Dragon Age 2 - Reviews at GameCritics and Kotaku

I'd probably give it an 8. Well, maybe 7. Somewhere in that region. Origins is at least a full grade above DA2 in my opinion.

I should point out that I don't view 10/10 as "perfect", but "the highest possible score" which in reality means the very best of any given period in gaming (BG2 is an example).

I simply hated silly comments like "no no, you need to be perfect to achieve the best grade, and noone is perfect" when I was still in school. Bloody rediculous. The only subjects where a perfect score is possible are related to exact sciences (math etc); noone can write a perfect essay.

If a grade is unobtainable, remove it, as it serves no purpose. There is no need to point out that perfection is out of reach - that's a given.
Oct 18, 2006
As long as you understand that your review is opinion, not fact you can have any review you want.

What does that even mean? Of course it is subjective ... but since you are tilting against negative subjectivity and for positive subjectivity doesn't that mean that you attribute objectivity to your ascribed type of subjectivity? :D
Oct 18, 2006
What does that even mean? Of course it is subjective … but since you are tilting against negative subjectivity and for positive subjectivity doesn't that mean that you attribute objectivity to your ascribed type of subjectivity? :D

Heh, what? I have said I don't agree with the 9.5's etc...I have also laughed at the absurdly low scores. It's not bad game and it's not a great game...it's good. It seems at the moment the mere mention of Bioware gets people all worked up. Emotion plays a lot more of a role then the actual game itself does now.
Apr 17, 2007
As long as you understand that your review is opinion, not fact you can have any review you want.

Oh shut the damn up already with this ... lazy ... man excuse for not thinking critically. Opinions are not just opinions.
Aug 31, 2009
Oh shut the damn up already with this … lazy … man excuse for not thinking critically. Opinions are not just opinions.

How do you figure?

I like different things then you....so how is your opinion more valid then mine....if I review a game, I will like different things then you. That is simple logic.
Apr 17, 2007
I'd probably give it an 8. Well, maybe 7. Somewhere in that region. Origins is at least a full grade above DA2 in my opinion.

I should point out that I don't view 10/10 as "perfect", but "the highest possible score" which in reality means the very best of any given period in gaming (BG2 is an example).

I simply hated silly comments like "no no, you need to be perfect to achieve the best grade, and noone is perfect" when I was still in school. Bloody rediculous. The only subjects where a perfect score is possible are related to exact sciences (math etc); noone can write a perfect essay.

If a grade is unobtainable, remove it, as it serves no purpose. There is no need to point out that perfection is out of reach - that's a given.

And so is the Golden City blackened
With each step you take in my Hall.
Marvel at perfection, for it is fleeting.
You have brought Sin to Heaven
And doom upon all the world.
Feb 22, 2011
Virgin Islands
How do you figure?

I like different things then you….so how is your opinion more valid then mine….if I review a game, I will like different things then you. That is simple logic.

Well, you like shitty railroaded titty excuse for a games while I like my complex tactical turn-based combat simulations. That's why my opinion is "more valid" than yours.

But sorry, I don't mean to troll, you just got me started.
Aug 31, 2009
Heh, what? I have said I don't agree with the 9.5's etc…I have also laughed at the absurdly low scores. It's not bad game and it's not a great game…it's good. It seems at the moment the mere mention of Bioware gets people all worked up. Emotion plays a lot more of a role then the actual game itself does now.

I was joking around, but my point is that we all have a rating of some sort in our head when we think of a game - whether it is 1-10, A-F, GoodBad/Ugly, Buy/Try/Skip, or whatever ... we have a rating. And our natural inclination is to see as absurd those numbers/ratings very far from our own, and accept those closer.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm curious, why is 8 waaay to much? Thats what I would give it, or 8.5 means a good game, not great. I'm not sure when it became a completely broken and terrible game?

Disclaimer: This post is based on 10hrs gameplay.

I don't think this is a terrible or completely broken game but its not a good one either. Even if you judge it separately from dao and only as a party based rpg on its own merits.

Only 3 classes (the specializations don't really count as it feels more like an add on than a new class) and no races is a bummer. No skills, not a lot of spells for a party based crpg.

I'm 10 hrs in I haven't found a companion I care about. My own brother died and I didn't realize he was my brother until after he was dead.

Crafting is no fun. finding a few herbs around the world once then ordering them from your house. I've been low on health in other games struggling to get back to town and only survived by scrounging up enough components to make a few healing potions. not going to happen in this game.

Exploration is non-existent. There is nothing to find so far except a few crafting components. No caves off the beaten path (because there is no off the beaten path.), no strange monsters you inadvertently stumbled on to exploring. There is just nowhere to go to explore.

Not being able to equip armor (or weapons really for varric) on companions is a huge flaw in imo. I'm a thief so I have to carry around and then sale 2/3 of the armor in the game. This makes looting much less fun. Wow that armor looks awesome ..oh wait its for warriors oh well.

Being that there is only one city to explore you would think it would be full of people and interesting things happening. Nope very few people most you can't interact with, even ones with markers over there head I click on them and nothing must not have triggered their quest yet. There is nothing to do but run from quest marker to quest marker then watch the cut scene.

Combat is ok. Playing a rouge I like to stealth and scout ahead, not going to happen here though as your stealth is on a timer not based on whether or not someone detects you it just runs out. Even if I could scout ahead it would be useless as after defeating the first wave of enemies they would fade into the ground to make room for more to fall from the sky. The new combat and death animations are wasted as combats so fast I can't enjoy it anyway. Slash, slash , spell, enemy explodes... what just happened? There are moments where combat works and is fun but they are way to far apart.

I won't comment on the story as like I said i'm only 10hrs in. I'm glad you like the game, as for me I will continue to run from marker to marker, watch cut scene after cut scene and hope something happens so I will think the game is an 8 or 8.5.

