DA:I DA:I Cracked!!!

Dragon Age: Inquisition


April 2, 2011
First I am not posting this thread to promote using cracked games. I am posting this because was it worth it to put Denuvo DRM on the game to begin with?

Lets face it they want they will crack it. Wait not even sure that statement is correct. If you put something new to protect a game, I guess you are really making two games. One for people to play and one for people that like cracking games.

So was the cost of Denuvo off set by the sales in the three weeks it took until real cracked copies were up on the net?

Personally I think the people that are going to buy games are always going to buy games(like myself) and people that will used downloaded crack games will only play them if they are cracked.

Rumor is the only thing they couldn't get to work was the Keep.
Apr 2, 2011
Of course it was going to get cracked eventually, no DRM is crackproof.
And we knew already that the Keep is just an additional DRM, means, it'll also be cracked after a while.

What they made sure with Denuvo is that unlike some other games, actual buyers play the game before pirates have it. There were many cases where a game leaked before it was even released. IMO it was definetly worth to budle Denuvo with the game.

Said before… I wish I live in India, I'd instantly switch to black market business and would now become a millionaire. :(
Apr 12, 2009
I think any attempt to prevent those parasitic priates from stealing games is worth it. Their self-righteous and ego-inflated sense of self-entitlement is at epic levels. No matter how you rationalize it they are stealing. These hackers are especially lame, as if they are "entitled" to any game and since they can't get it legally (as if they would in the first place) then it is okay to steal it. I mean it is their unalienable tight to have any game after all. It is stealing pure and simple no matter how you want to wrap it up in pretty bows and ribbons. If you are going to steal just admit it and be done with it.

I read a comment about someone saying "who would want to support EA?" by getting the game. This is a problem with any situation where you dislike the corporate leadership of a company - although usually people boycott in this situation versus stealing from the company.

To me the importance is supporting all the hard-working individuals - the writers, artists, designers, programmers, etc. - who work at making a game and use the income from those sales (indirectly) to support themselves and those who depend on them. It is they who need the money from the sales even if far to much of it goes to the corporate heads.

That is why I consider pirates parasites. If no one brought games there wouldn't be any - at least not the way they are now as games are not made for free. Instead pirates feed off the honest people (just like most thieves) by virtue of the fact that the people who buy games make those games a possibility and hence the pirates benefit from the fact that their "hosts" provide the games they then steal.

So while I dislike DRM, as much as I dislike having to lock my doors at night or otherwise suffer from less honest people, it seems to be a sad necessity. I doubt they will ever succeed as there is always a hack some place for any security - it is a constant battle. But that doesn't mean the battle should be given up.
Jun 4, 2008
I think any attempt to prevent those parasitic priates from stealing games is worth it. Their self-righteous and ego-inflated sense of self-entitlement is at epic levels. No matter how you rationalize it they are stealing. These hackers are especially lame, as if they are "entitled" to any game and since they can't get it legally (as if they would in the first place) then it is okay to steal it. I mean it is their unalienable tight to have any game after all. It is stealing pure and simple no matter how you want to wrap it up in pretty bows and ribbons. If you are going to steal just admit it and be done with it.

I read a comment about someone saying "who would want to support EA?" by getting the game. This is a problem with any situation where you dislike the corporate leadership of a company - although usually people boycott in this situation versus stealing from the company.

To me the importance is supporting all the hard-working individuals - the writers, artists, designers, programmers, etc. - who work at making a game and use the income from those sales (indirectly) to support themselves and those who depend on them. It is they who need the money from the sales even if far to much of it goes to the corporate heads.

That is why I consider pirates parasites. If no one brought games there wouldn't be any - at least not the way they are now as games are not made for free. Instead pirates feed off the honest people (just like most thieves) by virtue of the fact that the people who buy games make those games a possibility and hence the pirates benefit from the fact that their "hosts" provide the games they then steal.

So while I dislike DRM, as much as I dislike having to lock my doors at night or otherwise suffer from less honest people, it seems to be a sad necessity. I doubt they will ever succeed as there is always a hack some place for any security - it is a constant battle. But that doesn't mean the battle should be given up.

In a company like EA, you think ANY sales money goes to "the writers, artists, designers, programmers, etc."? It doesn't.

When DRM hassles the actual customer and gets cracked anyway, I cannot see how anyone could say that it is a good idea.

In my case, I haven't liked Bioware games since BG2, and since they exist in name only now, I have even less interest in what they make.

That being said, I would never buy a single player game that requires DRM at release. At best, I would buy it at 75%+ off.

