50 ways to tell if someone you know you is an RPGWatch member

Baron Sukumvit

December 26, 2011

Your friend or family member may regularly post on RPGWatch if:

1. He still has four bottles from a six-pack of Sam Adams he bought in mid- August.
2. He breaks apart half of his Hershey's bar and puts the rest in the fridge for later.
3. At the start of the week he makes sure all five pairs of business socks (black) are ironed and neatly folded, along with some fun sports socks (white with two red rings around the top) so he's ready to cut loose on the weekend.
4. He has no less than three types of dental floss in the house at all times.
5. Never puts more milk on his cereal (Cheerios, plain) than is necessary.
6. Suggested to his wife that they attend sex therapy before having ever slept together, so that if any problems should happen to arise, they'd be well equipped to deal with them.
7. Thought about buying neopolitan ice cream once, but in the end settled for vanilla once again.
8. Can't stand being given creased, pre-handled plastic bags when shopping in town. Once asked a sales assistant if he could have a bag that looked a little "smarter", if you please.
9. Brushes his teeth on coffee breaks.
10. Chews each bite of food exactly 24 times.
11. Learned to sew at age nine, but can't really find the time for it anymore.
12. Recently purchased a binder at Staples. Bought color-coded dividers to go with his new binder.
13. Enjoys the fuzzy cover on his toilet seat so much he's started to always pee sitting down.
14. The public library once overcharged him $3.45 for a book they didn't check in properly. To avoid a scene, he paid it.
15. Avoids lunch alone with female colleagues in the staffroom, just on the off chance that he'll be wrongfully accused of workplace sexual harassment.
16. Got into protracted arguments with several users on the hotornot.com site, after challenging them to provide valid explanations for their ratings.
17. Likes to say 'maybe we shouldn't' when he clearly wants to.
18. Finds his next door neighbours children's basketball games unnecessarily noisy, and is working up the courage to ask them to tone it down a touch.
19. Has sex through the hole in the front of his pyjama pants.
20. He can't understand why more people didn't show up for his Semi-Formal Attire, Dancing With the Stars viewing parties.
21. His idea of foreplay is to state the condoms are about to expire while rattling the box accusingly.
22. Has a miniature solar system on his beside table and plays with it before bed.
23. Owns a cardigan.
24. Tells people the origin of his surname at parties.
25. Is often mistaken for being Canadian.
26. Wrote what he termed a "strongly worded letter" to Pepsi asking them to stop using high-fructose corn syrup.
27. Takes dates to the historic home of Melvile Dewey, inventor of the Dewey Decimal system.
28. Hates to let a Saturday morning go to waste.
29. Invented the colour beige.
30. Subscribes to Sensible Shoes Weekly.
31. Uses phrases like darn tootin'.
32. Enjoys pointing out that tomatoes are fruit.
33. Has been known to sport a fanny pack.
34. Doesn't appreciate racial jokes or ethnic humor.
35. Monitors lists of baby name popularity. He won't give a future child a name at the top, but one that will let them blend in nonetheless and not be ridiculed, somewhere about #9.
36. Likes as much fun as the next guy but thinks this list is "getting out of hand".
37. Doesn't understand what's supposed to be funny about Ned Flanders.
38. He wonders what age is right to start wearing suspenders.
39. He was forced to suck a bar of soap as a child due to muttering "horse apples" in front of his mother.
40. Has committed a not inconsiderable amount of time to determine exactly what typeface was used in the film Jackie Brown.
41. Has he mentioned his porcelain collection?
42. Lost a dear childhood friend to ‘tomfoolery.’
43. Doesn't really consider whether the glass is half-full or half-empty, just whether there's a coaster under it.
44. Always tips 16%, and takes great pride in this. Mentally practices a modest response for when someone compliments him on being an excellent tipper, but it has yet to occur.
45. Wrote a letter to Advil thanking them for alleviating the mild headache he had last Thursday.
46. Feels it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. From this will occasionally add "and then it's a sport", but will take great pains to let everyone know he's only joking.
47. Cried during the series finale of Full House.
48. Is close to perfecting how much windex to use per square foot of window.
49. Reflected on this list for a couple of days and decided to "play it cool."
50. Supports Bob Saget for president.

Posting in the prestigious RPGCodex thread doesn't count of course.
Dec 26, 2011
I always like turning views on things by 180 degrees around.

So, what does this list say about the Codex, if turned around by 180 degrees ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Maybe you should tell me buddy. I've already done most of the heavy lifting in this thread.
Dec 26, 2011
*yawn* Y'all are just too cool for us, no doubt. Unfortunately, you didn't mention the World Fair spoon anywhere in your post, so I'm afraid we'll have to declare your effort a complete failure. Better luck next time.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
haven't you already posted this yesterday in the 'dex thread?
Jun 16, 2008
Reminds me of a song 'There must be ... 50 ways to troll the Watchers' ...
Oct 18, 2006
I once thought of buying neopolitan ice cream but bought neapolitan instead.
Dec 26, 2007
11. Learned to sew at age nine, but can't really find the time for it anymore.

I learned to embroid at age seven, does that makes me a Watcher? :(
Dec 26, 2011
At the left hand of God.
It's good that lil Todd wished Mr. Simms to the cornfields, isn't it neighbors?
Dec 27, 2011
Two days ago this was a calm, productive forum where intelligent people posted. No longer so.
Dec 14, 2010
How about 10 ways to tell if someone you know is a Codexer

1. They respond to anything with rants or a 4chan meme.
2. They likely have an unhealthy obsession with transsexuals.
3. They play games for hours that they supposedly hate.
4. They love old games they've never played.
5. They think hardcore RPG discussion is talking about PST's music.
6. They have an emotional problem.
7. They aren't capable of forming sentences that don't contain a curse word.
8. 95% of what they say is in accordance with their hivemind.
9. They steal news posts from other sites and post them days after they've already been reported.
10. They will respond to this post with "Butthurd detected"
Jan 17, 2009
8. 95% of what they say is in accordance with their hivemind.

The Hivemind? Really? Does anyone still fall for that one?
Dec 26, 2011
At the left hand of God.
I've seen enough threads over there that consist of 40 pages of rants towards a game that's being played for hours on end. One page after another "GAWD this game sucks so much, I hate it which is why I'm 40+ hours in"

I recall news of Knight of the Chalice 2 receiving a few pity posts from people that remember they need to look cool for their peers and be into a game they should love, but won't because they need to play more Skyrim so they can complain about it.

Admit it. The site was a joke.
Jan 17, 2009
How about 10 ways to tell if someone you know is a Codexer

1. They respond to anything with rants or a 4chan meme.
2. They likely have an unhealthy obsession with transsexuals.
3. They play games for hours that they supposedly hate.
4. They love old games they've never played.
5. They think hardcore RPG discussion is talking about PST's music.
6. They have an emotional problem.
7. They aren't capable of forming sentences that don't contain a curse word.
8. 95% of what they say is in accordance with their hivemind.
9. They steal news posts from other sites and post them days after they've already been reported.
10. They will respond to this post with "Butthurd detected"

Butthurd detected.
Dec 26, 2011
The Codex begged me not to leave them, knowing my departure would lead to its destruction. They got what they deserved, and the internet is now a better place.
Dec 14, 2010
The Codex begged me not to leave them, knowing my departure would lead to its destruction. They got what they deserved, and the internet is now a better place.

One week offline while Darkie fixed the database? I'm about to faint.

Also, butthurt detected.
Dec 26, 2011
At the left hand of God.
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