Risen - Nightwish Trailer

Gothic3 was a step back from Gothic2 graphics wise, i dont mean in regards to effects or numbers of polygons, but Gothic2 had a much more consistent look. It's probably due to G3 using third party programs, e.g to create trees. It also couldnt use AA which made it looks ugly.
Jul 15, 2009
Gothic3 was a step back from Gothic2 graphics wise, i dont mean in regards to effects or numbers of polygons, but Gothic2 had a much more consistent look. It's probably due to G3 using third party programs, e.g to create trees. It also couldnt use AA which made it looks ugly.

Well I certainly wouldn't call Gothic 3 "ugly", but I agree that the previous games had superior art direction.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I believe the reason why they made this combination is that in Germany there is the "rule" that

fantasy + metal = belongs together.

It's simple as that.

I read recently in an Ulisses forum kind user-made list of everyone's top 10 music albums that there was a relatively high amount of metal there.

One commented this as having "good taste". It was implied that both just belong together, and no kind of music is so much fitting people say, like this one.

It's a bit like this: Metal is rather dark music, creating a dark mood, which fantasy also has. And yes, this implies that there is a kind of "mainstream dark fantasy" that's most liked, currently.

Dragon Age + metal music would fit a German point of view excellently, from this perspective it's kind of not quite understandable that they used a Marily Mansion instead.

Brütal Legend is another recent example.

With my personal taste, I often feel like kind of an Alien. I can't stand metal at all, and I'm rather a fan of complex works, like Yes and older Genesis works.

Me, personally, I don't like this kind of promoting metal + fantasy role playing games at all, but that's just my very personal opinion. Because fantasy = dark doesn't exist in my point of view. But currently, dark fantasy is "in", and it appears to me as if this has arrived in meanstream.

That's why "modern" fantasy-based RPGs become more and more dark, I think this trend will become much more apparent in the future. Some German players of Drakensang didn't like its "light" approach at all, instead they wanted Drakensang to be as dark and cruel as current fantasy-RPGs are.

Oh, my.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
It's the same in Norway. Metal and fantasy (regardless of whether or not that fantasy is literature, games, movies, roleplaying etc) tends to go hand in hand here. If you go to any local roleplaying event, board games or similar, you'll end up meeting a lot of metal fans.

Personally, I'm more into hard rock (Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Rainbow), but I don't mind metal.
Oct 18, 2006
It is the same in Greece, also. Metal and Fantasy go together. I am also a huge fun of metal (and RPGs of course :) ).

I like to point that the Marilyn Manson does not fit well with the european metallers as well as for the example the Blind guardian (Sacred 2) or Nightwish (Risen) bands.
The power metal (Blind Guardian) and the Symphonic Gothic Metal (Nightwish) are very popular in Europe (and not so in USA)
Oct 18, 2006
Alexandroupolis, Greece
It was nice to see all that ingame stuff. As for the music... why use someone else's, when you have KaiRo?
Dec 24, 2006
Milky Way
Marketing cooperation. Sell Risen to Nightwish fans and vice versa.
Aug 30, 2006
It was nice to see all that ingame stuff. As for the music... why use someone else's, when you have KaiRo?

Exactly what I was thinking. I mean I like Nightwish (with or without Tarja) but the
song is too epic for the more understated "down to earth/I am not taking myself
all that seriously" attitude of the Gothics (at least 1-2) that Risen seems to be looking
back to.

Kairo's music is always the perfect fit (and to me a huge part of the series character)...

So please PB, don't go the bioware route even if you use better songs (and for the record
I don't have anything against Manson either. I am just not that into his music and the
bioware trailers/marketing use of it is atrocious)
Oct 18, 2006
So why does there seem to be a trend to bash G3's graphics lately ... there were performance issues and glitches, but quality was never a complaint I had ...

But performance issues and glitches DO take away from the graphics. Look out to sea in G3 and you expect to see a seascape but instead you get some weird polygons effect. Ugh. Look anywhere in the game toward one of the big waterfalls and you can see it at any distance even when the other terrain around it isn't visible. Oops. Spin around quickly in game and....the....game....often....slows....down....to....a....slide....show, even on beefy systems from several years after its release. Sigh. Walk through a cave near the wall and chances are your head will poke through the ceiling. Oops again.

And on and on...
Oct 24, 2006
Minnesota, USA
It was nice to see all that ingame stuff. As for the music... why use someone else's, when you have KaiRo?

Because why not? Bloodlines without music of various artists but with only one would lose pretty much. Most of the music was made by one person but these tracks like Swamped by Lacuna Coil or Isolated by Chiasm and more added so much atmosphere to the game that I can't imagine Bloodlines without this music. Can you even imagine going to The Last Round bar and not hearing beautiful song with lyrics like that:
"I am the Lecher bitch and I wear the X of castigation
I am the whore of the extreme
I am the heretic and I crave your excommunication
Can you? ;)
Jun 16, 2008
Woah, Konjad, stop tempting us. Instant recognition.

The music has to fit though. The first half of the Risen trailer was OK, in the second half OTOH, music and game style didn't really seem to match, even if synchronized.
Aug 30, 2006
Spin around quickly in game and....the....game....often....slows....down....to....a....slide....show, even on beefy systems from several years after its release. .

That is why my question for a game system is not 'will it run Crysis' but ... will it run Gothic 3 ...
Oct 18, 2006
In my universe, Metal and Mindless Morons goes together!! :) If that's the type of music in any game I buy, it will be switched to OFF!!!!
Aug 31, 2006
Perhaps you should get someone who really understands the genre to give you a new introduction? There's a great deal of depth, complexity, beauty, and intelligence to it. Just like any type of music, it takes a bit of time to learn to "read" it, but it's most definitely worth the effort.

(OK, I doubt Vader or Dimmu Borgir will ever be your cuppa... but you might well learn to appreciate some of the groups mentioned here.)
Oct 19, 2006
I agree with PJ - Metal, just like any other type of Pop music, has loads of pre-fab trash but some real inspired artists as well.
Oct 18, 2006
It's the same think like Electropop would be considered belonging to Super Mario, but not with any RPG at all.

In my opinion, the ONLY REALLY FITTING music to fantasy RPGs is Orchestra.

But that's just my own opinion.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Marketing cooperation. Sell Risen to Nightwish fans and vice versa.

Ah, I suppose that makes sense. Still, what he said:

JonNik said:
the song is too epic ... Kairo's music is always the perfect fit

... but I guess it's just a trailer thing, not a part of the ingame music - although, I dunno, I probably wouldn't mind a hidden concert easter egg like in G1 or something.

Konjad said:
Heh. No, I cannot. :) But the setting of Bloodlines is contemporary, isn't it, with clubs and bars where you hear that music. Yes, it fits perfectly, and adds a lot to the immersion, but that's Bloodlines. Unless in the world of Risen there would be a traveling band on that island or something, but they would have to somehow explain the existence of some modern instruments and technology, if it were to be taken seriously, not as an easter egg.

All I'm saying is that a piece by Kairo would have been good enough. :)
Dec 24, 2006
Milky Way
Just got a chance to check this out--very nice. I'm far from a metal connoisseur, but I do greatly enjoy Nightwish, and I thought the music fit the mood of the game, if not the exact action, very well. Can anyone point me to the right Nightwish cd for this tune?
Oct 18, 2006
Can anyone point me to the right Nightwish cd for this tune?

It´s on Dark Passion Play from 2007 and incidentally it´s probably the best song on it. The rest is variations on forgettable.
Apr 4, 2008
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