Horizon Zero Dawn - Release Day

It's easy to forget that a lot of people run games on laptops or other pre-built PCs which ship with a lot of unnecessary stuff, and often custom or peculiar drivers / hardware choices. Laptops often have odd soundcards for example, and often ship with funny drivers.

There's also the issue of rebadged hardware, where people think they have a compatible series of graphics card, but it turns out to be a rebadged previous-gen card. Both AMD/Nvidia did a lot of this in the past, especially through big vendors like Dell, HP, Acer etc.

Finally, many people (and vendors) rely on in-box drivers with Win10. Since most/all of their hardware is identified without a yellow exclamation mark in device manager, people assume all is well. I've seen many a computer shop just slap on Win10 to a PC, quickly check nothing is "out of the ordinary" and deliver it back to the customer. Yes, it works, but only until you try and do something fancy with it!
Aug 25, 2011
It's all good. I'll just assume you haven't played a lot of ports in recent years.
More likely you're the one who didn't.
Half of console ports are unplayable with k+m, and half of those that are have no key remapping option - that's not a port, that's bullshit.
I think a lot of them are full of shit.
Lemme correct that. Most of them.


I have no idea why nor how's that even possible, but when the game on two rigs with seemingly same specs plays smoothly on one and crashes frequently on another, then of course something suspicious is going on.
Old nonAVX CPUs can't run the game, that's by design and is not a bug.

And so far, crashes (or FPS drops to a slideshow) solution on PCs that meet minimum requirements or are better were these:

1. Playing the game on old win10 version like 1709 (winver will show you the version). I have no idea why are people reluctant to patch win10, but there you go, once these people updated their windows, the game stopped being crash-o-rama.

2. Paging file disabled. Who on earth does this? The swap file is there for a reason and unless you need to disable it for one specific reason, it mustn't be touched. Oh you have 16Gb of RAM so it's not needed and you want to prolong SSD life… Only, it is needed and SSD will fart a month earlier after 10 years of use, big gain.

3. Running Steam and playing the game as a restricted user. Dafuq? Of course the game can't save certain settings, can't access some files (thus crashes) and returns suspicious errors. Use a restricted user when you test potential malware, not for playing videogames on steam. Once these people played the game (and started steam) as administrator, all problems disappeared.

4. Driver and VC redistributables are corrupted. You know when some games have mc100.dll or something error then idiotic internet doctors on google suggest to download this and that dll. Only. Of course it's never the full redist installation and of course eventually another game will pay a price for this later. I have no idea who these people are nor why are they tinkering with what they have no knowledge about, but after proper reinstallation of both the driver (remove all driver files with guru3d util, then reinstall) and vc redists the game suddenly works properly on these machines.

5. "Exotic" peripherals must be plugged in all the time. Okay Arctic (?) wireless headset isn't exactly exotic, but the game on start, and not only this game, hates certain gadgerety and crashes to desktop. Solution is of course to unplug stuff (in this case USB dongle), start the game then plug the dongle back in if one is so desperate to use wireless headset. And it works.

6. A game of 50+Gb size is installed on HDD - a HDD that was defragmented 5 years ago. Yes, this is the culprit in some cases! Imagine it suddenly starts playing nice with you when you defrag HDD. Or move game files to SSD. A miracle.

7. Overclocked CPU. Crashes the shader, when it finally manages to complete it, crashes the game. I have no idea why is this happening, but the gold rule of PC gaming is do not OC the CPU unless the game is an unoptimized piece of shit where you have to do it (I always mention AC4 as an example of this). Anyway, once people reverted to the CPU's original tact, the game became a bombon. If you don't know how to do it and bought the 2nd hand rig already OCed, just flash BIOS and that's it.
In case you're asking, no, GPU overclocking does not have any effect on the game's performance.


I'm not saying the port is super duper awsome and everyone is guilty for the game's bad behavior on their PC.
Anosotropic filtering setting does absolutely nothing regardless of the notch position for example, obviously it's bugged.
In some reports seems that steam's overlay causes bad performance, I admit it's nothing new nor is happening only in this game.

But the majority of frequent stutters/crashes wouldn't even happen if people weren't trying to be smart "adjusting" the system to be a holodeck or were refusing to keep the PC in a good shape.
Apr 12, 2009
There is one more thing I need to praise about this port, and it's kinda sad I have to praise it because it should be the norm, but it isn't, so here it goes.

FINALLY one PC port that actually has proper m+kb default controls and sensitivity, that doesn't pop up on-screen prompts to press circle or Y, and that, hear this, uses reasonable keybindings for people who use PC, not random shit like I-K-J-M to turn the camera or V to jump. In HZD even the middle mouse button has a neat default function that makes your life easier. And yes, in some of the crappier PC ports you can edit the keybindings (although usually won't even recognise that your mouse has buttons or your keyboard's custom keys), but that's not the point.

It's really not that difficult to put people who play PC games in charge of designing the control layout of a PC port, or at least get advice from one such person. To me it always screams of poor service and lack of care for customers, since I can't imagine hiring one person to educate them on the topic would throw the port off budget. So thank you HZD for being an exception of a sad pattern for something that shouldn't be, and that great games with great budgets like Dark Souls can't even get right themselves.

It's very refreshing, and it certainly merits mention.
There is one more thing I need to praise about this port, and it's kinda sad I have to praise it because it should be the norm, but it isn't, so here it goes.

