15 years of RPGWatch, now what?

How to celebrate 15 years of RPGWatch?

  • Do nothing

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Take all the money and run away

    Votes: 16 40.0%
  • Put on our party heads

    Votes: 15 37.5%
  • Here is an idea:

    Votes: 6 15.0%

  • Total voters
Wow 15 years.... I'm old now.
I'm in the dot-lurk group and glad it continued as RPGwatch.

Also I liked Chienbot!
I liked HHR, Dart, Purple, Gorath, Bobo, Eye, and Aub too... despite their various mental states :) Fun conversations.
Aug 13, 2013
Gorath still posts once in a while.

Off the top of my head there is JemyM and PrimeJunta too.

JemyM made the Gothic walk-through that got me through the end game puzzles as I simply couldn't figure it out.

PJ wrote a lot on the politics forums.

Then there's a few of the old RPGDot Shadows who joined initially but I forgot some of their names.

We had even started an RP thread here but the DM disappeared after a while. Forgot his name too now.

Oh and Bartacus who is a fellow Belgian.


Found the RP thread. The DM was khass.

Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Magerette (don't remember the spelling).


PS. Regarding the incarnations of pibbuR, I can give some hopefully (not) useful explanations.

  • Each pibbur arises when the pibbur is in a relatively happy mood.
  • Each pibbur disappears when he's in a depressive episode.
  • Repeat.

pibbuR, on behalf of some pibburs who survived several episodes.

PS. Jaz hasn't posted anything for 2 years. DS.
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Nov 11, 2019
A give away sounds nice, but backwards. How about a give away where only current/past moderators and news curators are eligible? (Though I have to wonder if there's any game @HiddenX; doesn't already own!)
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
That's a nice thought. I wouldn't throw my hat in, as I don't enter the giveaways. I don't buy that many games, I can afford the ones I do want, and I still end up with a silly backlog. So I prefer to leave the giveaways in case there's someone who's skint and would really appreciate a new game.
Nov 8, 2014
A giveaway of 100x pathfinder sequel sounds nice

You have a link to your steam account and I was curious ... it says you have 2907 games on steam o_O and you can't pick up WotR? How did you even find time to play that many games? Are you vampire with a lot of time on his hands and no need to sleep? You have a lot of reviews though which is useful!
Jun 4, 2008
You have a link to your steam account and I was curious … it says you have 2907 games on steam o_O and you can't pick up WotR? How did you even find time to play that many games? Are you vampire with a lot of time on his hands and no need to sleep? You have a lot of reviews though which is useful!

75% of those are in the trash category :biggrin:
anyway pathfinder sequel is 8 times more expensive than the first game in my region :mad:
75% of those are in the trash category :biggrin:
anyway pathfinder sequel is 8 times more expensive than the first game in my region :mad:

Nov 15, 2013
yes, its around 20 euros here, 4 times more expensive than valve suggested price :gorath:
yes, its around 20 euros here, 4 times more expensive than valve suggested price :gorath:

Here's even more expensive. The standard edition costs around 24 Euros here, while the Mythic Edition doubles that. I'll get the game in future but only when discounted.
Nov 15, 2013
20 to 24 euros is really cheap compared to the US as that is only $23.77 to $28.52 in US dollars.

It's $49.99 US (which is about 42 euros, so double what you two pay) in the states and well worth the price considering all it offers and all the time and work they put into it. I can think of larger "AAA" games that charge more and provide a lot less fun and time in exchange for the money.

Rather surprised how much more expensive it is in the US compared to other places. But I don't begrudge them the money, its a superb game and I have spent far more money on less enjoyable entertainment.
Jun 4, 2008
I know the game is excellent, I know this. But by the time I finish Pathfinder: Kingmaker - yes, you read that correctly :) - surely Wrath of the Righteous will be in a more affordable price (to me).

EDIT: sorry if I'm derailing the thread, I won't discuss this subject here again because this is not the proper place to do that. I apologize to everyone.
Nov 15, 2013
I know the game is excellent, I know this. But by the time I finish Pathfinder: Kingmaker - yes, you read that correctly :) - surely Wrath of the Righteous will be in a more affordable price (to me).

EDIT: sorry if I'm derailing the thread, I won't discuss this subject here again because this is not the proper place to do that. I apologize to everyone.

I found it very interesting and relates to gift giving in a minor way.

To explain my thinking it was a couple of things. With porcozaur I was thinking (rightly or wrongly) any dude with 2900+ games in their library must spend a fair amount of money on gaming and hence have some budget for it.

Also hard to know when anyone shows concern over the price of something whether its because they have a very small budget and have to be extra cautious about how they spend money or if they are simply tight with their money and don't like to spend it even when they can afford to.

The link porcozaur gave was useful and easy to forget stuff like that. Was cool looking at it. I think such things also need to be balanced against the cost of living.

For example in the US the COL is pretty high. I live in a small rural town and I pay roughly $1450 (1220 euros) a month just for a little condo (600 sq feet/ 56 sq meters) with no amenities (i.e. no lake, river, fireplace, pool, or other such things). Very standard average unit. Food per month is about $400 (or 331 euros).

Not sure how that compares but the higher income is eaten away by the higher cost of living in many cases.

That being said my post was really just comparing, at a base level w/out looking at all these details, the US cost and the Euro cost as it had appeared that the US was a lot more. Perhaps if isn't depending on how salary and cost of living factor in.

To get back on topic I am still happy to donate some games to celebrate 15 years if needed. Or whatever else may be decided, if anything.

Maybe just celebrating the 15 years in this thread and chatting about our memories and good times is enough of a celebration :)
Jun 4, 2008
Many of those games were bought years back when i could make some profit from trading, but then valve stopped cross region gifting ha. Ive been waiting for years for valve to put an option to remove games from an account in bulk; if i wanted to remove all the shit from my account one by one it would take a day lol.
Anyway, as a fun fact, i was looking at my top 100 games by playtime, around 70 are rpgs :party: . And i remember in my highschool when i had my first real pc, class buddies were playing rpgs and i was bleaaaah haha, used to play only shooters back then.
I said what now? @porcozaur;, you might need to make those eye holes in your helmet a tad bigger. Or maybe not - I did just get new lenses in my glasses. Hmmm.... ;)
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
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