Here is an example why iPad can handle complex PC games

Honestly, that is asinine. If you don't "even own" the platform, what do you care one way or another? That's like saying Ace Combat fandom suffered for that awful GBA game. No, fans just didn't buy it. If you don't like it, skip it (Mass Effect Infiltrator comes to mind). If you don't even own an iPad (and this goes for the hypothetical people you brought up) then find something else to whine about.

Sorry to be stand-offish, but I just have come to hate fanboy entitlement. "I like this series, so it must ONLY come to systems I personally approve of, in a format I approve of. Any deviation of these parameters is BETRAYAL." People need to grow up.
Nov 15, 2011
Honestly, that is asinine. If you don't "even own" the platform, what do you care one way or another? That's like saying Ace Combat fandom suffered for that awful GBA game. No, fans just didn't buy it. If you don't like it, skip it (Mass Effect Infiltrator comes to mind). If you don't even own an iPad (and this goes for the hypothetical people you brought up) then find something else to whine about.

Sorry to be stand-offish, but I just have come to hate fanboy entitlement. "I like this series, so it must ONLY come to systems I personally approve of, in a format I approve of. Any deviation of these parameters is BETRAYAL." People need to grow up.

AI, when you get a chance, ask your operator to install a dictionary -- preferably one with the word "irony" in it.
Oct 18, 2006
Pearl Harbor, HI
Jul 22, 2012
Have any of you tried playing bards tale on your iPad? How does the c
Assic game hidden within the ps2 game play out? Also, I found a platformer that really works well with the touchscreen:

Bard's Tale PC I only gave a 7/10 in my published review years ago ... so that is pretty much the best you could expect. Given that real time movement controls are inherently inferior on touch screen compared to physical controls and you wing up with ~6/10 for the iPad game. Still pretty fun, just set your sites accordingly.

I only played bits of the original trilogy to get a taste, but it is fun stuff.
Oct 18, 2006
The ps2 game looks actually really interesting. What do tou think of it and how well it is implemented on iPad? Its funny how in the original they refer to Halberd as Halbard:

Also, looking at that review made me realize how happy it is to be living in a post PC world. By bringing these types of games on the iPd I can finally be ased to play them and. Enjoy them. I wont touch a game that has constant loading or switching floppy disks or cds and annoying dos commands. That is not what the post pc world is about. This world is about comfort, efficiency and fun gaming. Not some annoying cumbersome relics of the past. The post pc world doesnt involve any cd drives even as evidence by the latest imacs dropping them and the entire pc world following wuit. Steam is very much a part of the post pc world just as ios is.
Nov 15, 2011
For the record, Bard's Tale was originally an Apple II game, and wasn't released for the PC until later. And there was just as much disk swapping on the Apple II.

Obviously though things like disk swapping and DOS haven't been part of the PC world for decades, and if the goal was just to release a user friendly version of Bard's Tale then that could have been done on the PC long ago if there was enough demand.

The ps2 game looks actually really interesting. What do tou think of it and how well it is implemented on iPad? Its funny how in the original they refer to Halberd as Halbard:

Also, looking at that review made me realize how happy it is to be living in a post PC world. By bringing these types of games on the iPd I can finally be ased to play them and. Enjoy them. I wont touch a game that has constant loading or switching floppy disks or cds and annoying dos commands. That is not what the post pc world is about. This world is about comfort, efficiency and fun gaming. Not some annoying cumbersome relics of the past. The post pc world doesnt involve any cd drives even as evidence by the latest imacs dropping them and the entire pc world following wuit. Steam is very much a part of the post pc world just as ios is.
Apr 14, 2011
So glad that the wonderful iPad and Iphone keypads with amazing autocorrect have made communication so much better.

It is like the old saying - when we focus on idiot-proofing, we realize that the universe is amazing at creating bigger idiots :)
Oct 18, 2006
A bad keypad is not idiotproofing…

Auto-correct *IS* inherently 'idiot-proofing'. And from looking at his posts you can see that there is no auto-correct applied since there are many non-words.

So ... your point is?
Oct 18, 2006
Shitty keypads are shitty keypads. Clear?

Absolutely - and the ones standard on most desktop PCs and low-end popular laptops are the absolute worst. So we agree. Oh wait, you were trying to insinuate that AppleIntimidation was nonsensical because of Apple products, right?
Oct 18, 2006
What are you smoking? AppleIntimidation?

So you insinuate that the ipad and iphone keypads are better that desktop PC REAL keyboards. You're crazy. Rational discussion impossible here with Apple fanbois....
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
What are you smoking? AppleIntimidation?

So you insinuate that the ipad and iphone keypads are better that desktop PC REAL keyboards. You're crazy. Rational discussion impossible here with Apple fanbois….

Haha ... not at all. What I am saying is that whereas on (for example) the crappy HP keyboard I have at work I run into regular issues with mis-types of several words (ordering issues if I type too fast), and my wife's Sony laptop occasionally drops the 'a' ... on my iPad 90% of the time autocorrect catches my mistypes and fixes them.

Personally I don't like virtual keyboards ... I stuck to a physical smartphone until just this past December! And I always have a Bluetooth keyboard for my iPad.

None of which compare to the great keyboard on my Macbook Pro or HP laptop. So it isn't that we disagree - it is just all I was saying was that AppleIntimidation would come across the way he does regardless of input device :)
Oct 18, 2006
OK.... One thing about autocorrect is that it can totally change the meaning of your sentence and there is no way to reconstruct the author's original intent becasue the typo is gone. On the other hand, leaving an obvious typo intact may be more easily properly interpreted (by a human).
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
OK…. One thing about autocorrect is that it can totally change the meaning of your sentence and there is no way to reconstruct the author's original intent becasue the typo is gone. On the other hand, leaving an obvious typo intact may be more easily properly interpreted (by a human).

That is very true ... but in the case of AppleIntimidation human interpretation is still guess-work at best! :D
Oct 18, 2006
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