Tyranny - Gameplay & Mechanics Video

Personally I was kind of surprised that they made PoE use a 6 person adventuring party in the first place, given the level of complexity of the game mechanics and the fact that the game is real time. For me switching to 4 party members is a plus not a minus, though I'd think differently if this was a turn based game.
Apr 14, 2011
Sigh. Time to be cynical. I can't help it right now. But are people really complaining about "chaotic" RTwP combat + 6-person parties? Okay, so Tyranny will "streamline" it then. And the next game will do a little more, then a little more, until eventually it's an action game. lol.

Then, years after that people will pine for an old-school RTwP 6-person party RPG again, and someone will make a game like PoE. The cycle of life.
I haven't played POE yet but was going to soon. I'm a little confused though I thought consensus around here was that it's pretty good? but I'm hearing quite different in this thread.
I haven't played POE yet but was going to soon. I'm a little confused though I thought consensus around here was that it's pretty good? but I'm hearing quite different in this thread.

I thoroughly enjoyed PoE. While the mechanics themselves are not really as satisfying to me as the original D&D implementations in the Infinity Engine games (but really, that's a very tall task to begin with…), the game is definitely fun, definitely an homage game to the Infinity Engine games and well worth playing if you love isometric RPGs.
There's a lot of negativity in here about a game that has not yet been released. Re-use of assets makes sense to me from a business perspective, as long as they are used in original ways. Don't tabletop RPGs do that all the time? I'm less thrilled about having a four person party, but if they are relatively high level from the start then maybe it won't be as bad. Other than that, I'll wait and see.

Long term, I'd like to see a skills-based system like this employed for a sci-fi space opera game.

I haven't played POE yet but was going to soon. I'm a little confused though I thought consensus around here was that it's pretty good? but I'm hearing quite different in this thread.

Don't listen to the nay sayers. PoE can be a lot of fun depending on your gaming tastes.
Mar 22, 2012
Sigh. Time to be cynical. I can't help it right now. But are people really complaining about "chaotic" RTwP combat + 6-person parties? Okay, so Tyranny will "streamline" it then. And the next game will do a little more, then a little more, until eventually it's an action game. lol.

Then, years after that people will pine for an old-school RTwP 6-person party RPG again, and someone will make a game like PoE. The cycle of life.
Hopefully someone will make a game like IE games instead because PoE is a much worse version.
Oct 3, 2014
I'll wait with the verdict until I've actually played the game. Being evil doesn't really appeal to me, but I suppose that can make it kind of interesting...
Dec 20, 2010
I prefer playing as spell casters, and this new spell crafting system is looking very interesting. And it looks like while I'm researching new spells I can spread sedition, dissent and corruption within an evil empire.

I'm sold, this is looking like the type of games I enjoy. Time to dispose of some income.
Jan 8, 2015
I've got no beef against the game... except the time limit. That's a real killer for me, otherwise I'd have happily snapped this up.
Nov 8, 2014
Time limit is only for first major quest.

I didn't know that - I'd got the impression that each play through had a limited number of days. I thought the idea was to encourage repeated plays by limiting each attempt.
Nov 8, 2014
I didn't know that - I'd got the impression that each play through had a limited number of days. I thought the idea was to encourage repeated plays by limiting each attempt.
No, your first major quest to conquer the last enemy stronghold has a time limit. After than until the end there is none.
Oct 3, 2014
The time limit is only for the first major quest, but it has also been implied that there may be other time limits after that. They suggested some (or all?) of them may not be of the world ending variety, but rather events that happen after a certain amount of time which change the game world and prevent you from doing certain things.

Personally I like the sound of that, but I'm also not at all opposed to time limits. Your mileage may vary.
Apr 14, 2011
This was where I got my impression (RPS interview):

Yes, it’s an actual time limit a la Fallout. Once you’ve read this edict, a counter pops up at the top of the screen informing you how many days are left until all life is extinguished. Time passes whenever you leave to go to a new area (a.k.a. when traveling), and if you don’t accomplish your goal before the eight days is up?

“The game ends,” said Heins. “If you are really good and know where to go you absolutely can do everything in that eight days, though it starts getting tight.”

“We wanted the replayability and playing different paths though, and having a time limit creates a sense of urgency that maybe you don’t want to do everything. And with Kyros and the Edicts,” he continued, “we wanted to add some visual presence. The time limit felt like a good way to show this is actually urgent.”

Is there some other info that suggests a non game-ending time limit?
Nov 8, 2014
Re-use of assets makes sense to me from a business perspective, as long as they are used in original ways. Don't tabletop RPGs do that all the time?
Without re-use of assets Monty Python's Life of Brian would never have been possible. One of the best films ever. I don't think anyone complaint that they re-used the sets of Jesus of Nazareth instead of building their own.
Oct 18, 2006
This was where I got my impression (RPS interview):

Is there some other info that suggests a non game-ending time limit?
Some people on Codex had enough willpower to watch their streams and interviews and they are my source. Anyways, we will find out soon enough.
Oct 3, 2014
Fair enough. Hopefully someone on here will confirm soon. I think it's the duty of whoever got it for a freebie.
Nov 8, 2014
I tried to get it for free, as I don't think it'll be worth much money at all. I think I'll just play FNV instead. I may have to break down and actually watch a let's play of this. If I can find someone that doesn't sound like they're 12. Seriously, do any LPer's have balls that actually dropped? :p
Oct 18, 2006
Is there some other info that suggests a non game-ending time limit?

In literally the next paragraph of the interview that you quoted......

"As for whether you’ll see other time limits later, Heins said Obsidian’s experimenting with a few but they may or may not make it into the final release —and they might not all be game-ending catastrophes. “Others may just change the overall state, or what the win conditions can be. But we’re still evaluating that.”"
Apr 14, 2011
In literally the next paragraph of the interview that you quoted……

"As for whether you’ll see other time limits later, Heins said Obsidian’s experimenting with a few but they may or may not make it into the final release —and they might not all be game-ending catastrophes. “Others may just change the overall state, or what the win conditions can be. But we’re still evaluating that.”"

Yes, I saw that. But I'm still confused, because the earlier statement seems fairly clear about a game-ending limit in the general game. It seems a bit odd to ask about time limits after that fact.
Nov 8, 2014
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