Right now I would say 4 or 5. Let me ask you though why do you think an 8 or 8.5 ISN'T way to high?
Well, you like shitty railroaded titty excuse for a games while I like my complex tactical turn-based combat simulations. That's why my opinion is "more valid" than yours.

But sorry, I don't mean to troll, you just got me started.

I let you have that opinion of me, obviously don't know me hahaha. Out of curiosity what is this complex tactical turn-based combat simulation you speak of….?? (maybe TOEE, but other then the combat it was pretty lacking.) Not many of those out there.

TXA, I know.

8 or 8.5 for me because I look at the games that were given that score and I compare them to DA2 and it falls in that catagory to me. Should I judge them differently then drakensang(to me it was as good as the first drakensang, easy)? Is that fair? Like I said, it's opinion so noone is going to agree 100% with anyone else, thats the nature of the beast.

Thats all I really have to say on DA2...I'm busy trying to get Demise to work with my firewall.
Apr 17, 2007

Good game reviewing is more than "just an opinion". If you analyze the various game elements and compare them to other games past and present you can convey more information than merely stating "this gaem sucks!"
Aug 27, 2008
Bioware just knew, EVERYONE would buy a new Dragon Age game, everyone and everyone's mom would buy a new Bioware RPG. And it worked.

Did it? I have seen no indications yet that this is was a hit, a flop or an adequately selling title. Who knows?
Oct 19, 2006
Opinions are not just opinions.

In Philosophy, it is even worse.

There is no "conclusive" or "definitive" or "final" philosophy !

EVERYONE IS RIGHT ! - As long as the Philosophical approach is built upon logical thinking [like a house being built on a ground base] and is strong enough to withstand earthquakes of criticism - or at least to a great extend.

This is how Philosophy works.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
@ Alrik

"Moral relativism is one of the greatest scourges of the modern world. 2+2 will always equal four no matter what the relativists say" - my ol' philosophy lecturer.

Nutbag relativist:
"I think the sun is the centre of the universe and that our earth is actually flat, because you know, opinions are just opinions...I can't be wrong!"

Scientist; believer in objective truth:
"Sorry son, but some opinions are just more closer to the truth than others...and some are simply wrong".

Obviously it's different with matters of fact as compared to matters of perception, but sometimes the extreme relativist view can become grating to read and a lazy way to justify a presumption of equality.
Jul 12, 2009
Obviously it's different with matters of fact as compared to matters of perception,

A matter of fact must first be perceived - and, most importantly, bcked up by irrevocable data as a result of scientific research - to become a matter of fact in which people can believe in.

For example, the way we perceive the words diesn't give that much hints towards the world being round.

Ships disappearing at the horizon could just be falling down ... And I don't belive that 10.000 years ago people were able to ound the wold ... But they could come back, indeed, and report that they indeed did not fall down off the earth ...

It needed experiments like developed by Erastosthenes to actually proof that the earth was round, as a matter of fact.

Other than that, facts - as we know them - just didn't exist thousands of years ago - simply because people didn't have the scientific tools to get the same kin of data we nowdays receive with our more delicate scientific tools.

(What we don't know, however, is, whether the so-called "Antikythera tool" was a rarity in ancient society or the norm. It's because we just can't correlate the lack of items which didn't survive the last thousands of years buried in the earth with the lack of items overall. Wooden devices, however, are "consumed" by the earth much faster, dpending on the environment. There are soils which are so "sour" that even skeletal remains don't survive for long. In deserts, howver, preservation is much better, overall.)

Which means - from a philosphical perspective - that we can only perceive facts as facts if they have been perceived as facts - and been proved as such, of course - before.

What we cannot perceive, cannot be proved. This is the problem with esoterical things lik PSI or similar stuff.

Today, we heavily rely in scientific data - we shape our own worlds within our minds based on scientific data [side-note : and what happens if scientific data is forged ? - Look at the Piltdown Man, for example, and the buzz it created at the time of its finding, especially].

We tend to just believe "scientists" if thy say that little tiny thingies called "Quarks" actully do exist. However, has anyone of us ever seen their traces (traces !) in a measuring device of a particle collider ?

This means nothing but that the world - as we shape it in our own minds - is STILL often based on what we re told - like people believing in Myths that they were told 10.000 years ago or so - the Gilgamesh Epic comes to mind. Or the Bible. Or the Illiad.

They believed in it - because they were told so. They blieved in it - simply because anyone else did.

A few days ago I held an 2009 issuue of "Psychology Today" in my hands - and to my surprise it contained the results of a study revealing that even 3-year-old children believe what everyone else believes - the question is, why ? Perhaps, the author mused - it's just easier for them. o need for own thinking at that stage of life.

These implications led me to believe ONLY what I perceive with my own logic and senses - or what I can at least find as comprehensible.

That's why - for example - I do kind of "believe" in a thing called "Reiki" - simply because I can perceive it myself.

But I'm also aware of the possibility of my enses being tricked with ... I'm not a fool.
I'm a "critical fool", maybe. :lol:
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe

Good game reviewing is more than "just an opinion". If you analyze the various game elements and compare them to other games past and present you can convey more information than merely stating "this gaem sucks!"

Yes you can analyse a game based on writing, graphics, sound, user interface, bugs, etc. But a shitty game can still be fun. And that is the difference people need to understand. There is a difference between facts as in the graphic of this game looks like something from the 90s and it not being fun for a given person. It is the same thing with literature, movies, art, sports and so on.

A good review should always aim to point out these objective factors like UI is bad, graphics awesome and it's buggy like hell and then the reviewer should explain why he or she did or did not like the game.
Oct 24, 2006
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