Battle Brothers - Free DLC Released

Fully agreed on the "who gives a fuck about streamers" sentiment

That is the other way round: streamers do not give a fuck about what other players feel and think since products are more and more aligned to satisfy streamers'needs. Streamers are high in devs' priority list.

BB characterization is weak. It does not allow pawns to grow to a person status.
Yet streamers are preserved: the way pawns can be renamed helps them to build an interaction with their community.
They name a pawn by one of their viewers, the viewer is hooked as he relates to the pawn and the streamer is provided with material to remember.
Suddenly, the pawn is no longer undistinguished. It has acquired personality.

Streamers are served. Other players, not so much.
Mar 29, 2011
The mechanics are great
The mechanics are great in a min max product that provides maybe only one min max way to play.
The mechanics are great in a product in which something around half of the perks are irrelevant.

That can be believed.
Mar 29, 2011
There is way more then one way to play. I have 500 hours played and each play thru I have tried different tactics. A game with no range brothers. A game with almost all skirmishers. A game with all heavy tanks and shields. There are many tactics to work for your battle brothers. Just read the Steam forums and you can see everyone debating about the best builds for your troop of mercs.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
Chien, I have come to the conclusion you really don't know squat about Battle Brothers. Thankfully, your almost impenetrable prose prevents anyone from taking you seriously.
Their next game hasn't been officially announced, they just posted one concept art shot of a bunch of soldiers in different dress. But one of the devs told me pre-production is rolling along.
Oct 18, 2006
Back to the demand of avoiding to assess a min max product from the min max angle.

There are obviously a lot of builds. It does not mean all of them are min max.

There is way more then one way to play. I have 500 hours played and each play thru I have tried different tactics. A game with no range brothers. A game with almost all skirmishers. A game with all heavy tanks and shields. There are many tactics to work for your battle brothers. Just read the Steam forums and you can see everyone debating about the best builds for your troop of mercs.

Better to mention the level of difficulty and the world settings. Going for a no range members run is high casualty prone when facing goblins and a goblin shaman. The goblin shaman alone is the main reason behind opting for the bull eye perk.

One thing that can not be taken from streamers: they show. Listening to them is not required, watching them is enough.
Players who tell they have an uncommon way of playing are welcome to stream it.
Streamers converge toward the same approach.
Mar 29, 2011
They name a pawn by one of their viewers, the viewer is hooked as he relates to the pawn and the streamer is provided with material to remember.
Suddenly, the pawn is no longer undistinguished. It has acquired personality.

Streamers are served. Other players, not so much.

Anyone that gets hooked because a streamer named a pawn after him, is clearly a shallow shell of a person to begin with.
But I'm happy he found some meaning in his life....
Aug 13, 2013
Min max is only define some goals to manage the game in some ways, and minimize what's less useful for it, and maximize what's more useful for it.

As soon as the game can be won in different ways, there's multiple min/max paths.

Min/max is generally an absurdity because no player can predict future and what the gameplay will requires.
Oct 14, 2007
Usually, gaming is split into a learning stage and the playing the game stage. In gaming, you do not play a game before you've learned how to play it.

BB is also a run product. Players have a clear idea of what to expect.
Runs can be compared between themselves and between players.
BB is a demanding one as there are so few ways of playing it (probably only one) The pressure to keep on pace or to get ahead of the curve is huge.
Differences between players and what they do during the first 100 days can be big.
Players might have got ahead big time in which cases the end game conditions will not trigger. Or they might be on or behind, at this point, they will be caught up sooner or later.

BB is big on race.
Mar 29, 2011
Anyone that gets hooked because a streamer named a pawn after him, is clearly a shallow shell of a person to begin with.
But I'm happy he found some meaning in his life….
This kind of judgmentalism can be expressed directly to people who get named as streams come with chats.

This will end up in semantics, though. People will be not hooked, they will be something else.

Thus rephrasing: BB provides streamers with a means to involve their community and
for their community to be involved.

Non streamers (as it was the main point, not about judging people's life by some random way they have to get fun) are left with a shell of a product that claim brothers in its title but deliver no mechanics to build up brotherhood.
There is no brother in BB, only pawns that cant raise to any personality due to a lack of design to support characterization.
Mar 29, 2011
This explains why so many people watch chess and checkers streams! The gameplay peices are named after the viewers. It makes sense now!
Aug 13, 2013
Or maybe chess and checkers streams are watched because their gameplay has passed the trial of times.
BB and its absence of gameplay...
Mar 29, 2011
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