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Celestian Tales - Visual, Audio, & Relaunch

by Couchpotato, 2014-02-10 00:37:44

Ekuator Games has a new update for Celestian Tales with a look at the games visuals, audio, and more information on the relaunch.

We're nearly ready for the relaunch and wanted to show you the draft project page today, but the thing that got the whole team up this week is this: when we submitted our relaunch's draft page for review, Kickstarter declined our project. According to Luke, the Kickstarter staff contacting us, this is because our representative in the US is no longer eligible to be the creator of our project.

Therefore, we're currently asking our team member in Australia to be the representative instead. However, we're not exactly familiar with Australian tax laws and overseas fund transfers. If anyone has knowledge or experience on the field, would you please drop us a message? We'd really appreciate it if we can ask you for opinion. :)

As soon as we solve this problem, we'll send the relaunch's draft page for review. When we're clear to go on all fronts, we'll have a backers-only update for you to take a peek at the page before anyone else does.

Information about

Celestian Tales

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: J-RPG
Platform: Unknown
Release: Released