DRM accomplishes nothing. Pirates will wait. Customers get hassled. Nothing positive is accomplished. In this day and age, when TONS of quality games are being made, what is the rush to support corporate DRM laden crap on day 1?
Nov 22, 2014
When DRM hassles the actual customer and gets cracked anyway, I cannot see how anyone could say that it is a good idea.

Thing is, the vast majority of DRMs aren't actually a hassle. Most of the time, you simply have people making baseless claims in order to feel justified about pirating stuff.

That being said, I would never buy a single player game that requires DRM at release.

I guess you aren't buying many games at release nowadays...
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Thing is, the vast majority of DRMs aren't actually a hassle. Most of the time, you simply have people making baseless claims in order to feel justified about pirating stuff.

Most of the time, DRM won't be all that noticeable. But I've personally had major issues with both StarForce (severe system instability, which went away when I removed the pieces of StarForce that I could find from my system) and SecuRom (A game that I legally owned refused to run until I cracked it).

There are DRM that I find completely unacceptable though, and those are limited activations and DRM that forces you to constantly be connected to a server, and when you can't access it for one reason or another, you can't play the game. Those are enough for me to not buy a game, or if it's a game that I really really want, I might consider it when the game is on an incredibly deep discount.

I don't know if the DRM that DA:I fits into either one of the above categories, and since I moved out of my teens and got an income, I've stopped pirating, so I don't follow the "scene" anymore.
Jun 2, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
Most of the time, DRM won't be all that noticeable. But I've personally had major issues with both StarForce (severe system instability, which went away when I removed the pieces of StarForce that I could find from my system) and SecuRom (A game that I legally owned refused to run until I cracked it).

I've never had a problem with either of those, but I don't have much experience with Starforce, and you're not the first person to tell me that you've had problems with it. I've had dozens of games over the years that used SecureRom though and never had any issues.

There are DRM that I find completely unacceptable though, and those are limited activations and DRM that forces you to constantly be connected to a server, and when you can't access it for one reason or another, you can't play the game. Those are enough for me to not buy a game, or if it's a game that I really really want, I might consider it when the game is on an incredibly deep discount.

I agree with you on both of those, though neither would keep me from buying a game that I really wanted. I think it's worth mentioning however that limited activations can usually be reset.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
aaargh starforce..that was awfull.. but tbh, i am pro cracked versions.Not because i don't want to pay for them, but I have been burned by a LOT of the rpg's that came out the last ..decade..
Even with bioware, DA:O played cracked version, said f yeah i will buy this right now.Then came DAII which i bought immediatly (luckily from a deal at play.com or I would have felt RIPPED off) and i was so dissapointed.I know a lot of people steal just to don't pay for them but in my case it really often is the illegal way of demo-ing. But i stand by the point that people that don't want to pay, probably wouldn't EVER buy your game so i doubt the market loses to them..
May 23, 2012
Starforce was a distater of epic proportions.
But Denuvo is not Starforce and as such has no place in this thread. Denuvo is a brilliant piece of code that doesn't affect the game performance anyhow - it just made pirates annoyed for weeks. Months if we'll mention FIFA15 and that recent grinder I don't plan to buy nor can remember it's name.
Unlike many other games DA3 is the rare one I finished before it got uploaded on different rapidshare and megaupload clone clouds. I hate when pirates finish a game before it was even released.

There is no general excuse to steal DA3.
You want to play the game? Buy it.
You hate EA? I hate EA more than you do, doesn't mean I should steal their product. Either buy it or don't play it at all. The choice is clear. Hating some company's fraudulent business doesn't mean one should become a thief.

Only people in India have an excuse to steal DA3.
EA should cut the crap and sell the product legally. Censored and with cut content, just unofficially help modders to make uncensoring 3rd party "fix".
If Ubi could pull such business with The Stick of Truth, I don't see any reason EA couldn't.
Apr 12, 2009
The availability of pirated versions or not doesn't make the difference it used to because nowadays there is endless digital content competing for the consumer's attention.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
At this point, I'm sure they are smarter than thinking that DRM will not be hacked. Instead the whole point is to delay the hacks as long as possible. I'm pretty sure that its still true that a majority of games make a majority of their money in the first couple of weeks of first being on sale. If the DRM can delay the pirates until that window is past it has done its job in most cases as anyone with the means that wants to play and has the means will buy it in that window. The rest will wait for a sale in a year (like I currently am) or will wait for the crack or something.

The only effective DRM is having the core logic running remotely like an MMO. Everything else can be hacked given enough resources as this latest attempt shows. EA has been experimenting with this for a while (SimCity, Sims 4) but I'm not sure it has been very successful as its just been annoying users but I doubt they will give up on it.

