The "I Just Bought" thread

I agree. Installed Windows 7 a few months back on four computers and I have had almost zero issues. Things like network simply *works*. I thought I would have issues with the bulkier taskbar but now I can never go back to even Windows XP, this is really intuitive, a lot more useful.

I love being able to search the start menu. It existed in Vista but it works even better here. I have gradually dropped my pleatoria of shortcuts I had to use in XP/Vista since they aren't needed anymore.

I love that each application automatically gets their own submenu in the Start-Menu. Excel, VNC, Acrobat, Word and Photoshop automatically got their own submenues in mine.

I love the taskbar, the rightclick to see latest documents, the "pin to taskbar" function, the "place pointer over application to see all windows" etc.

I had a couple of issues, but not near as major as the issues I had in Vista (Vista's network was a continued headache throughout the entire time I used it).
* Windows 7 automatically builds a thumbs.db when opening a folder with images or screenshots. This locks the folder from being deleted or renamed while Windows works. Sorting folders with images and videos thus is a huge hassle. This might be fixed now.

* Applications that uses the system-tray doesn't properly work, applications such as Messenger do not appear in the tray anymore unless you change the application to Vista-Compatible.

* 64-bit have no support for PS2 joypads so my PS2 adapters and all my PS2 pads are now obsolete. I can use my XBox 360 adapter though.
Oct 26, 2006
Just wanted to mention an old friend of mine.

XBox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver

This wireless receiver for XBox 360 controllers is no longer sold. It had a major problem with a fuse that broke after no more than a couple of days or months. One who is handy can solder the receiver which fixes it permanently but thanks to the issues Microsoft still withdrew the product so it's rare. Personally I managed to get hold on one after dustbusting Sweden for one, and I had to buy one packaged with a white controller. I was aware of the issue and how to fix it. Mine broke after 2 days and I soldered it and now I have used it without issues for over a year.

This is sad, because once you have a soldered version it works like a charm. Plug it in to your computer, install drivers (updated automatically through windows update I think) and then you can take a wireless controller and push the "connect" button and it will automatically connect and get activated in Windows. Want another? Just connect. Another? Connect… it have support for 4 wireless pads and we have played plenty of arcadegames with three players using this one. Me and my wife have played plenty of games, both on my main computer which is connected to the television in the living room, and on my 20" screen laptop in the bedroom.

Oct 26, 2006
Oct 26, 2006
Yesterday: A new mouse. With the mind-blowing name of M100.
I had to decide between M90 and M100, but since I really saw no dfference between both, I decided for the M100.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Adobe Lightroom 3 (upgrade).

It's software for converting digital photos from raw formats to JPEG or other display formats. I've been using such converters for many years; my favorite was one called Raw Shooter Premium, but then Adobe went and bought the company and shut it down. To mollify Raw Shooter customers, they gave them a free license for their product—Lightroom.

That sucked, because Lightroom was slow, heavy, and clumsy compared to RSP. I tried Lightroom 2, but never upgraded because it still wasn't as usable as RSP, although they had made some strides in image quality. It took until Lightroom 3 for Adobe to get to where RSP was years ago, but I've been using the beta for the past six months or so, and have been pretty happy with it. So I shelled out and bought the upgrade when it came out.

Somewhat ironically, Lightroom is now good enough that I've been able to drop Photoshop. I can do everything I want to my photos in Lightroom, with very occasional very light tweaking in simple, free image processing programs such as Seashore.
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Oct 19, 2006
It's Fermi time! I just got a GeForce GTX 470.

It's the second time I've upgraded my video card in the last 6 weeks. I had purchased a Radeon HD 4890 in April to replace my Geforce 8800GTS. That was supposed to be a temporary upgrade to last me 4-6 months, but I just didn't like it.

This was a bit of an impulse purchase, hopefully I don't regret it. :)


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Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Aug 30, 2006
Bought "Ceville" a few days ago.

