Art or pornography?

JemyM, nudity and sexuality are not the same, so please avoid using that assumption. While the NT has its basis in Judaism, one of the significant differences between the 2 faiths is that Christians are not under Jewish Law as presented in the OT. The proscriptions of Deut, etc against nudity (and actually it's not nudity per se, but that's a more complex issue) do not apply to a Christian. The problem occurs when nudity leads to sexuality!!
Aug 31, 2006
You must distinguish between the photographs used in the advertisement and the advertisement itself.

So to say everything but the photo.

No, I don't have to do that. We were not discussing what's art or what's advertisment. We were talking about the question if art has to morally acceptable. You brought in the Beneton advertisment and implied that it was taken back due to being morally not acceptable. Fact is however that at least in Germany no one can force you do that. In that respect advertisment and art are more or less the same. But when it comes to legal terms the law does not handle advertisment and art in the same way. There are things that you can do in art, but not in advertisments.
Dec 21, 2006
*snip* The problem occurs when nudity leads to sexuality!!

"A man and a woman alone together make three, with the Devil"
This is a proverb that pops to mind--can't remember what culture it comes from. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
ISPs Nationwide Unite in Attack against Exploitation

ISP-based newsgroups have taken a beating in the last month, as New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's initiative against child pornography has forced many of the more popular newsgroup hierarchies offline. Verizon, Sprint, RoadRunner, and late last week, AT&T, have all acted on the Attorney General's recommendation. Today, the National Cable and Telecommunications Association (NCTA) announced a "historic" agreement where all member companies have entered into a MOU (Memoradum of Understanding) with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) to attack child pornography on their servers and networks.

The exact details of the MOU is unknown, as Rob Stoddard, Senior Vice President of Communications for the NCTA, informed that the information contained in the MOU is not releasable. However, it's rather clear from the press release that the fight initiated by Andrew Cuomo is now taking on nationwide proportions. NCTA is the premier organization that represents the telecommunications industry, and today's announcement has the endorsement of every member.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
I don't think it comes down to religion. I think it comes down to the definition of child abuse. I think it is as damaging to a child's development to have naked photos of them splashed around as to be physically or mentally abused. I agree with magerette that chil beauty pageants are also exploitation, the makeup, poses, dresses etc. they are made up to look like adults. Children should be children and should not be exploited.
@Bart I'm sure the porn you look at is of adult women who have made the decision to pose and have the legal right to decide what is done with their body.

As I said before, there is a huge difference between the Anne Geddes kid photos and the photos that have caused the controversy in Australia.

I think the world is concerned with child pornography and not due to religion, just because we have the social responibility to look after children as legally they don't have their own voice- their decisions are made for them by their parents.

@Ionstornsucks. I do agree in some aspects the world is too politically correct, however, I do not think when it comes to child abuse or child pornography that the world is too careful. Animal abuse and child abuse are two of the things I feel strongest about. And your discussion about stranger danger does not really apply as the majority or child abuse, rape and sexual assault occurs by people know to the child and members of the family.

Child sexual abuse also covers showing a child pornograhy. If it is sexual buse to show the child a pornograhic image (even an adult- not just child pornography) then how can it be seen as art and not just sexual abuse to photograph naked children in suggestive positions with facial expression that is also inappropriate.
Sep 1, 2007
I don't think it comes down to religion. I think it comes down to the definition of child abuse. I think it is as damaging to a child's development to have naked photos of them splashed around as to be physically or mentally abused.

If you seriously believe that, say, Sally Mann's pictures of her children are as damaging to her as Sally Mann physically or mentally abusing them, I believe that you have no idea what physical or mental abuse actually is.

Here are some pictures from her "Immediate Family" series: [ ]
Oct 19, 2006
Child sexual abuse also covers showing a child pornograhy. If it is sexual buse to show the child a pornograhic image (even an adult- not just child pornography) then how can it be seen as art and not just sexual abuse to photograph naked children in suggestive positions with facial expression that is also inappropriate.

