The TV Series discussion thread

You mean how come it got season 2? Because it's Square Enix. A milking company just like EA.
But it is actually cancelled. Season 3 is - a reboot. :)

Anyway, I'm done with it. Season 1 remained on the mediocre level except they've put another closing score in the second part which is a masterpiece and can be used in any RPG as opening, menu or credits track.
Due to copyrights the full score is not available on youtube, you may buy it on iTunes though if you like it (Kalafina - Lacrimosa):


Season 2 went into another direction. Now it's a mix of everything that exists in anime - but dumbed down. Except the animation, it's better, but are we really graphics whores here and care for nothing else?

Square Enix just wanted to earn more cash and it's obvious from plot holes, unbelievable characters and retarded music scores. It's not just "been there, done that" show, it's "seen the same thing, but ways better". Oh and the second season has a dangerous amount of hints on bloody shota (child molestor, a demon kissing kid's leg etc) and I hate that stuff.

Just like the whole show, music is a bunch of rip offs that are worse than the original scores. An example Danse Macabre score that flows through whole season:

Sounds familiar? Of course it does!
This is the brilliant original score Square Enix dared to dumb down:

To sum it up. Black Butler is a mediocre show not worth your cash (assuming you'll pay about 2 bucks per episode) nor time even if you love anime. Let Square Enix milkmen to milk that crap of their mother.
You skip it and wait for reboot.
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Apr 12, 2009
I could watch Game of Thrones for 20 more years even if the throne is never taken by anyone. I love the series, now I have to wait like 8 months for the next season :(

Valar Morghulis
Sep 23, 2008
I just finished watching the Season 4 finale, and I liked it a lot. That said, there were some things I didn't get.

How did Stannis Baratheon and his army get north of the wall? Are we suppose to believe all those men rode through the tunnel in the amount of time it took Jon Snow to walk to to the Wildling camp and talk to Mance Rayder?

Also, I was a little disappointed with the way Arya Stark and Sandor Clegane parted ways. Idk…I was just expecting something more?

*Edit*. Oh..I guess I should mention that I'm talking about GoT. :)
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Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I just finished watching the Season 4 finale, and I liked it a lot. That said, there were some things I didn't get.

How did Stannis Baratheon and his army get north of the wall? Are we suppose to believe all those men rode through the tunnel in the amount of time it took Jon Snow to walk to to the Wildling camp and talk to Mance Rayder?

Also, I was a little disappointed with the way Arya Stark and Sandor Clegane parted ways. Idk…I was just expecting something more?

*Edit*. Oh..I guess I should mention that I'm talking about GoT. :)

He got there independently by sea I think. With the red witch telling him where to go probably by using flame reading.
Sep 23, 2008
He got there independently by sea I think. With the red witch telling him where to go probably by using flame reading.

That thought had occurred to me, but it sort of makes you wonder why the Wildlings had never tried to sail around the wall. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
He got there independently by sea I think. With the red witch telling him where to go probably by using flame reading.

In the books he get there by the sea. He lands at Eastwatch so I think they told him where to go.
Oct 8, 2009
That thought had occurred to me, but it sort of makes you wonder why the Wildlings had never tried to sail around the wall. :)

Some do by boats etc but they don't have ships.
Oct 8, 2009
That thought had occurred to me, but it sort of makes you wonder why the Wildlings had never tried to sail around the wall. :)

Wildlings are savages, they may know the ways of the land, but they probably don't know how to make anything bigger than a canoe.
Sep 23, 2008
I liked the episode, mostly. Well done and free of excessive violence and nudity.

That said, I'm not sure I get:

Arya left the Hound because of spite - or because she just didn't want to kill him? It seems likely he'll survive. I like the character, so I'm hoping he lives.

The whole Tyrion vengeance thing didn't seem quite right to me. The entire place was unguarded? He seemed to almost casually stroll around and, I don't know, it's just not a good fit for his character to commit murder like that. I'll miss Tywin - as he was such a delightful bastard. Why couldn't he have killed Cersei the ultra bitch instead.
I liked the episode, mostly. Well done and free of excessive violence and nudity.

That said, I'm not sure I get:

Arya left the Hound because of spite - or because she just didn't want to kill him? It seems likely he'll survive. I like the character, so I'm hoping he lives.

