
November 17, 2014
Hi guys!

Darkness Over Daggerford developer, Damian B aka Luspr, has shared the first part of his insights into DoD's development, beginning with this comment. If you have any questions for him, now is the time to ask! You may comment anonymously on my blog if you don't have a Google+ acc.


Nov 17, 2014
Nice. Weird timing as I myself am just getting back into NWN again. Playing Swordflight now, but there are many modules I'd like to check out. Heard good things about DOD as well.
Yep, tons of ppl are playing both NWN and NWN2 all the time, though it doesn't always seem like it because the community is spread over many venues, some of which are private. Still, it's nowhere near as popular as it was in its heyday. But hey, I'm doing my best to promote both old and new releases because there aren't many platforms out there that host this sort of quality. I've covered Swordflight on my blog in four parts, btw. It's as good as RPGs get, imo.
Nov 17, 2014
Awesome. I look forward to playing more of it as I just started about a week ago. So far it's a lot of fun. I enjoy the NWN modules a lot because they offer the deep ruleset and classic CRPG gameplay. Always fun for me. :)
Indeed. And the community content seems to be inexhaustible. Three years playing solid, still haven't really scratched the surface...
Nov 17, 2014
Amazing. There really is nothing else like NWN and the community modules. Inexhaustible indeed.

Are people still making new modules for the game?
Pretty sure they are. Also, people are still playing on PWs too. It's nowhere near the golden age, mind you (2003-2006).
Mar 9, 2015
Been meaning to go back to this, but installing and keeping track of everything is a hassle.
Any way to download everything in one big, fat folder at the same time? If I remember it CEP's weren't backward compatible with earlier mods.
Jun 5, 2015
The biggest barrier to entry is certainly downloading and installing the mods in the first place; you're right that it can be a hassle. Some of the campaigns do come in exes, though (Darkness Over Daggerford, f.e).

All campaigns come with readmes and installation instructions, and to help ppl install the campaigns that I have covered, I've written installation instructions of my own (Aielund Saga, Swordflight, and several others).

But yeah, there are no real shortcuts because many campaigns employ their own custom haks and other files.
Nov 17, 2014
I think it's worth it. It's no different from, lets say, modding Morrowind. It can be a passion pleasure in itself. :p
even overshadowing the very game if you're nuts like me
Mar 9, 2015
I love NWN, one of my all time fav's for sure.
Apr 9, 2015
Don't forget to check out my single player module The Girl an Ill Humour.

It was the most downloaded module of the Bioware World Design Contest and was well reviewed by VPJ for the Neverwinter Vault.

For my credentials on it, I ran the Wheel of Time: The Third Age off and on for 6 years. It was the only PW that was the subject of two Bioware Wednesday articles, was consistently the number two forum back when Bioware had them, with 6000 registered accounts, it had 16000 unique accounts logged in to the server, and peaked at 76 players online at once consistently ranging from 40-60 players during peak hours.

One of the biggest selling points of our PW is it didn't require haks. I don't think Bio and Obsidian appreciated the problem that allowing user customized content brought to the game until NWN2's multiplayer walkmesh problem.

Certainly the need for CEP was one way they addressed but until Obsidian implemented the auto-download links the casual gamer was confused as they could never get online to any PW's and they tended to give up after that.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
I have a class project with a Roman soldier theme and a Star Trek mod which I never posted as well.

I would also like to finish my Ultima ]|[ mod. I put that off because I could never get the boat right - you can't keep the player from turning on a dime if you change their appearance to that one drow boat they have built in. I can do it but it will take a lot of scripting.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Seems it might be time to dust off NWN and check out some of this stuff. I do like Lilura's blog, and I think my taste in RPGs is quite similar.

Since NWN modding has been so successful, has nobody implemented some kind of mod manager application, similar to what we have for the TES games?
Nov 8, 2014
Half the tools are in place with Unity. Some folks are selling RPG tools.

I have discussed the possibility with friends the possibility of making an RPG/NWN like toolset expansion to it.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley

Best char creation music there is. Hits you it in the gut hearing it after all this time.
Ah, seeing those blocky heads again.
Jun 5, 2015
I know this is a little off-topic but I thought this might be a good place to post this question. I'm playing Swordflight, and I can't for the life of me figure out what to do for the early quest, finding the Tome of Zataroth! I've exhausted every dialogue option with every NPC, I am a Druid so I can't pickpocket, I have bashed in every door on the second floor of the inn and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I did not Bluff any of the NPCs because I don't have any skill in that, nor did I try to intimidate anyone (I am a little Gnome Druid, that isn't going to work :p), so I'm about stumped. Ran around for close to 2 hours now trying to figure it out.

So, I do not want an exact spoiler at all, but is there some hint that someone, maybe Lilura, can give me to point me somewhat in the right direction? Am I just missing something obvious? Or maybe there is some weird mechanic in this module that I haven't discovered? I can't tell. Thanks in advance. :)
Yeah, it's not blatantly obvious. Without social skills or sleight of hand you need to inquire about the book to each of the inn guests, one of whom will misspeak and open himself to confrontation (it's random as to which one misspeaks).
Nov 17, 2014
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