Prometheus Wept: The new turn based RPG from the developer of Vigilantes

I just completed the fishing village map in the updated demo. It was pretty fun. Is it possible to use healing items outside of combat though? I could only seem to use them in combat mode.

Glad to hear you had fun. The healing items should be in one of your equipped slots. If the panels are not visible, press the arrow in the lower left, select the item and right click on the character. Bandages only restore HP outside combat, but they restore a lot of it.

I'm guessing the issue here is that the panels aren't visible and the arrow is hard to notice - perhaps I should leave them on by default.
Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
Played the system infiltration demo tonight. It reminded me of the cyberspace sections in the Shadowrun games.

Are we supposed to be able to save/load in the demo? I think it let me create a save in the fishing village demo but it wouldn't in the infiltration level.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Played the system infiltration demo tonight. It reminded me of the cyberspace sections in the Shadowrun games.

Are we supposed to be able to save/load in the demo? I think it let me create a save in the fishing village demo but it wouldn't in the infiltration level.

You should be able to save anytime outside combat - if not, that's a bug.
Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
Hey again. Updated demos for Windows, Mac and Linux are now available. The update fixes a number of bugs, provides better guidance on what to do through a quest window, and adds a couple of usability improvements, such as health bars on the character's portraits in real time mode.

I'm waiting for some advice on the Kickstarter, but it's going to start soon. Pre launch page is here, if you're interested.
Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
I'm in.

Everything about this project seems credible and professional, to me. I've said it before, but other small budget developers should be looking at this as a template of how you do it, and not have the pitch sound like disingenuous waffle and daydreams.
Nov 8, 2014
Thanks Ripper - appreciate the kind words. Do a lot of these Kickstarters launch without a demo? I always start development by working towards the biggest coding and production challenges and wouldn't even consider a Kickstarter until these are all solved, and there's a demo in the field.
Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
Timeslip, from what I've noticed in the past, often when a kick starter project fails, much of the blame is for simply too little information, let alone a playable demo. I hear and read this from friends, often. When an upcoming project is literally depending on much word of mouth, I cannot think of anything that can supply that better than a demo. In your case, you've also experience under your belt, so you are literally punching down at this point, in a very good way.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Thanks Ripper - appreciate the kind words. Do a lot of these Kickstarters launch without a demo? I always start development by working towards the biggest coding and production challenges and wouldn't even consider a Kickstarter until these are all solved, and there's a demo in the field.

Yeah, there's a large number of KS projects that offer no demo, and really seem quite unrealistic. What's often done is that they clearly just ask for completely insufficient funding for their ambitious scope (but which is the amount they think they might get), hoping that they'll be able to get to a point where they can attract more money from EA and/or a publisher. But that makes it a riskier proposition for backers, and the graveyard of failed projects means folks are a lot more cautious these days. Then, often we don't hear a word for many months, followed by passive-aggressive excuses about how they need to spend their time working on the game, not writing update posts. It annoys me, because I think crowdfunding is a really important tool for indies, and too many people just haven't respected it.

In your case, the first game was sensibly scoped for a solo dev, and the whole thing was well-managed, with plenty of communication and updates. When you ask for a small amount this time, you explain that you have some profits from the first game, and are expanding on the engine, with the help of some EU funding (I'm sure they could see the same things we do.) It all just makes sense to me, and seems to be the way to grow from a one-man project.
Nov 8, 2014
@ Carnifex, i've occasionally seen Kickstarters which don't even have a game, but rather something like "A real time strategy game"

@ Ripper: I wanted to head off the low funding amount early, because without that info, it would seem pretty unrealistic. Agree on the keeping backers updated - from what I've seen, people are very reasonable if the news is bad (i.e. a delay) but devs going silent doesn't help anyone.
@JDR13; - thanks, yeah, it's a good start, hopefully can maintain some momentum.
Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
I replaced KS by investing in Early Access titles on Steam that have a decent amount of content. Even then, about 80% never see full release. I have a library chock full of EA titles. A fully released game seems a rare bird. Glad Vigilantes made it, though it's not my cup of tea. I vastly prefer pure fantasy and a single character.
Oct 18, 2006
I replaced KS by investing in Early Access titles on Steam that have a decent amount of content. Even then, about 80% never see full release. I have a library chock full of EA titles. A fully released game seems a rare bird. Glad Vigilantes made it, though it's not my cup of tea. I vastly prefer pure fantasy and a single character.

I didn't realise the failure rate on EA was that high. Makes it difficult on devs who see their work through to the end. Sure, I understand, hope you find plenty of games to your liking!
Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
I backed it; I like to support people/devs who regularly visit this site. Helping Indies was one of the reasons we began the Watch!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
It's not everyday one of your game dev heroes backs your game! I thought someone was playing a joke on me at first when Brian popped up as a backer. Really good of him to help out the little guy.


The campaign's at 93% now, with 3 days to go. Fingers crossed!

Here's the second and final part of the play-through of the Drag. In the final part, armed with only a handgun, rubber bullets and melee weapons, you come under fire from a sniper. There's also a few minutes of extra detail on the story for act 1 near the end. If you've got any questions or feedback, let me know!
Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
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