Enemies that make you stop playing

Yeah, that's basically my problem with Deus Ex: HR. It's a really nice stealth 'em up all the way up until it suddenly isn't!

It was pretty obvious they were stitched into the gameflow quite late, probably by some committee that said "You HAVE to have uber end bosses!" Another game that suffered from this was Alpha Protocol.
Oct 24, 2006
Minnesota, USA
At this point, I cannot play anything with zombies in them hardly. The whole zombie thing is so over played at this point, I can't stand it. I used to like Resident Evil and the Walking Dead comic and so forth. Now, you couldn't pay me to watch, read, or play anything with zombies in it.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
I have only given up on a game once in the recent past and that was not because of a specific enemy but because of longwinded event mechanics. The game I am referencing is Space Marine and its final scripted boss that required you to do everything perfectly or start all over.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
I don't think any have made me quit… though a few have come close.

The big boss at the top of the mountain near the start of Lost Odyssey. I'm still convinced that thing is bugged and the devs just wouldn't/couldn't fix it.

Fiery Gates in The Last Remnant. The damned thing cheats getting a free attack at the start and end of every round plus, if any squad is lying dead at the end of a round, it uses that free attack to raise them from the dead to attack my remaining squads! This made for a lot of battles where I nearly won then suddenly got crushed. (Plus I didn't understand that I had to pause a video first in order to skip it so I got stuck watching the nearly-5-minute story video in front of it *several* times.)

The final bosses in Risen and Batman: Arkham Asylum, for similar reasons. The boss battles had completely different fighting systems than the rest of the game. (If you can even call that a fight at the end of Risen.)

They were all bosses, though. I can't remember any typical enemies I hated. Heck, I even liked the sappers in City of Heroes… oh wait! The Knives of Artemis! Or, more specifically, their thrice damned caltrops. When they throw them, they slow your hero down 50%, all of them have them, and the debuff friggin' stacks. You go up against half a dozen and suddenly you're moving at 5% speed. Even when you beat them it takes forever to walk away!
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Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
And here I thought that this was a thread about gamer wives :biggrin:
Oct 18, 2006
And here I thought that this was a thread about gamer wives :biggrin:

That's true, wives are the hardest bosses of all. Mine has made me quit many a game. Children come in at a close second.

I can't really think of any in-game enemies that caused me to quit a game though. The final boss of Gears of War on insane difficulty was impossible to kill though. My friend and I tried in coop about half a million times.
Oct 18, 2006
Pearl Harbor, HI
Golems in Arcanum.
They degrade melee weapons when hit and armor when they hit, in dungeons where there is plenty of then like abandon dwarf stronghold, If you don't have repair skill, you had to go back to town and repair several times in single dungeon, very annoying.

Those were a nightmare. I don't know how I ever found the patience to get past those in my first playthrough. I've always wonder how that got past the first round of play testing. Oh, wait. Troika.
Jul 3, 2011
It was pretty obvious they were stitched into the gameflow quite late, probably by some committee that said "You HAVE to have uber end bosses!" Another game that suffered from this was Alpha Protocol.

Yeah, I read a few articles about DE:HR development and that's pretty much what's implied.

I'd completely forgotten about Alpha Protocol! Most of the boss encounters left you with at least a small amount of flexibility in how you approached them, particularly if you'd acquired all the intelligence pre-mission. But there was one Russian gangster where you were locked in a room with virtually no cover. Ugh. Just awful. That one choke point will prevent me from ever replaying it (unless someone has patched it!).
Oct 18, 2006
Yeah, that's basically my problem with Deus Ex: HR. It's a really nice stealth 'em up all the way up until it suddenly isn't!

We all had that problem. Solution was to "cheat" em away easily with stun gun. That thing was pretty useless elsewhere thus I can only believe devs added it to serve as bosses quick pass-through and get back to the fun parts of the game.

I dumped consoles and never looked back.
Man, you just made my day.
Apr 12, 2009
I'd completely forgotten about Alpha Protocol! Most of the boss encounters left you with at least a small amount of flexibility in how you approached them, particularly if you'd acquired all the intelligence pre-mission. But there was one Russian gangster where you were locked in a room with virtually no cover. Ugh. Just awful. That one choke point will prevent me from ever replaying it (unless someone has patched it!).

