Baldur's Gate Noob Questions

May 6, 2013
If you don't mind a little metagaming, this will help you.
May 6, 2013
This thread is making me want to abandon my KOTOR play through and finish BG:EE!
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
If you don't mind a little metagaming, this will help you.

Thanks! I usually avoid using things like this, but I might take a little peek just to see where a few good potions are.

This thread is making me want to abandon my KOTOR play through and finish BG:EE!

Well, I wouldn't advise abandoning KOTOR, because I've heard that that's a pretty stellar game in it's own right, but you should definitely play BG:EE when you get the chance. It's a GREAT game.

Vampire:The Masquerade - Bloodlines is probably my favorite GAME, but Baldur's Gate is my favorite RPG, I think. Not saying V:TM-B isn't an RPG, but BG is more of a hardcore, traditional RPG (imo). It's just a lovely, lovely experience. It's like Diablo with party members, tactical combat and a more involved story. Great stuff.
Vampire:The Masquerade - Bloodlines is probably my favorite GAME, but Baldur's Gate is my favorite RPG, I think. Not saying V:TM-B isn't an RPG, but BG is more of a hardcore, traditional RPG (imo). It's just a lovely, lovely experience. It's like Diablo with party members, tactical combat and a more involved story. Great stuff.

Both are in my all-time top 10, probably even top 5, but I'd still put Gothic 1&2 ahead of them. Baldur's Gate 1&2 are my favorite party-based RPGs though.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Both are in my all-time top 10, probably even top 5, but I'd still put Gothic 1&2 ahead of them. Baldur's Gate 1&2 are my favorite party-based RPGs though.

Only played Gothic 1 as you know, and I'd put it pretty high on my list, too. In terms of open-world RPGs, Gothic is tops on my list. I do prefer both Bloodlines and BG1 over it in terms of the overall gameplay, though.

I wish more games were this close to the pen and paper experience as BG1 is. I actually never played a pen and paper RPG in real life, but I still prefer video game RPGs to stay close to the pen and paper roots. I like all the stats, classes, dice rolling, etc. of this style of game. It seems like that sort of role-playing is considered old-school or ancient to modern game developers.
Pillars of Eternity, Fluent ;) Also, Torment: Tides of Numenera.

Yep! I'm pretty psyched for those :).

I also have a bunch of old-school games to get to, so I'll be busy with good RPGs for a long, long time.
So, dual-classing, yea or nay?

I can dual-class Dynaheir to be a Cleric (sounds like a pretty good idea, actually, considering Jaheira is my only real healer.) and Imoen to be a Mage (not sure about this one, at least until I've maxed out the thief skills because I find them quite useful.). Any thoughts on this? My party, again, is:

Myself (Dual-wielding Ranger)
Minsc (Dual-wielding Ranger)
Khalid [Fighter (uses a Mace)]
Jaheira [Druid (uses a Club)]
Imoen [Thief (uses Bow & Arrows)]
Dynaheir [Invoker (uses a Sling)]

Forgot to mention that Dynaheir is level 7 and Imoen is level 8. Probably a little late to dual-class them, eh?
I'm not the best person to give advice on class etc... but here's a little spoiler (I warned you!)

Imoen is Thief/Mage in BG2 (so I don't think that's bad idea at all!)
Dual Classing is a long term investment - a dual-classed character can't use his primary Class until his second Class Level surpasses the level of the first. This means they are gimped for a long time - you might need a backup arcane Caster or Thief for this period. While it is a strong boost for the character when the first class gets activ again, it also means that Dynaheir wouldn't get new Spell-Levels for the Mage Class and Imoen would no longer be able to increase her Thief-Skills. Also keep the levelcap in mind - if you dualclass late in the game you might not be able to activate your old class because you hit the XP-Cap.
Oct 18, 2006
What Fenris said.
At your stage of the game it doesn't make sense imho.
May 6, 2013
I saw that people suggested using the Sword of Balduran for that fight, but that sword was locked in a trapped chest behind where the greater werewolf was standing. Is there some way, through dialog maybe, to have him not attack you instantly so you can go and get the sword first?
Nope, you just keep the boss occupied while you run in to grab it with your thief really fast at the start of the fight.

I had to use the Werebane dagger with Minsc and that seemed to help. The only other person that could hit him was my main character who was using the +3 vs. shapeshifter sword. The rest of the damage dealt was wands and magic.
Yep, this also works, but it relies on a lucky streak of hits to bring him down. Damage is more consistent with a strength potion and the sword.

Is there somewhere I can replenish my supply of potions now? I used a lot of strength, defense and healing potions and I need to restock. I think I purchased everything from Sorcerous Sundries in BG, so I'm not sure where else to go. Does his supply restock?
It's mostly SS in BG and the wizard west of Beregost. The other potion merchants generally don't have any of the good stuff (22-24 str potions, magic block, haste potions, potions of invulnerability, mirror potion against various attacks like petrification).

Most of those potions are only worthwhile if you give them to your main melee fighter and turn him into a one man army. Also, only do it against Sarevok + a handful of other fights. That's how most soloing is done as well - have one character who is, for all intents and purposes, immortal. Immune to virtually everything and with incredibly high damage. Ranger/Cleric multi-class with lots of potions is a perfect example.

