Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

The camera takes some getting used to if you're not accustomed to it, but it's not an uncommon scheme among console action games. It's supposed to allow the player to just focus on the combat, but it's obviously not perfect.

I probably won't buy LoS at release due to my current backlog, though I'll probably get it during the next Steam sale.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
@SpoonFULL: I'd echo JDR13 on the camera (non) issue. It initially seems like a bad design decision, but it's actually fine once you get used to it, and does makes a lot of sense: in many ways LOS is a 2D game, like the Castlevanias of old, but simply using a 3D engine.
Oct 18, 2006
@SpoonFULL: I'd echo JDR13 on the camera (non) issue. It initially seems like a bad design decision, but it's actually fine once you get used to it, and does makes a lot of sense: in many ways LOS is a 2D game, like the Castlevanias of old, but simply using a 3D engine.

I guess I have been spoiled by Dark Souls and most 3rd person action-adventure games since the days of Soul Reaver ;).
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
Yep, sure. But this *is* a Castlevania game. It's not meant to be yet another identikit 3rd person action adventure.

'Different' isn't necessarily 'worse.' But you can't please all the people all the time, so maybe it's just not for you.
Oct 18, 2006
Now if they could just start bringing over some of the old JRPG classics......... especially from the PS2.
Oct 25, 2006
On the Games Com, people could get laid into an sarcophagus (what's the plural form of that ?) , one for each person, play it via some hand-held controllers, there's a picture in my Games Com thread, I think.
Looked pretty funny. ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I'll never be able to understand why someone could come up with a title like "Castlevania". It looks like a Chimera to me.

"Transsylvania" ? Yes
"Castle" ? Yes
Both combined ? Urgh

It sounds a bit to me as if I'd call a game "Nippondojo".

It's called "Devil's Castle" in Japan in reference to Dracula. It's also a play on metroidvania (where Metroid inspired the later titles) only the series has typically been set in or around the castle so it makes sense.

Looks like a typical console button-masher to me, but I figured some of you might be interested to know that the Steam version is official and the page is now up.

It's really not. The game has a very deep combat system and enemies do have weakness and attack patterns you can memorize to fight better against them just like in the old CV games although this only truly becomes essential on the higher difficulties and when you fight the Forgotten One in the DLC (who is a harder boss than any Dark Souls boss on NORMAL DIFFICULTY and one where you absolutely must memorize every attack pattern to win). The game truly shines on its highest difficulty and it felt like it was from the golden era of PS1-PS2 action-adventure games thanks to its fixed camera and emphasis on combat/puzzles/exploration.

It's Castlevania but felt more like Legacy of Kain for me rather than God of bloody War. Since I'm a big fan of the LoK series I was especially pleased with Lords of Shadow which stands out on its own and is a very worthy entry in the CV franchise and tells a far more constructive story than the original time-line and one where I feel that Dracula has much more depth. The artstyle and music are truly masterpieces too.
Aug 12, 2013
It's also a play on metroidvania (where Metroid inspired the later titles) only the series has typically been set in or around the castle so it makes sense.

You've got that backwards. I assume you meant to say that the term metroidvania is a play on Castlevania. ;)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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