Might & Magic X - Previews


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Here are two previews for Might & Magic X.
Of course, you're not alone: You control a four-member party chosen from 12 typical fantasy classes like elves, dwarves, orcs and mages, and you can switch between them on the fly — even within a turn — to attack foes in multiple ways. The first time Le Breton came across a group of enemies in the world, he started off by hurling a few fireballs from his mage. Then he crept closer to the group so his dwarf, a melee-focused character, could hit them directly. Then he finished them off with a lightning bolt from the mage. Combat offers experience so you can level up, which unlocks skill points that can be spent on class upgrades.
Strategy Informer
Each character has different levels of multiple skills, from a range of 0 to 25. When characters level, the player is given a few skill points to distribute amongst the skills. Levels range from unskilled to grandmaster. Do you add some points to the Block skill for your heavy melee guy, or do you invest more in his blunt weapon skills? The characters also have a very basic paper doll system for equipping items, as well as a shared inventory.

Finally, the graphics in the build were functional, and while it may be that the game's visuals will get more polish (one of the death animations is a little over the top and comical), it's unlikely to be on the level of The Elder Scrolls - nor is it aiming to be.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Finally, the graphics in the build were functional, and while it may be that the game's visuals will get more polish (one of the death animations is a little over the top and comical), it's unlikely to be on the level of The Elder Scrolls - nor is it aiming to be.
Everybody who have ever played a HM&M game knows they are reputed for an art direction that surpasses everything ugly ever designed. That's a trademark for Van Caneghem products :)
Nov 13, 2012
Chapelle Guillaume
Everybody who have ever played a HM&M game knows they are reputed for an art direction that surpasses everything ugly ever designed. That's a trademark for Van Caneghem products :)

It's why I really couldn't get into Might & Magic IX. I never played the series and modern games have forever spoiled me to the point where I need a minimum level of graphical polish. The screenshots for this look just fine, though.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
It's considered rude to mention that game around here, Thaurin. We've all agreed to engage in some creative history and declare that the last game in the series was MM8. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Sounds pretty awesome, if they can stay broadly faithful to the strengths of the classic games that'd be an incredible result.
Feb 2, 2007
It's why I really couldn't get into Might & Magic IX. I never played the series and modern games have forever spoiled me to the point where I need a minimum level of graphical polish. The screenshots for this look just fine, though.

I think that Might and Magic is one of the few games where the graphics became worse in some way over time. There was a little improvement from MM4 to MM3 and then there was the tansition to 3D. And from MM6 to MM7 there was also a small improvement. But in the same moment it became less detailed.

While in the earlier games you had a pretty clear picture of where you are and what you are doing there in the latest games it was more like "imagine that all these brickwalls around you are actually a canalization system" or "imagine that all these brickwalls are a dragon lair" like if they couldn't effort someone doing some additional textures. Sure, you had this stuff in older games. But especially in this 3D environment the World got more and more generic and dead and it felt like random stuff was thrown together to get enough content to release another game. I think I left the series before or with the 8th part and never checked out the 9th. But I am looking forward to MM10 now.
Jun 2, 2012
Wow, that footage looks pretty sweet! I'm not a huge fan of step-based style, but I can get used to it I guess.

Looking good so far, though.
It's considered rude to mention that game around here, Thaurin. We've all agreed to engage in some creative history and declare that the last game in the series was MM8. ;)
Haven't personaly participated but would have agreed to the same. For me, the series got it very wrong visually from the sixth iteration and the 3D engine (can't remember what it was called). That's also the last episode I completed (never been able to finish 7 and 8 but will return to it one day).
Nov 13, 2012
Chapelle Guillaume
I'm not a huge fan of step-based style, but I can get used to it I guess.

Neither am I. Why should there be turns in your movement outside of combat? This seems more like a Heroes game rather than like any of the Might and Magic games. I don't like it for that fact alone. I can't stand what seems to be stutters as you are trying to move. Until they pull that feature and make like all the other MM games, I am not interested.
Oct 18, 2006
The footage looks great so far!

Neither am I. Why should there be turns in your movement outside of combat? This seems more like a Heroes game rather than like any of the Might and Magic games. I don't like it for that fact alone. I can't stand what seems to be stutters as you are trying to move. Until they pull that feature and make like all the other MM games, I am not interested.
Did you ever play Might & Magic 1-5? That is exactly how movement worked in those.
Aug 19, 2011
Why should there be turns in your movement outside of combat? This seems more like a Heroes game rather than like any of the Might and Magic games... Until they pull that feature and make like all the other MM games, I am not interested.

Um, what? There were 9 prior Might & Magic games (or 8 if we ignore the last one, which everyone agrees belongs under the bus with Highlander 2). Of those, 1-5 had step motion, 6-9 did not. Last time I checked 5/9 is a majority. The free-motion M&M games are actually the exception.
Nov 30, 2009
Hey, now. There's no need to bring Highlander 2 into this; you just erased years of therapy. I actually remember skipping school to go see that POS.
Oct 3, 2007
Last edited:
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Did you ever play Might & Magic 1-5? That is exactly how movement worked in those.

That's one of the primary reasons I prefer M&M VI+.

Gameplay vid does look pretty good though. Although I don't care for some of the exaggerated death animations like enemies doing a backflip when they die.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
The gameplay footage looks good. I'm cautiously optimistic!
Oct 18, 2006
It's considered rude to mention that game around here, Thaurin. We've all agreed to engage in some creative history and declare that the last game in the series was MM8. ;)

Hear, hear!!!

Although I tend to refer to that unmentionable game as "that unmentionable game".

pibbur who is ashamed because he actually finished that unmentionable game.
That's one of the primary reasons I prefer M&M VI+.

I enjoyed both types of M&M games, in different ways. But I'm not going to write off an instalment that is explicitly trying to get back to the franchise roots because it uses a gameplay model that, well, goes back to the franchise roots.

It does sound like the scale is a bit smaller, though -- 25 hours? Then again, I'm a lot older now and I have a job, so I don't really have time to map out every world map square by hand the way I did for MMI.
Nov 30, 2009
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