But it isn't necessarily sexual abuse to show a child a pornographic image. There are situations when a parent might want to do just that. For example, suppose a child has come across them by himself and is upset and confused. Would you consider it abuse if the parent sat down with the kid and talked them over with him -- looking at them if necessary? I'm no expert at child-rearing, but I would think that the kid would be far more upset (and got a far more twisted attitude about porn) if the parent treated it like it was poison.

Like it or not (and, for the record, I don't), porn is everywhere, and kids will bump into it at a pretty early age. It's something they, and their parents, will have to deal with -- pretending it doesn't exist isn't an option.

I recently read that Pamela Anderson showed her kids her famous sex tape after she found out they had heard about it, and explained what the fuss was all about. An extreme situation, and one that makes me extremely uncomfortable to even think about, yes, but I think she did made the right call -- far better that they deal with it that way than that some snickering classmate gets them to watch it.
Oct 19, 2006
And your discussion about stranger danger does not really apply as the majority or child abuse, rape and sexual assault occurs by people know to the child and members of the family.
You kinda brought up that argument, remember? Copy pretending mom had an accident, and so on? I'm just saying closing an exhibition won't change that.

@Ionstornsucks. I do agree in some aspects the world is too politically correct, however, I do not think when it comes to child abuse or child pornography that the world is too careful. Animal abuse and child abuse are two of the things I feel strongest about.
And I think it's perfectly fine that people care. But that's really where it has to end. You can care, you can state your concerns and that's it. We have to see how the whole thing ended. Henson was not prosecuted and Australia's classification board called the photos "mild and justified". There are reasons why there is freedom of art and we should try our best to preserve it. I can only point again towards my first post where I tried to make clear that at all times people said this or that isn't art and therefore should not be allowed. Very often the public was wrong in their assessments. Look at Wilde... as long as he made comedy - great, the public loved him. But as soon as he was coming up with somewhat more transgressive stuff like The Picture of Dorian Gray or Salomé everyone was crying for censorship. Now, you can say this was fiction and drama - text - and that no one else but Wilde was involved. But if you go to the very bottom of it the problem it is exactly the same. The public tried to decide what's art and what not.
You constantly talk about child abuse and child pornography and I have to say that in a way that is highly unfair in this case. If you make such claims then you must somehow back them up. You do not know how the children think or will think about Henson made of them. You simply say that at some point in their life they will feel abused. And that's something I very much doubt. Henson obviously is an established artist. He's not some stranger who just lured two children into his appartment to take pictures of them which he can later on sell on the internet to perverts.
Dec 21, 2006
Just because someone is an established artist and a pillar in the community does not mean they can't have a brain fart and take photographs they consider to be art, but are child pornography.

Taking such inappropriate photographs of children could be grounds for removal by a lot of child warefare agencies around the world.

@Prima Junta. Please don't make an assumption I do not know what physical, mental or sexual abuse is.
Sep 1, 2007
@Prima Junta. Please don't make an assumption I do not know what physical, mental or sexual abuse is.

I can only go by what you're saying, and if you're saying that having a non-pornographic nude picture of yourself taken and exhibited, with your consent, even if you're underage, is tantamount to rape, you do need to do some serious re-thinking -- no matter what your personal experiences are.
Oct 19, 2006
Sexual abuse covers not just touching or penetration, it also covers a lot of other things including showing pornographic material to a minor.
I am not saying taking a photo is worse than rape. I am saying in the definition for a lot of countries it is defined a child sexual abuse. It does not matter whether the minor consents, they are underage and it is inappropriate for a parent or guardian to give consent for their child to be posed and photographed naked and displayed.
A parent or guardian giving consent for these pictures indicates the parents may not give appropriate guidance to their child and mental development can be seriously affected.
From my knowledge I know if there are bruises or physical damage there is evidence nd you are more likely to be believed and taken seriously, with mental abuse you are not believed, so it is not a case of saying child one abuse is worse than the other, they all have far reaching and lifetime effects that cannot be fully measured in childhood, can manifest in many ways throughout life and if a parent or guardian gives consent for these photos to be taken it may be an indication there is other abuse at home it makes it worse as there is a lasting image, which will be in galleries, on the internet and available to complete strangers.
Different people react differently to abuse, and if it is embedded early enough the victim will merely be compliant, almost brainwashed.
These sort of photos can be used in grooming a victim before moving on to physical contact with a victim- hence why the child pornograhy legislation came into existance. It should not get to the stage of rape, or a person being so mentally abused they barely function before someone can intervene.

