A Quest That Became Legend - Released


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
The Adventure RPG A Quest That Became Legend has been released:

New release trailer - A Quest That Became Legend

"A Quest That Became Legend" is a game inspired by old-school RPG classics, featuring turn-based combat and an open-world environment. Embark on an epic quest to defeat the dark conjurers and save your world from destruction.

Explore various lands and venture into different crypts, dungeons, and many other locations to battle all kinds of monsters, and perhaps discover shiny treasures or powerful magical items. Create a party of four heroes and choose from up to four different hero classes, each with unique skills and abilities. Assist the people you encounter on your journey, level up your characters, and become a living legend as you strive to save the world.
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
It looks so much like M&M6-8 and Wizardry. I couldn't resist and bought it. I hope it's that good.
Oct 30, 2006
It looks so much like M&M6-8 and Wizardry. I couldn't resist and bought it. I hope it's that good.
I hope it learned lessons from Might & Magic X and Bard's Tales IV.

The last having from far the best UI, movements and world design for that type of game, to simplify classic shooter controls well adapted to such gameplay and excellent 3D integration, despite a square to square TB system.

Alas BT4 certainly abused of puzzles, and even if not bad, combats show limits on that approach.

For combats, MMX but probably even more, the later Wizardry shown the way to do it much better, multi front combats, multi range, move abilities, focus on ambushes and traps, and focus on managing multiple enemies stacks. But not fixed front to front TB combats which I believe is a dead letter, at least for me, but BT4 sad low sales seems show that it's shared by many.
May 4, 2016
I also would like to hear some impressions.

I used to bemoan the lack of blobbers being made, and now there is too many for me to keep up with, especially if I want to fit in all the other types of RPG I like. :)
Oct 18, 2006
New Zealand
This trailer was definitely watchable, presenting several Hype Points™!
Mar 21, 2013
So, this is a brutal game but it does give the Might and Magic vibes. Only turn based, so no real time option. You can move a little bit during combat rounds but just enough to duck behind a wall or set up a line of spell traps, etc. The graphics are much better than the older MM's; especially outdoors. I posted my list of these types of games on reddit but I'm no good at linking...

List of more recent games that attempt the MM/Wiz/BG formulas​

Legendary Journeys-open world, party of four, turn based iirc, tons of spells, fast travel, etc.

Grimoire- the dev is goofy, but the game is brutal and fun. Much like Wiz 5-7

The Quest-solo character, but open world with tons of loot and dungeons. Reminds me of Legend of Blacksilver, Legacy of the Ancients or Queston a bit
A Quest that became Legend- brutal combat and it doesn't hold your hand at all. You must git gud to be worthy of this one. Mostly combat focused as the quests are all fetch and kill. Still, so were the old games.

Legends of Amberland-This one looks more like MM3-5 but with a more modern UI. This time you can make a party of 7!!!!

Archaelund-Another game that combines some MM and Baldur's Gate. This one is in early access but you can play up till level 5 iirc.

Oops, thread necro.

Sword and Sorcery: Underworld-MM3-5 but with much tougher fights.

Welp, the ones that are really close are Legendary Journeys and A Quest that became Legend. Sword and Sorcery Underworld is pretty close to MM3-5 if you like those better.
Oct 18, 2006
I've played a few that crpgnut listed above and Legends of Amberland, Grimoire and Sword and Sorcery: Underworld all satisfied my old-school itches. And on top of that they're great games, I'm likely to get Quest that Became Legend at some point.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Good, I need somebody who's better at these than me ;) I suck at tactical battles.

What is mildly sad is, because this game is quite difficult, nobody is buying it and the guy is about to give up on it. A Might and Magic attempt that people won't spend $30 on to keep the genre going. This and Legendary Journeys are both very valid attempts at the genre, but I doubt either guy will make another. Why pour 4 years of your life into something that gives back so little. The crpg genre as we knew it is almost gone. We'll only have Dark Souls and Path of Exile shite in its place.
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Oct 18, 2006
There are several reasons why people don't buy certain games and price is merely one criteria, so is difficulty. Both of those are easy to fix. I don't watch video reviews of games, I prefer the written word, but I haven't seen much around. Perhaps they need to improve their marketing.
Aug 31, 2006
What is mildly sad is, because this game is quite difficult, nobody is buying it and the guy is about to give up on it. A Might and Magic attempt that people won't spend $30 on to keep the genre going. This and Legendary Journeys are both very valid attempts at the genre, but I doubt either guy will make another. Why pour 4 years of your life into something that gives back so little. The crpg genre as we knew it is almost gone. We'll only have Dark Souls and Path of Exile shite in its place.
How does this compare to Legendary Journeys? I played the demo for the latter but didn't think it was very good. Would you say this is significantly better?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
The crpg genre as we knew it is almost gone. We'll only have Dark Souls and Path of Exile shite in its place.
Perhaps because technology may have advanced slightly since the 90s? :ROFLMAO:
Jun 19, 2020

Corwin-$30 is a dinner at McDonalds for two or a dinner for one at any sit down place. I am cheap and on a fixed income now that I've been forced to retire. I still was able to dig up $30 in the hopes of keeping blobbers alive. This is a young guy from Denmark and selling a game that isn't in his native language. I think he did well. If you read my posts on that game, I gripe a lot. That's my nature. This game is Wiz8 tough. I buy a lot of the games that are on the edges and I get that others may not want to invest in their dying habit. I personally want to support these guys over Bethesda, Blizzard, Activision, Hasbro, etc.

JDR-Legendary Journeys is much more polished than AQTBL. The latter is prettier and much harder. It is a game where you need to figure out the puzzle that is the tactical combat. For instance, I have a battle against Foobar. He is an undead warrior who can regenerate quite fast. There are four piles of skulls that you must destroy all while avoiding the immortal warrior. Conversely, if you can do enough damage he can be killed in a single round. That's really hard to do though and the fight is really tough. Fun though. I haven't won it yet :)

largh-this game looks awesome....if you compare it to MM3-8 :D
Oct 18, 2006
I knew nothing about this game. I picked it up today. I love it so far. I played for 4 hours and was late for lunch. A game like this is right up my alley.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
I think the main problem is that the price is not quite low enough for "take a punt" buyers.
I'm interested in it, but I have a massive backlog. If it was half the price maybe I would have already got it - maybe late at night when I'm sad and lonely and need that dopamine hit of buying a random game that I'll play for 1 hour before abandoning but with the full intention of returning to but never getting around to it and omg the guilt is soul killing what am I doing not another one no no
Oct 18, 2006
New Zealand
$30 does seem a little high for an indie coming from an unknown. By comparison, Legendary Journeys is only $12.

The lower price hasn't seemed to help though. Legendary Journeys has even less user reviews (33 vs 45) than AQTBL despite the two games having been released only a month apart. Either way, both games are obviously little known.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
While it's $30 in the US, it's nearly $44 here in Oz and though I would never eat at Chew and Spew, my wife and I can both eat at an excellent 'All you can Eat' restaurant for a combined $44!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
Visually the game looks great, I'm just not really a fan of blobbers. The price seems reasonable enough otherwise.
Apr 9, 2013
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