Alrik's GamesCom Bits

Alrik Fassbauer

Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
November 5, 2006
Old Europe
Hello, everyone.

I rather wanted to put everything into my newi9sh blog, but right now I'm too tired for that.

And I'm sooooooooo tired right now there might be several mistakes in grammar, spelling, thinking and others.

I talked too long with someone from Bethesda about New Vegas, which resulted in a few unpleasant things :

- I missed the last Dungeon Siege III presentation for 2-3 minutes and couldn't get in
- I missed the last chance to get into the Dragon Age area as well
- the SW:TOR area was closed anyway (they've got an impressive trainer & wall painting there, photo comes tomorrorow)

The English-speaking Italian woman from Bethesda said that New Vegas is basically kind of an "Fallout 4", as she put it

new are

- story
- "hardcore mode"
- skills, you can combine two skills into 1, that's "more powerful" then, but also the only one left of both

I played new vegas a bit, and it looked quite cool, imho. The room wherein it could be played also looked a bit like a small casino, complete with 50s style framed pip-boy paintings on the wall.

German version of game will - if I understood it correctly - very little blood. ("Cut" vs. "uncut" discussion with another player.)

26th of October, if I remember correctly.

Hunted is a dark and grim looking RPG, action, RPG, and what's new about it is the co-op mode. It ain't no multiplayer, it ain't no SP game (although you can play it as such), but in its core it's a 2 player co-op game, featuring a female archer and a male swordsman who want to find out - as the perhaps oly survivors of a devastating catastrophe - what's going on and what has happened.

Kalypso showednot only The Patrician IV, but also a role-playing game in very early state called "The First Templar". Everything looks grim, and totally devoid of any cllourful colours, so to say. You play a Templar Knight fighting and finding things out, also very action-oriented, they say.
It's in a so far very early state that the shown version was "the first playable one", and story etc. were missing. The demo consisted of a few fights and I think that was it. At least I didn't come very far.

Kalypso also had "Dungeons", a game with a direction a bit similar to the famous Dungeon Keeper.

The game appeared to me to be early, too, but basically everything worked.

The difference between Dungeon Keeper and Dungeons is that you don't throw Heroes out, no, you lure them IN !

Goal is to get them in - for exploiting. Heroes are killed, and their money and their items, too ? are in principle the Dungeon Master's income.

Other bits …

… Drakensang 2 Add-On was playable. I enjoyed it. :D

… Venetica and Drakensang 2 just don't find American Publishers ! It is so that they were indeed trying hard to get a publisher for both games - but no-one wants them !

It seems so American Publishers only wanting Action games. Yes, really ! Obviously is is so that in the U.S. everyone seems to want only action games, action RPGs. And since both Drakensang 2 & Venetica aren't both too much (lack of action), no-one wants them in the U.S. … Sad.

… There's a far overwhelming amount of online games out there. As a very, very rough guess I'd say that about 60 % of all PC games shown there were online games.

… played Raving Rabbits Time Machine a little bit - and got a rabbit figurine ! Hurray ! :)

… played Darkspore. Oh yes, that strange RPG by EA.

It clearly plays like an mindless action-RPG like by Blizzard or by Westwood (Nox).

It can be played solo, but it also is (or rather is ?) an online game. You whack & kill kritters, and collect their energy & DNA.

The setting is totally alien. No fantasy, no sci-fi (although parts of buildings very much look like sci-fi t least in the part I played), but no resemblence (right spelled ?) to anything you know. A kind of Spore (from the game) creating engine is said to be included as well. And ou have not 1 but 3 critters you play for yourself.

Jagged Alliance Online was announced, but not shown nor playable.

Okay, that's it for now. Need sleep.

Not being able to see Dragon Age 2 really bugs me. I'm seriously thinking of going there tomorrow, too.


Edit : Played Mafia II too a bit. Looked good, but I can't judge since I have no experience with earlier Mafia games. Played like a gamgster movie, though.

Other players had extreme difficulty with driving cars especially at high peed and crashed constantly. Good hit !

One could let the character go into a snack bar (or what it was) and let the character eat a sausage (what was the word … ? ah, yes, hot dogs !)