The bottom three photos of the link to Sally Manns work did concern me (not as much as Bill Henson). They seem posed, not normal child behaviour. Any time a child is being portrayed as an adult, in a sexual pose or staged facing to make them look adult I think it is inappropriate. I am anti-beauty pageant because it is also a form or mental buse you hae a child preened to within an inch of their lives, expected to perform like adults, and then they can lose the contest because of a mosquito bite.
Let children be children.
Sep 1, 2007
Sexual abuse covers not just touching or penetration, it also covers a lot of other things including showing pornographic material to a minor.
I am not saying taking a photo is worse than rape. I am saying in the definition for a lot of countries it is defined a child sexual abuse. It does not matter whether the minor consents, they are underage and it is inappropriate for a parent or guardian to give consent for their child to be posed and photographed naked and displayed.
A parent or guardian giving consent for these pictures indicates the parents may not give appropriate guidance to their child and mental development can be seriously affected.

In your opinion, yes. But it remains exactly that -- your opinion. The photographers discussed in this thread -- Henson, Mann, and others -- are not legally considered pornographers, and their photos continue to be legally exhibited in lots of countries. You may feel that the laws permitting this are bad laws, and that any depiction of a nude child is pornographic, tantamount to abuse, and will inevitably damage the child. I disagree, as do many art critics, museums, publishers, courts, and legislators.

And that's totally as it should be.
Oct 19, 2006
Not every photo with a child naked or semi clothed is pornography. Its the posing, the facial expression etc. that makes it pornograohy. As I said before, a lot of parents have a photo of their kid running around under the sprinker, or in the bath, but they are not staged, not sexual positions, and the behaviour is normal child behaviour. It has not been staged.
These artists are not considered pornographers because they label the work as art, that is the only reason. Art should have some censorship and operate within the law.
I would not be at all disturbed with a naked adult being photographed in the middle of Sydney for an exhibition, if it was a child it is a completely different story.
A lot of people in the entertainment industry have come out publically on the side of Bill Henson saying it is art and should not be censored, the argument has mainly been about the censorship argument and not the child welfare argument.
Some of the greatest paintings and photographs I have seen include the naked body- but adult bodies, children should be off limits as nude subjects.
It's a bit like saying OJ Simpson is not legally a killer. Legally no, but there is still a lot of argument about it. I think it is the same here, people have their own standards, their own levels of acceptance of what is art and their own personal life experiences that can sway their judgment. For me it comes down to children often don't have a voice, often aren't believed, the majority of physical, sexual and mental abuse is by parents, family member or trusted family contact (teacher, head of a church, scouts leader etc) and if calling it art means nothing happens then the law is powerless to prevent grooming of victims and children having emotional and mental damage that may manifest later in life, or may be with them for all their life.
Yes, in my opinion a very firm line needs to be taken with exploitation of children and if the law and public perception have little tolerance of children being exploited for any reason, it will be easier to identify and act on abuse without arguments.
A child may think something is normal, when it is not. For example there was a minor (I think this happened in America) and her parents could not get pregnant, wanted another child, so they used their existing daughter (who I think was 13) as a surrogant. When the father was arrested he was screaming at the police "read the contract you f'ing idiots, she agreed to it". While this is obviously repeated rapes, and we ae not talking about rape, the child signed a contract saying she would do this, indicating she saw nothing wrong with it. I can't see any reason to expose children like these photographs. I am not saying cover them in cotton wool, a parent cannot be with their child 24/7, the world can be a cruel place and bad things can happen, but watching for warning signs and having the law to support you would help. I know if the kids in these pictures were my neices or nephews I would be having a really serious conversation with my sister, watching closely, and anything inappropriate would be reported to the authorities. The last thing I would want is for these photos to be a symptom of something else and nothing was done.

