Games recommended for Beginners/Newbies to the RPG genre ?

I'm not worried :) He can believe whatever helps him sleep at night ;)

That would be him as a very clever boy who can boast " to claim is very, very significant knowledge about the way the average human being works" while being obviously the most modest man in the world.
Dont worry Purpleblob as one of the few people to get DArt to put me on ignore for a while because I argued with him, unless you are prepared for a argument war of attrition, you are probably not gonna win. :)

Actually, it was because you don't make much sense when you argue at length ;)

There are, generally, two kinds of people I put on ignore: Those I can't communicate productively with and liars.

I like both you and purple, so you're not likely to stay there for long, regardless.

If I put people on ignore for arguing with me, then the entirety of the Watch would be on that list - myself included.

As for purple, she's a sensitive creature - and they tend to take it to heart when confronted with opposing opinions (informed or not), rather than learn from them.

At first, anyway :)
Actually, it was because you don't make much sense when you argue at length ;)

There are, generally, two kinds of people I put on ignore: Those I can't communicate with and liars.

I like both you and purple, so you're not likely to stay there for long, regardless.

If I put people on ignore for arguing with me, then the entirety of the Watch would be on that list - myself included.

As for purple, she's a sensitive creature - and they tend to take it to heart when confronted with opposing opinions, rather than learn from them.

At first, anyway :)

We were going around in circles werent we? I have problems expressing my thoughts coherently in words. *shrugs*
Jul 22, 2012
And people wonder why the population here is abysmal.
Jun 24, 2014
And people wonder why the population here is abysmal.
Do they? Last time I sent a link to certain thread on RPGwatch over Viber to an acquaitance, he replied "but that's not facebook?!".
Apr 12, 2009
Maybe in your imagination ;)

I didn't call you a Codexian. I simply pointed out that your theory was bullshit by way of example.

Not a theory, just an observation/joke. I witnessed many, many interesting threads turn into same old argument over something as important as penis size.
Jun 24, 2014
Not a theory, just an observation/joke. I witnessed many, many interesting threads turn into same old argument over something as important as penis size.

Yes, I can see by your post count that you don't really care about much at all enough to contribute.

That doesn't mean everything you DO say is particularly important to the rest of us, though.

Such is how we all differ in terms of what we care about.

Sometimes, going off topic can lead to much more interesting exchanges - and sometimes, it's just a few steps down a blind road, and can easily be ignored.
On the topic of new RPG-players I would recommend Shadowrun Dragonfall. It's nice to look at, isometric turn based combat that isn't too complicated. A very limited and simple inventory. Good story. Easy to get into but not too deep. From here they could into more complicated systems and games if they wanted to.
Jun 4, 2008
The Great White North
On the topic of new RPG-players I would recommend Shadowrun Dragonfall. It's nice to look at, isometric turn based combat that isn't too complicated. A very limited and simple inventory. Good story. Easy to get into but not too deep. From here they could into more complicated systems and games if they wanted to.

Good choice :)

Might be better than SCL for a similar kind of gameplay experience.
Off-topic a bit, but how long did it take you to finish Dragonfall? I heard about 20hours? If true, I might finish that first rather than focusing on TW3.
Anything UGoIGO. Point of entry in gaming, simplest system to understand (everything is disjointed) quite often smoothened by luck (players do not need to be proficient to succeed)

The rest is a matter of tastes as supporting elements like story, universe will help a new player to get into the product.
Mar 29, 2011
Off-topic a bit, but how long did it take you to finish Dragonfall? I heard about 20hours? If true, I might finish that first rather than focusing on TW3.

I think it was around 30-35 hours or so, for me.

It can be done faster, certainly - as I did all the content I could find.
Back on topic:

If the newbie doesn't mind older games
Quest for Glory 1. Its got a simple well told story with interesting characters to meet. Classes that play genuinely different and simple combat and inventory management. Skills are learn by doing, all very intuitive to play. Although the instant deaths due to the adventure elements may be off-putting.

Something more recent
StarCrawlers is a good dungeon crawler which is as challenging as you want it to be. Intuitive game that is very pick up and play. Has a nice vibe due to music and art direction, a good variety of classes and abilities.

Final Fantasy VII

Play it for the story, art and awesome soundtrack. The combat gets gradually more involved as you go so you are learning at a good pace which will surely settle the player into the experience.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
How old are they and what do they expect in game play. My first rpg was Might and Magic v; and it really grabbed me but I was already a big rts/fps player for 10 years prior (only reason I played might and magic is my sister sent it to me - turned out she was a big rpg player and a box of stuff i never heard of like might and magic/baulder gate 1/2 and a few others).
wiz 8 is a fantastic game that has aged well but it doesn't really have much in the way of puzzles and similar. might and magic x is not that bad if they want something modern or maybe wasteland 2 ?
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Really, you never know what will get someone interested. My introduction to RPGs was Ultima 7, and all I really had played mostly before that was adventure games and flight sims (and Wing Commander).

We can speculate about which game will get someone interested in RPGs, but sometimes maybe it's just the one you like most.
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
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