BioWare - The Cracks Are Starting To Appear

I don't really know what they are thinking.

In contrast to many other discussion contributors here, IÄ've been sitting twice within the rooms of a small company, doing a little bit of beta-testing, plus I have learned how to do programming …

From that (my) perspective on, I must say that ANYONE might be proud of what he or she does - with a varying level of degrees.

Dragon Age 2 is still a relatively big game - much bigger than let's say all Commander Keen games combined.

In that scale, it's quite an accomplishment to be able to "develop" such a game (just sit down a minute and try to write down on a sheet of peper what the term of "development" actually implies !)

On my own, I wouldn't be able to o such a game like Dragon Age.

And next ou might probably say that I'm "more than little disappointed with the text adventure game you put out" when I managed to do so (at one point far in the future) ?

I guess it would depend on the context to a great degree. I'd be happy if I could write a short story that got published in a small sci-fi journal, but I highly doubt Orson Scott Card would feel the same way. It's an obtuse comparison, I know, but it's the best that my booze addled brain can come up with right now.

I just can't help but think that there are some incredibly talented people working for Bioware, who really love their jobs, and love what they do, who probably feel really good about what they were able to accomplish in such a short time. I also can't help but think that there are some incredibly talented people working for Bioware, who really love their jobs, love what they do, who probably feel a little cheap and used at having been forced to push a product out that they knew could have been better.
Feb 2, 2011
I'd be happy if I could write a short story that got published in a small sci-fi journal,

Astonishingly, a friend manages to get published in fantasy short story anthologies relatively frequently.

They say, everyone begins small.

But I guess that saying this is different when being said from an "arrived" person than from someone who's *really* small ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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