Who was it that said ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing’. When I looked at some of these photos I had warning bells going off in my head, and I hope there is some form of censorship on photos like this- not you need to be over 18 to view the photos, but the work cannot be displayed, the original is estroyed and legal ramifications for the artist to show a zero tolerance of child exploitation.
Art can push the edge, make you think and be cutting edge without having to exploit children.

I'm going to bed now... I have to get up in a few hours and go to work. I just didn't want anything to think I was ignoring them if someone responded directly to me. Good night all.
Sep 1, 2007
It's entirely possible to go "That is a picture of a beautiful child. The pose has hints of both trepidation and naivety, whilst bringing a feeling of bold affirmation of self to the fore. All aspects of the journey through childhood, on the way to adulthood. She is nude and innocent, she has yet to be constrained by the conceits and rigid dogmas of society." without finding any of it erotic. There's more to the concept and enjoyment of beauty than sexual thoughts. Indeed I'd argue there's little, if any beauty in pornography, further distancing it from art.

The thing that's great about art is that my above take on the pictures is completely subjective. The viewer brings themselves to the piece, views, and picks out details and thoughts on it that are entirely subjective to themselves. The viewer her/himself becomes the piece. That picture highlighted my concepts and views on things. It made me focus on my views on societal norms and mores, of innocence and childhood, the value of self, individuality and expression.
Corwin, Kayla et al got something completely different. They were outraged, disgusted, suspicious, worried about other people; concerned for the subject, the implications for society, the threat posed by sexual predators having access to this piece and others like it.
That's what's brilliant and important about art. Everyone gets to have their own reaction, have their thoughts and emotions stirred. Keeps things vibrant.
Oct 18, 2006
United Kingdom, London
Freedom of expression (or art), like freedom of speech has its limitations. Telling lies and claiming them to be true is not covered by freedom of speech. Making pornographic images and claiming they are art isn't covered by freedom of expression. It is however tricky to determine when someone intentionally told a lie or when someone intentionally made pornographic images.
There is however no way in telling if there was an intention to make pornographic work, so he should get the benefit of the doubt, in case there is any. I don't think that the reaction of the viewers is enough to warrant a ban. If we go down that path, everything could be banned, because there is always some group that is offended.

So far the rational side of me. From an emotional perspective I think there is absolutely no point in displaying photographs of nude children. I have no issues with nudity or pornography as long as it involves consenting adults, but children is where for me a line is drawn.
Aug 30, 2006
I think the whole freedom of speech arguement is used way too often by people who don't really think about the consequences. Freedom of speech is completely relative, and has to be, to keep society from plunging into chaos.

I think the risk of hurting a child following the logic GothicGothicness set out earlier is far greater than the risk of curbing someone's artistic disposition. As far as I'm concerned, taking pictures of naked children is wrong for the same reasons Kayla and Pladio stated.
Oct 20, 2006
Midwest, USA
These artists are not considered pornographers because they label the work as art, that is the only reason. Art should have some censorship and operate within the law.
C'mon now, we all know that there actually IS censorship in art and that art operates within the law. It might be that the laws and limits concerning art are not as strict and narrow as you'd like them to be, but to imply that freedom in art has no boundaries gives a distorted picture of the situation. You also imply that the authorities did nothing in Henson’s case which is also not true. They did act, but a commission decided that there is nothing in these pictures which would allow to make a case out of it.

Some of the greatest paintings and photographs I have seen include the naked body- but adult bodies, children should be off limits as nude subjects.
That's where I don't agree. I think they should be taboo as sexual objects. You yourself made a difference between nudity and sexuality. The problem is who decides what's still nudity and what's already sexuality? And even in terms of sexuality we must be very careful not to be too limiting. Take for example art that deals with the motif of... let's say a girl loving a man. I mean, that's a pretty prominent theme in literature and also in movies. I'm sure you'll find a few conservative moralists who'd like to prohibit these, because they think the theme is inappropriate and might give people the impression that something like that is morally acceptable.