Also played the start of Bigpoint's "Poisonville" a bit. No-one there to ask&answer about Drakensang Online or so. But Poinsonville very clearly shows that they are capable of doing 3D online games. Only that the graphics looked a bit dull, but maybe that was because of the nighttime (breaking out from jail).
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Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Sad about Drakensang 2. I'd be willing to play it with german vioces and english subtitles. Is there anyway to do that? Any community made translations?
Jun 4, 2008
The Great White North
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
If they don't find a publisher for NA they should publish it via digital distribution, e. g. steam, only, without a physical distributor. I am quite confident that would cover the costs for an English version.
Dec 26, 2007
Thought about that, too.

By the way, before I'm REALLY off for today (we have here 23:10 local time) I must add that I played King's Bounty : Crossworlds a tiny bit - in 3D ! The 3D effect was achieved with some sort of NVidia display thing.

Mafia II also has a NVidia-based 3D effect thing.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Well, now that I'm re-tired again ;) , I'm in much, much better mental state than I was yesterday night.

About Crossworlds : A few days ago I submitted this as news, but Myrthos replied to me the game was already in the database.

I didn't play far enough to be able to ee much more differences … especially since I've never played Armored Princess this far.

But they were giving out cardboard-made crowns :D So you could easily spot a fan amongst the crowds, because no other company gave crowns away. :D

I decided to do another trip, but take things more easy-going this time. I on't want to be THAT exhausted again - nor do I want to have THAT bad aching of my back again (due to a too full rucksack).

If I come across 1C again, I'll ask them about the differences.

@wolfing : That's an idea I'll forward to dtp Betty.

Edit : JUst looked at the DB entry here :

It's all there which means I don't have to add anything anymore.
Here's the official link :
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Okay, some more bits. Please note that I'm just hacking them in as they (the bits) flow into my mind. Some jumping might occur. :D ;)

- Funcom : "Will there be a sequel to Dreamfall ?" "That is undecided [partly overlaid by hall noise] bla bla after Secret World bla bla noise chatter one must also see what works, financially"

"Dreamfall got great critics, everyone played it, but no-one bought it. Dreamfall was copied to death."

iphone-like thing rings, interviewed one must go out.

- next employee : … bla bla Secret World

"What is Secret World ?" It's an MMO"

- funcom also does an MMO called "Bloodline Champions". It looks very colourful and, but I haven't played it, so I can't say anything more about it.

- Edit : I have 2 Beta keys left over on cards "for friends", as the employee said. If anyone is interested, PM me. (A third one I'll keep. :D ;) )

- There'll be 2 versions of King's Bounty : Crossworlds :
1. Add-On
2. "Game Of The Year Edition", which (if I understood this correctly) will also contain the main game of "Armored Princess"

- Torchlight : Couldn't play it, because I arrived at the ooth MUCH too late. New features : Story is expanded, emphasis on Multiplayer. I think I remember it is still kind of early.

- Deus Ex : Human Revolution : Was presented in a small room at Square Enix (couldn't see the Dungeon Siege presentation there, I'm sorry).

Protagonist is some sort of Cyborg who has once lost his arms and has heavily midified (as far as I can tell) cybernetical replacements there where his ams have been, plus some more things, I think. These arm-replacements can be "done" into rifles, other weapons perhaps, too, and kind of deadly blades.

In a mission the protagonist had to plant a bomb and then flee. Looks realistic like movie. Not-so-distant future, modern cars, there are even bicycles in use (parket at the entrance of the factory).

Plot is : A company that is big in cybernetical replacements aka "expanding humans" or so is … well, much too powerful now. Someone has to stop them or so, and there comes in the Protagonist.

Some "Jaques" from Montreal played the part with bomb planting.

Screen said "pre-alpha".

They said the game's possible without murdering/killing anyone, yet the only thing that "Jaques" showed included murder/killing. Sneaking, yes, but far too much killing for my taste.

At the end of that mising some bits go wrong, and he is presented some overlord-watchman of the company also having these cyberneticl arm replacements, but much heavier.

Following were trailers with very, very fast movement, pictues and killing. Not to mention Blood. Fast-paced Action following fast-paced action following fast-paced action. as if no-one wanted to take a breath between the action episodes, actually.
One of the trailers was about was Kane & Lynch, one was Gun Loco.

- Arcania is very refreshing quited, compared to that. Everything looks quite good, plays quite good, and I like the game. Dunno how to compare it with the other Gothics, though, since I haven't played them.

