Dragon Age 4 - Cancelled Version Focused on Heists

All I know is after reading that article, I'm more certain now than ever that I'll never install that Origin platform on my lovely computer. I despise everything that Electronic Arts currently stands for as a company, and the best way I know to tout that is by never giving them a single penny. They were great in their day, but that sun set over ten years ago.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
The last two Kotaku articles shine a negative light on BioWare's work environment & management. It's a damn shame as I loved every game they made except for Anthem.

Also saying don't believe this because no employees came out, and preferred to be anonymous that's bullshit. As whistle blowers will be blacklisted for airing dirty laundry.

As for BioWare and EA they wont admit they have a problem. It'll affect the stock price.
Oct 1, 2010
I've read a couple articles now from people who believe BioWare will be closed down. If sales of Anthem are as bad as rumored, EA has lost millions and it would be tough to justify keeping them unless they were pretty far advanced with another project. Sounds like they aren't, if DA has already taken a rapid left-turn.
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
Sadly, the gamer masses …

Who they are.

The article reads about few things. One is the promise of fluid storytelling, leading to non conventional endings. Another is the call to repeated patterns to structure the narration.

Repetition. On the ground of a too be delivered promise of countless endings by the same company that came with the blue, red and green endings fiasco.

The tedious servant master relationship.

People on this site abhor repetition. Yet EA is to blame for aborting a product that had one guarantee, repetition.

People cant put up their own desires.
Mar 29, 2011
I've read a couple articles now from people who believe BioWare will be closed down.

Would that be a bad thing? Then maybe Bioware can re-open as an independent studio. Then maybe they can go back to making games that made them my once favorite game studio.
Mar 31, 2019
Also saying don't believe this because no employees came out, and preferred to be anonymous that's bullshit. As whistle blowers will be blacklisted for airing dirty laundry.
They will. It's EA and there is no union = a person would be fired instantly, there would be no chance to find another job in IT industry anywhere, a chance to go hobo is most probable. And that person has to pay alimony. From where if they lose the job over "big mouth"?
People on this site abhor repetition.
What people? I know I do, didn't notice anyone else. :p
There are also extreme opposites. For example Dartagnan is obsessed with repetition and ignores everything else - Destiny and Anthem are his games of the century. Although he's not on this site any more, he'll return. Another example is you - watching the same one episode over and over of the show that spans for 10+ seasons. Okay, the same fetch quest repeated endlessly to net more income. On twitch. :p
Apr 12, 2009
Union's don't matter if you tattle you will be black-listed. As much as companies claim they don't have them that's pure bullshit. A few friends in HR shared the details.
Oct 1, 2010
You sure Electronic Arts employees are (any) union members? :)

That aside, there is something else seems I have to constantly remind spam about.
For whatever reason EA doesn't want to invest in new technologies. Hairworks is a big no no and if any game would profit from that it'd be Dragon Age. I mean, give something that sounds positive to PR. Noone will be excited after hearing: live services.
Apr 12, 2009
I've read a couple articles now from people who believe BioWare will be closed down. If sales of Anthem are as bad as rumored, EA has lost millions and it would be tough to justify keeping them unless they were pretty far advanced with another project. Sounds like they aren't, if DA has already taken a rapid left-turn.

Anthem sales are bad? $100m just in digital revenues in a month. Anthem is making profits with just its digital sales, EA isn't losing money on it.

DA "rapid left turn" happened in 2017, it was leaked by Kotaku back then too and we got a thread just like this one back in early 2018 about it.

Also, BioWare management problems have always been there and the same as 99.9% of the industry. I'm not so sure why people act like it's special or that fixing it would magical result in BioWare making games they want to play. Maybe some people should read interview from Trent Oster more often, he clearly still has nightmares about working on NWN back in the late 90s and he was the game director.

edit: To put some things in context, Jason Schreier, the Kotaku author who wrote all "BioWare is a shit place to work at" articles, is pushing hard for video game developers to get unionized on twitter and other places.
Oct 13, 2007
Generally it's the underperforming widgets that want unionization. Anyone that truly has the skills can make absurd fortunes by switching to the right company. Yes it requires people to do some research, remain current in technology and coding, and not move to Detroit or Liverpool for a 3month contract then expect to find another job the next day.
But... In an age of pro-internet socialism its considered bad form to speak poorly about unions. :)
Aug 13, 2013
Dragon Age 4: 5 Things We Know and 5 Big Rumors
It Will Feature Some Kind of Online Play

Dragon Age Inquisition‘s use of online play wasn’t exactly…any good whatsoever, but don’t take that to mean that BioWare is going to focus on single-player. In fact, it really sounds like the team is being pushed to include some kind of revamped online system. The extent of this system isn’t known, but it could end up defining the title in some ways.

It Might Require an Online Connection

This one hurts. The extent of Dragon Age 4‘s online play isn’t known, but all signs point to the game requiring an online connection (due to EA’s push for “service” content). While this has become more and more common in recent years, it’s sad to think that those who just want to play the single-player may still need to be online.