Are you saying you don't like ports that use "RTYU" for movement keys and G&H for 'use' and menu???

You monster!
Aug 13, 2013
Wait till you see so called tools menu:
x,y or x,z to rotate tools then press f to use pot/trap/action.

Anyway, this is not the first nor last port that does k+m justice. For example ToCS games already respected PC with controls and tooltips.

Sadly, in this year some ports pretend mouse doesn't exist or whomever did the port is incapable of "emulating" whichever mushroom with mouse to control camera rotation. Persona 4 is one example, Fairy Tail is another.

I'm now 20 hours in HZD.
I have to say I don't grind and whenever I can run past respawned trashmobs I do it. And I had enough of mats to buy everything I wanted.
I do all sidequests I find though. And now I know why CDpr loved the game. See, if you reach a spot where a sidequest has a step, you'll be able to complete it although noone previously sent you there to do some whatnot!
Except that, I've unlocked sabertooth "taming". Tamed one, but I cannot ride it. :(
Apr 12, 2009
Z to rotate quick use items is reasonable in my book, the game has a lot of functions and that feels intuitive enough for that function.

In the flip side, I got last night to the Trials, took me ages to get them right with the analog controller in PS4, especially the ones where you have a tight time limit to knock off tiny bits off certain machines. With mouse they go down ever so smoothly, almost feels like too easily, and I'm not complaining.
More likely you're the one who didn't.
Half of console ports are unplayable with k+m, and half of those that are have no key remapping option - that's not a port, that's bullshit.

Lemme correct that. Most of them.

We were talking about performance optimization not controls. :)

That said, the vast majority of more recent PC ports I've played work just fine with K+M.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
The only thing I didn't like about the default controls is Tab to bring up the weapon wheel and 'N' to open the quest log, etc, since I'm used to Tab doing the latter.

I ended up remapping 'N' and 'M' (map) to the left and right tilt clicks of my mouse wheel for easier access. I use the map a lot since I'm playing without the onscreen quest markers and compass.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
In the flip side, I got last night to the Trials, took me ages to get them right with the analog controller in PS4, especially the ones where you have a tight time limit to knock off tiny bits off certain machines.
I've so far completed three spots with those timed trials and yes.
I have absolutely no idea how controller passed some - an example is where you need to tie a rope twice on flying robots then crit three of them (or if it survives the crit you can crit it again). It was a super easy task with mouse - maybe they should have shortened the time limit if someone plays with k+m? To 10 seconds? But even that seems too long for mouseplay... :evilgrin:

Speaking of those hunting trials, I have to admit while I hate anything timed, these "trials" are not hard at all and doing all 3 at a spot within the shortest time limit gets you +1 skillpoint. Plus you'll probably level up, so there's two supereasy skillpoints for just 10 mins of gameplay, IMO that is a big incentive to do them.

Hint #1: always check the trader's offer who's in at the hunting spot
Hint #2: arrows that don't do any damage, but knock off bits (tear) exist ;)
Hint #3: ignore everything that is not the goal of the current trial
Apr 12, 2009
Lol - some people with old cpus have success to start the game with an
Intel® Software Development Emulator that can emulate AVX commandos via software:

Sony devs <> Intel specialists :)
Oct 18, 2006
And FPS is horribly low… Now I see how consoles playthrough looks. :evilgrin:

I wonder though if this could help starting Death Stranding too (avx required too).
Apr 12, 2009
If you can start it with an emulator at 10-15 fps it should be totally possible to compile a non AVX version that runs without an emulator with better fps.
It is really just a compiler setting that you can switch on or off.

I fear that the game is poorly optimized and cpu dependent in general so that it doesn't make much sense.
Oct 18, 2006
The Intel® Software Development Emulator just emulates newer CPU instruction sets for people that don't have the newer CPUs. Mostly for devs that want to debug their tools for different hardware.

If the game depends on Win 10 you can't avoid that problem with it.
Oct 18, 2006
I know I'm late to comment, but just wanted to mention that I am a PC master race guy, and yet I bought a PS5 a few years ago to play MLB the Show. I got HZD for the ps5 and was blown away, and I was able to complete it on hardest difficulty using a gamepad. So if you are a gamer who is hesitant about this type of game, but curious, I thought it had both fantastic gameplay and story, and the gamepad is very doable even if you play all your FPS with M+KB like I do. anyway, this one is highly recommended. (and if you doubt my traditional rpg cred, I'm 300 hours into Underrail plus expansion and still slugging it out when i have time.)
Nov 13, 2012
Wisconsin, USA
I know I'm late to comment, but just wanted to mention that I am a PC master race guy, and yet I bought a PS5 a few years ago to play MLB the Show. I got HZD for the ps5 and was blown away, and I was able to complete it on hardest difficulty using a gamepad. So if you are a gamer who is hesitant about this type of game, but curious, I thought it had both fantastic gameplay and story, and the gamepad is very doable even if you play all your FPS with M+KB like I do. anyway, this one is highly recommended. (and if you doubt my traditional rpg cred, I'm 300 hours into Underrail plus expansion and still slugging it out when i have time.)

I just want to know where you got your PS5. ;)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Nov 15, 2013
Yea, I also remeber slip of the tongue...

Apr 12, 2009
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