If I put on my tinfoil hat, then some of the remote DRM systems are also about data collection about users like usage time and where played and other big data statistics that will probably be used in the future if not now. Sounds like Denuvo is not one of these however.
Apr 23, 2010
I do want to add, that I think it's okay if someone wants to pirate a game. Yes, it's okay!

Why? Because it's not violent, it's just entertainment in the end. Believe it or not, some people actually can't afford a $60 game. Some can't even afford a $20 game if they have no income, so if they want to download a game for enjoyment, fine by me.

And I also condone free sharing of music all the same. I make music myself. I know the downloading is going to happen (hopefully, if the music is good enough!), so why should I try to fight it? Right now you can download any of the albums I've released (for free) and plenty of people have and still do, so more power to them.

What I do appreciate is this. When you have the extra money to spend on a game, or a CD, or whatever, you should spend it to support the people who made it. I think that's important. If you like my music, send me $5 or $10 in Paypal. If you like a game, buy it, or send a developer a Paypal payment for a few bucks to show you care :)

I honestly don't think pirates are costing the developers a sale. Those people were going to pirate to begin with. But if you pirate, when you have money, pay! At least a little bit. Simple concept. :)

And believe it or not, you will actually feel much better about yourself knowing that you supported a great game.
Fluent - games are luxury.
If games were an essential need to survive, I'd perhaps join your side. Do you tell those who don't have enough cash to steal a diamond ring? No. It's not bread.
Apr 12, 2009
I despise EA and the current Bioware, with that said, a thief is still a scum sucking thief, nothing more than a parasite on the rest of us. Stealing is stealing, and they knew how to deal with that in the old days, you wack off a few fingers or limbs and people got the message right-quick.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I do want to add, that I think it's okay if someone wants to pirate a game. Yes, it's okay!

Why? Because it's not violent, it's just entertainment in the end. Believe it or not, some people actually can't afford a $60 game. Some can't even afford a $20 game if they have no income, so if they want to download a game for enjoyment, fine by me.

And I also condone free sharing of music all the same. I make music myself. I know the downloading is going to happen (hopefully, if the music is good enough!), so why should I try to fight it? Right now you can download any of the albums I've released (for free) and plenty of people have and still do, so more power to them.

What I do appreciate is this. When you have the extra money to spend on a game, or a CD, or whatever, you should spend it to support the people who made it. I think that's important. If you like my music, send me $5 or $10 in Paypal. If you like a game, buy it, or send a developer a Paypal payment for a few bucks to show you care :)

I honestly don't think pirates are costing the developers a sale. Those people were going to pirate to begin with. But if you pirate, when you have money, pay! At least a little bit. Simple concept. :)

And believe it or not, you will actually feel much better about yourself knowing that you supported a great game.

So it would be OK if someone stole your bank account info and took all your money. Its not violent after all.

I think people lose site of things when its a corporation and not a person.
Are you really equating stealing an online video game to someone stealing a bank account and taking all my money? LOL. First of all, I have no money to take :). Second, there's quite a big stretch between a video game that entertains somebody and stealing a bank account.

Joxer, indeed games are somewhat luxury, but they are more personal entertainment. If someone wants to entertain themselves by downloading a video game, that is not the same as stealing a diamond ring. It's just not, no matter how you guys try to twist things.

A free download is harmless. It actually can be used to INCREASE the overall sales of the game. If the game is good, the guy who downloaded it for free may tell his friends and they may buy it. Now, they may download it too, but at least there's a chance for more income from the spreading of word of mouth :)

You can have your point of view on stealing that is fine. Though I would recommend re-thinking this point of view. I know there are no example's I nor anyone can give you to change your mind, so I won't.

Just think, I have read a lot of your post and you seem to have a good head on your shoulders.

Anyways ....
Apr 2, 2011
Celtic, if you read my full post you will see that I also think people SHOULD pay for the game.

In the end, if you like the game, you should buy it. As I said, it's a simple idea. Support the creative people who make the game possible. Even if you pirate, if you have the money to buy it, at some point you should.

If you have no money (as I know about all too well), and you want to download a game because you honestly can't afford to buy it, then I say "go for it!" Have fun. Life is short and you should enjoy yourself.

But when you get the money, if you really like the game - you should support it.

Should you steal a diamond ring? Of course not. Bread? If you really need it. A bank account? NO, you should not. But a video game that you DOWNLOAD? I'm not going to lose sleep over someone doing that :). Or an mp3, for that matter.

I would consider them about as bad as a jaywalker. :)
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