It's an adventure game about a really evil monarch, who is forced to repel an even more evil ursurper ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Bought "Jedi Academy" last sunday on a flea market.

The interesting thing is the price : 3 Euros.
It's "interesting", because on the secondary maeket the game isn't sold under 25 Euros, usually. On ebay, I mean. Some even try to sell it for 40 Euros, both used and new (only very, very few and scarce specimens).
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Bought "Speedlink Medusa NX" gaming headset, felt awkward when I stepped into the counter, I never thought I'll pay 70 euros for a headset, but came to my senses moment later and remember I'm paying using a Voucher I got when I subscribed for Internet here. :)

Anyways, the 'money' paid is not in vain, when I put it on I feel like I entered another dimenson, like the Matrix. :p
Oct 28, 2006
Fallout: New Vegas Collector's Edition.


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Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
got the same thing although i got game dame deliverly through amazon. i love the tribal machette bonus especially since hardcore mode made me try a no guns skill character on my first playthrough. close to a dozen hours in and no bugs yet and only 1 crash. loving it and taking my time in the mojave before i head to new vegas. only disappoint is the radio, maybe more songs are unlocked when you get to vegas but unlike fallout 3 i turn off the radio now as hearing the same song every third song is anoying. the non radio music however is quite good and that fits the game quite well at least til i get to vegas. i'm only playing on hard difficutly but it seems a lot tougher than fallout 3, which is a nice challenge. I don't remember a regular rad scorpion every posing much of a threat in fallout 3.
Oct 26, 2006
Just wanted to mention I bought this amazing Apple. And no, I'm not talking about a computer. Yummy!
Oct 18, 2006
Right, let me tell you about my new mouse, a Logitech G500 (right). I have used up one MX510 and two MX518 (enhanced version). I just loved them. The fact that it had five extra buttons which could be used for games was just great. However, as you can see from the photo, it have started to loose skin and looks like crap.

For a long time, there simply wasn't any mouse like it. I tried to use a MX1000 for awhile but went back to the MX518. But then came G500. G500 also have 5 extra buttons, but they are easier to access, the wheel is much improved and support left/right scrolling, the speed is adjustable on-the-fly and the G500 have a much higher DPI (5700) than MX518 (1600).


And yeah. :)
Oct 26, 2006
Collector's Edition of "A Vampyre Story".
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Bought "Ghostbusters The Video Game" today for 5 Euros.

Published by Atari - this game screams "cheap !" with every bit of its packagaging.
Even the handbook looks so much uninspiried that I fear it won't be of much use to me.

Err ... I think I'd better stop it right here before I begin ranting ... Haven't installed it yet, though.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Finally "completed" my collection of Ultima games - bought a shrinkwrapped copy of "Ultima 2: The Revenge of the Enchantress" for Atari ST! It took a while to find that one :)

... and by "completed" I mean that I now own at least one copy of each game from Ultima 1 up to Ultima 9, plus the Underworlds, Savage Empire and Martian Dreams. I still don't have the extremely rare releases such as Akalabeth, Mt Drash etc (of course)
Oct 18, 2006
Are there Atari ST emulators for the PC out there ?

But I rather assume that you would not unpack this item ... Things in still original packges are much more worth than unpacked items ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Are there Atari ST emulators for the PC out there ?

But I rather assume that you would not unpack this item … Things in still original packges are much more worth than unpacked items …

Normally I buy the oldies to play them, but in this case it's just for my collection.
I own other copies of U2 that I could play on PC (for example from the Ultima Collection CD).

It's true that if I open the shrinkwrap then the value will go down somewhat, but I might end up doing so anyway just to fiddle around with the manual, cloth map etc. Buying this stuff is silly to begin with, but I guess I'm not the first guy to collect silly stuff :)
Oct 18, 2006
I know a bunch of hardcore Star Wars collectors. Of course, to them, originally packaged (unopened !) Star Wars figures from the 80s are worth a LOT more ! …

That's why I had this thought …
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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