For me it comes down to children often don't have a voice, often aren't believed, the majority of physical, sexual and mental abuse is by parents, family member or trusted family contact (teacher, head of a church, scouts leader etc) and if calling it art means nothing happens then the law is powerless to prevent grooming of victims and children having emotional and mental damage that may manifest later in life, or may be with them for all their life.
I mean, on the one hand you're saying child abuse is much more likely to happen in a private sphere, but there you want to allow taking naked pictures. But in a public sphere where it's less likely to occur you want to prohibit it. That doesn't make much sense.

Yes, in my opinion a very firm line needs to be taken with exploitation of children and if the law and public perception have little tolerance of children being exploited for any reason, it will be easier to identify and act on abuse without arguments.
You're talking a lot about child abuse, child exploitation, and child pornography... where you fail is to show how what Henson did was actually all that. You have this very fixed, and if I may say so stereotypical image of children in mind, which you see threatened, I guess. No offense, but probably there is also a bit of prudery mixed in. Let's be a bit more rational about it. The act of taking pictures of naked children does in itself not harm them in any way unless it is done against their own free will. And please, children are just small people, they're not idiots. The children in Henson's pictures were over ten, so they certainly had the cognitive ability to understand what this was all about. And even if not, you can get children to do things they don’t like so they’ll enjoy it – that’s what adults do all the time. Because very often children do not want to do what their parents want them to do. Know what’s child abuse? All the parents out there that bully their children into becoming the next Britney Spears… but there no one cares because they’re not naked. The kids on the Henson pictures might be later on embarrassed that such pictures of them exist, but in my opinion that's a problem of society that still sees nudity as something to be ashamed of. Or, and that would be the better outcome they'll be educated in a liberal way and later on be proud that they actually made the photos. So this is neither exploitation nor abuse. The chances that these children will later on have mental problems just because of these pictures is probably zero.
The child pornography argument is also nonsense. Look at the Henson pictures. Seriously that's not pornography. If you want to know how pornography looks like - well, you obviously got internet access... Although you constantly say you're not equating pornography with nudity, you do exactly that. A certain facial expression or pose or a certain make up that might be inappropriate for a child - all these things do not automatically mean pornography. I'm sure that an artist could go way further in insinuating sexuality if the children were dressed. The problem is that the children on these pictures are naked, nothing else.

Who was it that said ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing’. When I looked at some of these photos I had warning bells going off in my head, and I hope there is some form of censorship on photos like this- not you need to be over 18 to view the photos, but the work cannot be displayed, the original is estroyed and legal ramifications for the artist to show a zero tolerance of child exploitation.

It is almost allegorical that you’re using a quote that is in itself very problematic and prone to “abuse”. It has often been attributed to Edmund Burke, but it is not clear if he ever used it. At least it cannot be found in any of his writings. Critics think that it might a distortion of Burke’s, “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they may fall one by one,” which does not only sound differently, but also cannot be misused to such an extent as the evil-triumph-quote. This quote (evil-triumph) has been used to justify war and invasion, so one should be careful to use it. I’ll have a quote for you which you should also think about:

"Eine Kunst, die nicht auf freudigste und innigste Zustimmung der gesunden breiten Masse des Volkes rechnen kann, sondern sich auf kleine, teils interessierte, teils blasierte Klicken stützt, ist unerträglich (...) der Künstler schafft nicht für den Künstler, sondern er schafft für das Volk! Und wir werden dafür Sorge tragen, daß gerade das Volk von jetzt ab wieder zum Richter über seine Kunst aufgerufen wird."
Adolf Hitler, 1937
Dec 21, 2006
It would be interesting to know which posters have children (especially female) and which don't. I'll volunteer:- I have 2, one of each. Does it affect my view? Certainly!!
Aug 31, 2006
It would be interesting to know which posters have children (especially female) and which don't. I'll volunteer:- I have 2, one of each. Does it affect my view? Certainly!!

While I agree that it is interesting, it will probably be harmful for the debate itself. In the end you or someone else will most likely tell me that I have no saying in this matter because I have no kids and I'll accuse you of having no saying because you're biased. I have to admit that I cannot say with absolut safety that I would not think differently if I had children (I hope I would not, but you know how it is...). But hey, that's the reason why a judge is not allowed to rule on a case that he is emotionally involved with.
Dec 21, 2006
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