Not sure about patches, don't think so, but it helps a lot if you do the whole Taiwan (or was it Hong Kong? … you know, the Asian stuff anyway) plot before doing Moscow because…
As you may remember the guy has a bad habit and consumes lots of cocaine during the boss fight. In the Asian level you can poison the coke shipment so later on when he sniffes coke during the boss fight he doesn't get more powerful as he usually does but he is actually weakened from the poison so you can kill him a lot easier.
Oct 18, 2006
I rarely stop playing because of enemies alone, but I actually forgot about Alpha Protocol - which I quit immediately after beating that drug dealing Yuppie boss. I was just getting used to the quirks of the game and was enjoying my "realistic" headshot focused guy - when this boss chose to ignore entire clips fired into his brain.

Talk about a confused design from Obsidian....

Recently, I quit playing Arkham Asylum at the very end - simply because I'd lost interest and the boss fights were extremely repetitive at that point.
Ah, right, thanks Moriender. I knew there was something you could do to make him slightly less of a pain in the arse! But I wholeheartedly agree with DArtagnan - it was just such a massive disjoint to the rest of the game. Although once you're past that point, it settles down again, if memory serves correctly. So you quit at the wrong point, really!
Oct 18, 2006
I was just getting used to the quirks of the game and was enjoying my "realistic" headshot focused guy - when this boss chose to ignore entire clips fired into his brain.

I know it's not always this way, but that's the impression that sticks with me from most console games. Screw what should work, you need to do what I say works now! That's one of the reasons I've given up on GTA games.
Jul 3, 2011
Those were a nightmare. I don't know how I ever found the patience to get past those in my first playthrough. I've always wonder how that got past the first round of play testing. Oh, wait. Troika.

I wonder how it passed community patching, they are not even toned down.It didn't stop me from playing I actually completed Arcanum several times but getting through them never got less annoying(they are maybe bit less annoying on summoner).
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
I wonder how it passed community patching, they are not even toned down.It didn't stop me from playing I actually completed Arcanum several times but getting through them never got less annoying(they are maybe bit less annoying on summoner).

In replays I just grit my teeth, level up as much as possible, grab Dog, and Harm-spam or otherwise cheese my way through that bit.
Jul 3, 2011
The only time I remember stopping a game because of a specific enemy was way in the early days, in Bards Tale (on the Amiga) I just couldn't stand the room with 100 skeletons, and watching 100s of "Skeleton hits X for Y damage" scroll over the screen for minutes.

However, I remember I ALMOST stopped playing Dragon Age Origins at one point because the damn random encounters were like 10 times harder than any other battles, and there was one in particular that I had to repeat many times before I finally got past.

Oh, and that phantom dog at the end of chapter 1 of the witcher. I was ready to give up when I thankfully found a tip regarding the use of a specific potion.
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Oct 18, 2006
However, I remember I ALMOST stopped playing Dragon Age Origins at one point because the damn random encounters were like 10 times harder than any other battles, and there was one in particular that I had to repeat many times before I finally got past.

Let me guess...the guard ambushes in the city? :)

Some of those encounters were nearly impossible if you didn't have a mage with a decent aoe spell.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Let me guess…the guard ambushes in the city? :)

Some of those encounters were nearly impossible if you didn't have a mage with a decent aoe spell.

Nah, IIRC the one that caused me the most trouble was a bandit encounter on an open road. Although I remember at least one city ambush being fairly troublesome as well.
Oct 18, 2006
For KOTOR however, I don't see a problem, since it's entirely optional (as far as I can remember).

I thought you had to win the first set of races to free Bastilla?

Also in KotOR, the non-skippable turret battle after leaving Taris. Not too bad, unless you are traveling and don't have a real mouse with you! That killed one replay for me ...
Oct 18, 2006
Nah, IIRC the one that caused me the most trouble was a bandit encounter on an open road. Although I remember at least one city ambush being fairly troublesome as well.

Which was hilarious. Here we are fighting legions of monsters from beyond, and it's simple bandits destroying us
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
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