DA2 Dragon Age 2 - now officially a success

Dragon Age 2
See so you can enjoy very dumbed down RPG and after you hurt our ears with whining "dumbed down RPG" this, "Dumbed down RPG" that.

Please stop be so inconsequential.

Yeah, I could enjoy them, because they were developed and advertised as "old-school dungeon crawls." They didn't claim to be re-inventing the RPG, or revolutionizing it, or innovating anything, when they really meant "make it more like Call of Duty, or Gears of War, or Street Fighter 4." I'm sorry that I don't unabashedly love Dragon Age 2 and Bioware, and I'm doubly sorry that I hurt your pwecius widdle ears with my "whining," even though that statement is so ludicrous as to be laughable, seeing as you have to READ THIS SHIT WITH YOUR EYEBALLS!

Maybe you explain exactly why you think I'm suffering some kind of cognitive dissonance on this subject (tell me how Icewind Dale was dumbed down in anything resembling the same way that Dragon Abortion 2 was) instead of just running in here to hurl insults like some 12-year-old little twat.
Feb 2, 2011
I have to agree with Capt. here. IWD 1/2 were great fun for ability to create your own party, and for the fun of the dungeon crawls. BTW, that's almost all we played in my youth with DnD PnP original graybox. Dungeon crawls were pretty much it. So yeah, IWD 1/2 are fun for that.

If story and NPCs are what defines a good RPG for you then, certainly look elsewhere.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I remember buying IWD1+2 expecting an rpg like Baldur's Gate 1+2 and was disappointed. The games were still enjoyable but I find I prefer story nowadays.
Oct 1, 2010
Yeah, I could enjoy them, because they were developed and advertised as "old-school dungeon crawls." They didn't claim...

Lol so your game enjoyment is lead by what some other people could say, or even worse by what some commercial guy could say?

Try think and judge by yourself and not by reaction, you'll see it's a huge progress to maturity, time to let teen age back.
Oct 14, 2007
Dasale, I think you misunderstood his post. He didn't enjoy them because they were advertised as something, but for what they actually were.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Lol so your game enjoyment is lead by what some other people could say, or even worse by what some commercial guy could say?

Try think and judge by yourself and not by reaction, you'll see it's a huge progress to maturity, time to let teen age back.

I'm having a hard time understanding what you're saying, and I'm sure it's because English isn't your first language, but let's just clear this up right now: I have no problems whatsoever with critical thinking. In fact, it was critical thinking that led me to the conclusion that Dragon Age 2 isn't that great of a game, and is nowhere near deserving of the hype that it generated in the weeks prior to it's release. It is critical thinking that allowed me to enjoy the Icewind Dale games, because I knew what I was getting into. The scope and focus of the game was clearly outlined without pretense, and so I was able to enjoy the game for what it was. It's critical thinking that stopped me from buying most first-person shooters that have been released in the last 5+ years: The dedication to multiplayer (something I will never be good at, since I don't have the twitch reflexes of an 11-year-old any more, I have no desire to memorize every nook and cranny of the maps, and I have a life outside of video games) and the relative lack of a meaty single player experience means I'll pass 90-95% of the time. I don't dislike these games, because at least they have the decency to let me in on the secret before I'm forced to choose whether or not I'm going to drop $60 US.

Not so much with Bioware - and especially with Dragon Age 2 - any more. The hype and marketing campaign surrounding this game was nothing short of epic. Between the various social networks and more mainstream media outlets, Bioware got a ridiculous amount of coverage for a game that they treated as God's gift to RPGs. For anywhere from $50 - $80 (depending on how much "extra" garbage you were conned into buying) you could have a copy of Role Playing History. Then people started to play it, and they realized that for the low-low price of $50-$80, they got a wet fart in a box. Fake characters, fake plot, and fake tactics, wrapped in a plethora of door-prizes and Dolly Dress Up DLC.