Some type of ruling (?) man or at least rather powerful man wants to "test" the protagonist so that he (the protagonist) can marry a women (both woman & protagonist love each other). "Test" included getting "a smuggler" away from the island, and he is actually Diego. Who decides to "cheat" that man a bit.

I have the feeling (attention, spoilers !) that the story goes so that the mysterious ship on the horizon murders all or almost all of the inhabitants and takes the protagonist away as either lave or prisoner, but that's just my personal feeling. I also fear that this woman will be killed, too, (hey, it's "dark & gritty" in all Gothics !). But that's just purely my own feeling/impression.

- Dragon Age 2. I waited AT LEAST 1/2 hour for getting in !

Great trailer. Everyone knows it ? The man with the long staff-blade thing is actully the warrior class. There are possible : mage, warrior, scoundrel or thief, and all of them both male & female to chose from. In the "Demo" only the male warrior worked, the others were "blocked".

Story goes like this in the demo : Protagonist & mage sister battle grey-dark warriors (horde ?) in quite some numbers. Last, a bloddy-red Dragon appears.


Next, a woman says that this can't have happened this way, and talks to a bit more fat and rich looking man, and he finally tells the woman how it REALLY happened.


Next : Character generation. A few things of the body can still be changed, but the main layout remains.


Next : A family flies from a "horde". They have to battle their way through and finally seem to meet (?) a copuple of other warriors (?)

Mext : Cut, because Time ran out. Limited gameplay. Okay, understandable, there were still some more people waiting outside …

And sorry, I can't remember the date anymore. Although I tried to memorize it. I guess it was a bit too much data today for my brain. ;)

- Couldn't see SW:TOR Again. Only news I have : 2 factions (Sith-related, Jedi-related) with 4 classes each : Normal Jedi, Jedi Counselor, and two warrior types I on't quite remember, sorry. Sith side : Suth warrior, a more powerful sith class I don't remember the name of, Bounty Hunter and a solder, I think it was.

Whole MMORPG is still a bit early, but appears to consist of nothing but battle. Great trailers, by the way.

- Call Of Duty : Black Ops comes out exactl 1 day after my birthday.

Well, I think that's it for now. Made photos, but unfortunately I hven't got the time tomorrow to upload them.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Edit : About Arcania : There were 3 sorts of spells, the first "school" of spells was called "Inbrunst", the second I don't remember anymore, but sounded like being stoic, enduring or so, in this sense, and the third was "domination".

= (no order) water, fire, what was the third ?

Some skills can only be unlocked with higher levels.

Looked like several blueish horizontal likes of skills, which become graphically "full" the more you invest points in them.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
They distribute Indies like Eschalon, why shouldn't they distribute Drakensang? They can't lose anything by doing it.

We've had this discussion a few days ago in another thread. Steam is no free platform. You need Valve's permission and cooperation to put your game on Steam. Helping dtp implement the technical modifications necessary for the Steam distribution and then running them through QA requires an investment of resources by Valve. It's up to them to decide for which game they're willing to make this investment.

I would say dtp should put it on Steam if they can, though. Not only that, they should have sold it via Steam from day one.
Aug 30, 2006
Thanks for your impressions, Alrik. :)
Aug 30, 2006
I'll polish things up a bit and then put it on my blog, too.

Plus the promised ophotos.

And, as a plus, I remembered again the 3 magic schools of Arcania : Fire, Water, Ice. (In no order.)

Looked like several blueish horizontal likes of skills, which become graphically "full" the more you invest points in them.

Replace "likes" with "bars" (why did I write it anyway ?)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Okay, I found out that the "Hope" trailer from there was shown at the GamesCom. It could be seen on screens for the public.
Also shown was the "Deceived" trailer on screens.

And one could see actual gameplay on screens - as being played by the selected few players who dared to stand half an hour or even longer there.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Kalypso also had "Dungeons", a game with a direction a bit similar to the famous Dungeon Keeper.

The game appeared to me to be early, too, but basically everything worked.

The difference between Dungeon Keeper and Dungeons is that you don't throw Heroes out, no, you lure them IN !

Goal is to get them in - for exploiting. Heroes are killed, and their money and their items, too ? are in principle the Dungeon Master's income.

I just recently read a little bit about this game and I'm excited about this one. I haven't heard too much about it yet and only read one or two articles on it so maybe you'll know, Alrik, just how far along it's in development? Did they give any hints whatsoever about how long until it's release like a year or two?
Feb 3, 2007
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