The whole Tyrion vengeance thing didn't seem quite right to me. The entire place was unguarded? He seemed to almost casually stroll around and, I don't know, it's just not a good fit for his character to commit murder like that. I'll miss Tywin - as he was such a delightful bastard. Why couldn't he have killed Cersei the ultra bitch instead.

I will also miss Tywin but its good to go when you are on the high! You can't have much character development for Tywin so longer he stays the less effective he becomes. He is after all a one trick pony. However Cersei is a different matter all together she has lot of potential for development hence why she is not dead yet.

ohh I hate all this spoiler tagging !
Oct 8, 2009
I just finished watching the Season 4 finale, and I liked it a lot.
I'm not reading nor answering your spoiler.
I didn't like the season finale for one and only one thing.

JRPG endless respawn with crawl/no walk/fly should have been the ending scene.
Instead of the hommage to old John Ford's westerns.

Then again, maybe on HBO they hate RPGs?
Apr 12, 2009
I'm not reading nor answering your spoiler.
I didn't like the season finale for one and only one thing.

JRPG endless respawn with crawl/no walk/fly should have been the ending scene.
Instead of the hommage to old John Ford's westerns.

Then again, maybe on HBO they hate RPGs?

? *whoosh* I totally missed this reference
Sep 23, 2008

Look, it's simple.
Do you agree or not that the season would be at least double better if it ended with the RPG part - prior the tree and then under it?

I'm talking about GameOfThrones season 4 ending episode, ofc.
Will continue with some other entries in this thread after a few days… Because all things I've posted soon got burried with GoT like it's the only thing worth watching. If it was a new show I'd simply refuse to watch it and ignore those posts (like I did with Cheers goes Detective), but since I'm onto it from the beginning as it's partially filmed in my country, just can't.
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Apr 12, 2009
I liked the episode, mostly. Well done and free of excessive violence and nudity.

That said, I'm not sure I get:

Arya left the Hound because of spite - or because she just didn't want to kill him? It seems likely he'll survive. I like the character, so I'm hoping he lives.

The whole Tyrion vengeance thing didn't seem quite right to me. The entire place was unguarded? He seemed to almost casually stroll around and, I don't know, it's just not a good fit for his character to commit murder like that. I'll miss Tywin - as he was such a delightful bastard. Why couldn't he have killed Cersei the ultra bitch instead.

I'd say a mixture of spite and not wanting to kill him.

One thing the series was weak on was describing the maze of secret tunnels and entrances in the castle. Only Varys knew about them. It allowed unguarded entrance to almost all of the rooms of importance. Great for the spider. Remember Tyrion popping up through a trapdoor?

Also Tywin's end on the crapper was poetic, but what happens to Cercei in book 5 actually makes you feel sorry for her, sort of, and it's even more poetic.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I'd say Arya left mainly because the Hound had outlived his usefulness. She also knows for a fact that she'd be better and safer without him, and he'd have no place on her journey across the sea. I don't think he would have lived long at all had he been with Arya for that trip.

As for Cercei, she totally deserved what she got in book 5. I never felt sorry for her one bit, and I, for one, would have made her imprisonment something to be remembered and shuddered over for years.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Even in a conversation about a television show, joxer finds a way to mention "endless respawn". :)

Yea, kinda looked as a proper hint to avoid ugly spoiler tags. :D

As for Cercei, she totally deserved what she got in book 5. I never felt sorry for her one bit, and I, for one, would have made her imprisonment something to be remembered and shuddered over for years.
I feel sorry for Cersei. And this actress was a top choice to portray her.
Driven by sick grudge and extreme emotions, not smart enough to see what's utterly wrong, yet never stripped from power. And because of that power, noone really dared to tell give her what she deserves (to quote TW3 vid). She was never happy, she will never be happy and remains a trully sad creature.
All she ever wanted was not to be a stud mare. She just didn't know how.
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Apr 12, 2009
*Edit*. Oh..I guess I should mention that I'm talking about GoT. :)

Especially for those who find almost $200/yr for a couple of decent shows to be absurd. ;)
Oct 18, 2006

Look, it's simple.
Do you agree or not that the season would be at least double better if it ended with the RPG part - prior the tree and then under it?

Hmm... I must be dense today, what's the "RPG" part? or did I miss a part in the episode where I could connect a controller?
Sep 23, 2008
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