Edit: As for dual classing, forget it. You can't activate the original levels at this point, there's just not enough content left.
Oct 18, 2006
Frankly, and this is just my opinion, you would get a lot more enjoyment out of these games if you invested more of yourself in them. As in, enjoy the journey and the discovery of mechanics - instead of asking all these questions which will only serve to taint the enjoyment factor in the long run.

Again, just my opinion - but some of these games are so good, they really need to be "discovered" rather than merely consumed.
Frankly, and this is just my opinion, you would get a lot more enjoyment out of these games if you invested more of yourself in them. As in, enjoy the journey and the discovery of mechanics - instead of asking all these questions which will only serve to taint the enjoyment factor in the long run.

Again, just my opinion - but some of these games are so good, they really need to be "discovered" rather than merely consumed.

Hmm. I'm pretty sure i'm investing quite a bit of myself into these games as-is. I'm discovering the mechanics and enjoying them, but some of the mechanics aren't clearly explained and I just want to learn a bit more about them. I think I invest myself more into RPGs than most people do, hence the thread of every game I'm playing loaded with questions and impressions.

The thing that does taint my enjoyment a bit is the spoilers. I like having questions answered in a very basic way, without much in the way of spoiling things.

For example, looking up how to kill the greater werewolf, and seeing a bunch of people posting names of weapons they used that I haven't discovered yet, THAT taints the experience a bit.

If I can avoid those things and just ask questions on topics I'm unsure about, I think I'll enjoy the games as much as one possibly could.

Also, part of the enjoyment for me is learning the game mechanics and trying to learn as much about the game as possible. Others who know much more about the mechanics than I do can give me little tidbits of information that actually increases my enjoyment of the game.

It's strange to me that someone would question my investment in these games when I feel I invest myself very heavily in them. I didn't think that would ever be in question, hah.


Thanks for the responses to the dual-classing questions. I think I'll pass on that since it's a bit late to have a gimped character.
Thanks! Seems I missed that entire section of the map.

Another quick question. What is the cap for thieving skills? I already have 100 in Open Locks but I can keep putting points into it, so I'm wondering what the max is since it seems more than 100. Is any benefit gained by going over 100 in skills?

Can someone also explain what Wisdom does? I read the manual but I'm still not sure. I have a Tome of Understanding I'd like to give to someone.

As far I remember youi can keep putting points into the Open Locks skills (it is the same skill which is used for disable traps, right?). It helps at at later stage in the game where you need to have really really high open lock scores to open certain -ehm - chests in the game. Be sure to have some potions as well that raises dexterity. Also, as I remember later in the game there is a really nice shadow hide (leather armor, I think) which gives you a boost to your open locks and your hide in shadows skills.

Also, if you ever find a book (tome) that raises dexterity please give it to your thief or Leliana.

ps: You all probably need to put some points into the disable trap skill...
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Kind of a spoiler-ish question.

Is Candlekeep the last place you visit to end the game? Reason I ask is because I just got transported there automatically after completing quests for Duke Eltan, but I still have Ulgoth's Beard to explore and want to know if I should do that first and go to Candlekeep later? Please, no heavy spoilers, just want to know if you can travel the world map after Candlekeep. Thanks.

Have you done Durlag's Tower yet? It is really a very interesting place. As for the Flaming Fist, try casting a charm spell on them or flee down below in the underground tunnels (sewers).
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
If you've uncovered the entire map and cleared most of the areas, you should be able to handle the expansion areas by now. Story-wise, it doesn't matter when you go.

Tales of the Sword Coast is a sort in game expansion. This means that if you go to there after the big battle at the end, you have to do the whole end battle again. Very annoying. I think I've done it only once. As it is very annoying.
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
I'll keep that in mind about archers. My tactics usually are gang the entire party up on the mage immediately, while Dynaheir casts Deafness and Jaheira casts Miscast Magic. If I'm lucky, I can incapacitate the mage before any serious is damage is done.

I usually don't worry about melee enemies. It's the mages that are the real trouble. Oh, and archers who use stunning arrows/darts. They can be trouble, too.

Thanks for the words, though. I'm definitely appreciative of the classics. To be honest, I don't feel like they are weaker games AT ALL because they are older. Sure, they're not all modernized with shiny new graphics and a million cutscenes and what not, but the core gameplay and features of the game are as good as ever, if not BETTER than modern games.

All in all, I would take Baldur's Gate over nearly any modern game I've played. It's that good. Same with Vampire - Bloodlines, Gothic, Divine Divinity, etc. These games are truly great games that I'm thankful I'm finally able to play!

This is good strategy :) you hav there :) However, I always use magic missile to breach or stop the mage's spells. Or having a archer fire an arrow at him or her so that he is will be interrupted when trying to say to say the spell. Slings with bullets work well also. Remember that Minsch and Khalid can throw axes as well.

As for the confused and fear spells there should be a mage or cleric spells that will alow you to remove fear or remove confusion. Remember also to put protective spells like aid or bless on your caharacters. Also, do you not have a cleric in your party. There the healers in AD&D. Remember that if you rest for 8 times you wounds will be healed and the spellcasters memorizes spell.

Also, please be very carefull with the last enemy at Ulgoth's Beard. It is the most dangerous enemy in any game that I've encountered.
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
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