You Should Probably Be Worried About Dragon Age 4

Honestly, you probably should be. Things are not going well at BioWare right now following Anthem’s rocky launch, and it seems like Dragon Age 4 might be burdened with the same problems. Not only will it likely be based on the Frostbite engine (which BioWare hate), but it will seemingly push multiplayer and online service features (which the company aren’t particularly comfortable with). If Dragon Age 4 is ever released (which isn’t a given), it might be a rough one.
Oct 1, 2010
Its cute that some agencies still pretend "bioware" is its own thing with its own likes and dislikes. Do they realize Bioware can't "hate frostbite" because Bioware is just a collection of EA software developers. You could just say EA hates frostbite... but that wouldn't be true because it saves them so much every time they use it.
Silly narratives :)
Aug 13, 2013
It's cute yes but read the last Kotaku article the engine was forced on them.

Frostbite was never intended to make RPGs and its well documented on how BioWare Dev's had to adapt it. It wasn't an easy process over the last eight years either.

Combat seems to have improved with Anthem at least. Can't say much about the RPG side though. I posted a link last week about how BioWare failed in that area.
Oct 1, 2010
Anthem sales are bad? $100m just in digital revenues in a month. Anthem is making profits with just its digital sales, EA isn't losing money on it.

Not making a point about any specific agenda here, but just fact-checking the statistics. The article states that Anthem is the second fastest selling game in their history. I've no idea if 100m is a good figure or not, but the article suggests that most of that has come from day-one-purchases at the $60 mark, which would equate to approximately 1.66m people. Call it 2m for rounding and the time since the article, etc. If you look at the number of players rather than revenue, then 2m isn't that big a splash in the AAA world.

And there has been a gruadual uptick in 'fastest' sales ever since EA took over. DA2 was the first title of theirs to have really huge day-one-purchases only to then trail off really sharply in the following weeks/months to the point where Dragon Age: Origins was actually still the more played game.

Mass Effect 3 became their fastest selling game, Dragon Age Inquisition became their fastest selling game, Anthem is being touted as a nearly fastest ever selling game, but you don't really see the company telling anyone about long-term player numbers. The concept of 'fastest' is merely the number that is used to keep people positive & is more an indication of how well their marketing team performed than how well the game performed.

I also bring this up because you state:

we got a thread just like this one back in early 2018 about it.

& I also notice repetition of points in threads. I've no doubt Bioware's next game, assuming there's a next game, will also be very fast selling for a few weeks with people reporting that everything's great because they convinced enough people to day-one-purchase it in the months leading up to release. And then there'll be threads asking why the game is dissappointing & some people saying hey, it sold well, what's your problem etc.

Further, of course numbers go up every year anyway regardless of everything else, the market is still growing as gaming becomes more global and more mainsteam with each new generation. 2m players buying your console game today isn't even remotely similar to 1m people buying your PC game 20 years ago in terms of market domination and public perception. But it could well still be enough to allow them to make another game. If there's 2m people out there, of which you are no doubt one, who are really happy about day-one-purchasing a Bioware game, then I see no reason why your demand shouldn't be met. I don't envy the miserey you have to go through on forums every time one does get released though, but that's the risk developers take when they put everything into ensuring the day-one-purchases are the only important factor in the game's development.
Nov 1, 2014
Same news in video format with extra opinion on these articles.

Oct 1, 2010
Not making a point about any specific agenda here, but just fact-checking the statistics. The article states that Anthem is the second fastest selling game in their history. I've no idea if 100m is a good figure or not, but the article suggests that most of that has come from day-one-purchases at the $60 mark, which would equate to approximately 1.66m people. Call it 2m for rounding and the time since the article, etc. If you look at the number of players rather than revenue, then 2m isn't that big a splash in the AAA world.

I think someone failed to read the word "digital". There is no physical sales included in the $100m. In fact, the original source that the article quote is for console digital sales only, it doesn't include PC sales either. Anthem sold physically too before anyone start to think it didn't.

In early February, EA was said to have 47% of their console sales as digital.
Oct 13, 2007
I think someone failed to read the word "digital". There is no physical sales included in the $100m. In fact, the original source that the article quote is for console digital sales only, it doesn't include PC sales either. Anthem sold physically too before anyone start to think it didn't.

In early February, EA was said to have 47% of their console sales has digital.

So the number of day-one-purchasers is about 3.5 million, yes?

Thanks for the fact check, but does that radically change any point I made?
Nov 1, 2014
I won't buy another EA game until they make a sequel to Legacy of the Ancients :D
Oct 18, 2006
That's pretty much my same opinion on EA products, except for me the period would have been after the word "game". Their current appeal isn't suited to me at all, and that horrific Origin platform....well, let's just say I have plenty of other options.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Its cute that some agencies still pretend "bioware" is its own thing with its own likes and dislikes. Do they realize Bioware can't "hate frostbite" because Bioware is just a collection of EA software developers. You could just say EA hates frostbite… but that wouldn't be true because it saves them so much every time they use it.
Silly narratives :)

I don't quite follow. Are you saying that the employees of Bioware cannot have opinions on directives from their parent company because they are owned by that parent company? I don't know about you, but there were plenty of times during my career when I disagreed with higher ups. Maybe I couldn't do anything about it, but I was still free to have an opinion.
Oct 18, 2006
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