The only credible defense I've ever seen mounted for this game is as follows:
It looks pretty
After the first couple of big patches, it's very fluid and easy to watch
The facial animation matches the voice acting brilliantly
Most of the voice actors (particularly the Arishok) were pretty competent, even though the dialogue got terribly clunky at times

You haven't posted a single sentence beyond the good points that I just wrote in defense of this game. All you've done is try to poke holes in other people's statements, when you weren't actively insulting them (ad hominem attacks being the last resort of the cognitively challenged). You flash the "whining" card as if it's some kind of Ace-In-The-Hole that will end any argument in your favor, but it doesn't: It makes you look like an incredibly condescending ass.
Feb 2, 2011
I actually liked iwd 1&2 better than baulders gate im much more into combat in party based crpg's. Don't really care so much about the story and I really don't care about companions or romance. In single person rpg's I care about the story more probably because I don't enjoy the combat as much. I do remember being disappointed when bg came out because it wasn't full turn based.
Dasale is the guy who thought DA had more character customization possibilities than NWN2. :smartass: Your probably wasting your time here…..

IWD2 had pretty solid character progression with a very good loot system that made the game quite enjoyable despite its shortcomings in other areas.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm having a hard time understanding what you're saying,…
So you didn't understood what I wrote, but persist in answering the post, something quite laughable, one more advice don't answer a post you don't understand.

Let see if you understood what YOU wrote:
Yeah, I could enjoy them, because they were developed and advertised as "old-school dungeon crawls." They didn't claim to be re-inventing the RPG, or revolutionizing it, or innovating anything,…

So you wrote << I could enjoy them, because they were advertised as "old-school dungeon crawls.">>

It means you enjoy them because of their advertisement, in part. Or you enjoyed it because the advertising matched the contents as you wrote "developed and advertised".

In both case your enjoyment is influenced by advertisement. Now let see the sentence that follows: <<They didn't claim to be re-inventing the RPG, or revolutionizing it, or innovating anything>>

The clear meaning is if ICWD have been advertised as "re-inventing the RPG" you couldn't have enjoy the game.

All of that mean that your enjoyment is influenced by advertisement words.

And about that I repeat, try think and judge by yourself and not by reaction, you'll see it's a huge progress to maturity, time to let teen age back.

Have your judgment on a game influenced by advertisement is a reaction on the advertisement not on the game. So again, try avoid such weird garbage mix, place a judgment on a game is one thing, then comment an advertisement is another thing.

Now that said, ok I'm a "condescending ass" if that can give you a little pleasure to write it. One more thing about that last point, let that to teen to grow up more mature, a vulgar language never bring anything when it's used in a so flat way.
Oct 14, 2007
So you didn't understood...

...when it's used in a so flat way.

You've missed the mark so utterly, so completely, that I can now quit the argument, because you simply don't get it, whether through your own willful ignorance or some kind of breakdown in the translation. Your vapid and circuitous logic, as well as your insistence in using the majority of your post to comment on my character, indicates that you're basically talking out of your ass at this point (grasping for straws, blowing smoke, etc).
Feb 2, 2011
You've missed the mark so utterly, so completely, that I can now quit the argument, because you simply don't get it, whether through your own willful ignorance or some kind of breakdown in the translation. Your vapid and circuitous logic, as well as your insistence in using the majority of your post to comment on my character, indicates that you're basically talking out of your ass at this point (grasping for straws, blowing smoke, etc).
You are on the nerves here, one last advice, take a long deep breath and you'll see it will be better after.
Oct 14, 2007
Woo that's rude I'm trying to help and here what I get.

Dasale, your hypocritical stance right now is exactly why I'm refusing to argue this point with you any further. You actively troll people who disagree with you (calling them "whiners" and being generally dismissive of them) and then you call their maturity into question when they tell you to kick rocks.

You're not the forum-appointed psychotherapist. You could be a 60 year-old guy with a genuis level IQ and dozens of interesting stories about the world and your life, but you could also be a 14 year-old punk who's never even sniffed the naughty parts of a girl yet. Stop pulling the "Just Calm Down, Son" bit, and argue your points without being a prick about it. No one cares about your "advice." It just makes you sound worse.
Feb 2, 2011
Buzzk, Buzzk, I'm afraid I can't do anything for you now, too young. A bid of bad joking never hurt.
Oct 14, 2007
Buzzk, Buzzk, I'm afraid I can't do anything for you now, too young. A bid of bad joking never hurt.

You don't know the first thing about me, pal. Let me reiterate; neither I, nor anyone on this forum needs, or wants, your help. Just participate without being a self-righteous douchebag.
Feb 2, 2011
Keep this up guys and I lock the Thread.
Aug 31, 2006
Keep this up guys and I lock the Thread.

See Buzzk all your fault , that said I should continue as I consider this thread as one more crap thread and better be closed. :)
Oct 14, 2007
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