shield seems to be overpowered, but some enemies can make you stagger when they attack, so a shield isn't the ultimate defense against everything, fortunately. :)

Anyway, I ended up on the swamp somehow, and I'm doing some quests for the little people. Great atmosphere. I think I will have a dilemma soon, because I don't seem to like neither the Bandits nor the Inquisition… huh.
Dec 24, 2006
Milky Way
Just got my Fighter armor, plugging along in Risen - bam i'm suddenly in chapt 3 and wearing Captains armor!

It all happened so quick, seems like chapt 1 went on for weeks, chapt 2 was like a day or so of playing!
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Just started on Fallout game of the year edition :). Trying to finish Fable 2 at the same time. Too many good games... Risen, Dragon Age, Divinity 2, CoD MW2.
Nov 4, 2009
Risen, Risen, and more Risen.

Actually, I'm still near the end of Ch1 (what a lenghty chapter indeed), but I'm taking things slowly - or maybe I don't spend much time playing recently, not sure.

Anyway, did I mention how great exploration is in this game? I was travelling along the edge of a cliff, and thought, hey, let's jump in the water and see what happens! I woke up on a beach somewhere, and to my surprise it turned out the place isn't even on my map! I tried getting back to some familiar area, while avoiding huge insect-like creatures and skellies, but ended up dying, and reloaded. Boy, that was fun. :)

Edited to add: Have you people seen the rolling animation of the Nautilus? It's awesome. This has to be my favourite method of travelling now! :D
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Dec 24, 2006
Milky Way
Playing the witcher 1.5 for the first time. To be honest I'm finding it pretty boring, especially the combat. Playing on hard and it is pretty easy so far (on chapter IV), the only tough fight was in chapter one against the beast…. Also, I'm finishing off Buck rogers: Matrix Cubed (for the 3rd time) whenever I have spare time.

After I finish this I am going to play Fallout 3 GOTY edition and then onto Risen and then a full playthrough of Dragon Age (mucked around with this already). I'm hoping that by the time I get to Risen and DA there will be a few patches/DLC out for both of them.
Oct 18, 2006
I am simultaneously celebrated the Origins and Farewell of Dragons, it seems … by Torchlight, no less ;)
Oct 18, 2006
This topic makes me sad, 5 years with the same PC, can't run Gothic 3. I've been dreaming about it for the last 5 years. Playing good ol' Warcraft atm , and will be installing Dungeon Lords soon. Who knows, maybe I'll get a new PC soon - If Santa Clause really existed or something. -_-
Oct 28, 2006
Save those pennies, Haitham. It's what I do when wanting to upgrade my computer. I cut out things I don't need and put a little away each payday.

Plus, the price of hardware is dropping (if you don't want the latest and greatest). Five years ago I couldn't even think of buying a 21" monitor. Now I got my eye on a few 24" monitors for around $250 - $300 American. Not sure which one I'll get yet, I guess it'll depend on how long I'm willing to wait to upgrade.:)

For what I'm playing…well as soon as I get them loaded I'll be playing Dragon Age and Borderlands. I was playing Torchlight and GTA 4, but those are the kinds of games that you can leave for a bit and pick up later without having to relearn too much.
Feb 3, 2007
For what I'm playing…well as soon as I get them loaded I'll be playing Dragon Age and Borderlands. I was playing Torchlight and GTA 4, but those are the kinds of games that you can leave for a bit and pick up later without having to relearn too much.

Some friendly advice….. keep your expectations low for Borderlands. :-/
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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