Dark Souls III - Gets Loot Boxes

Should probably make clear that it's a joke before the rage arrives.
Nov 8, 2014
Ahah. Awesome
Aug 13, 2013
Should probably make clear that it's a joke before the rage arrives.

Ha. I wasn't sure myself, the video looked pretty convincing and I've never played the games. Kudos to the guy who made the video.
Dec 20, 2010
I stopped watching when the guy switched from playing the role of "bought and paid for" youtuber gaming shill, to when he started joking about the loot boxes.

Still, I thought the whole news bit was still a serious thing, until I saw the post saying the whole thing was a joke. :biggrin:

My comment was going to be along the lines of - "wow, so they are talking up multiplayer, PvP, and loot boxes... I'm sure glad I was never interested in this series to begin with!"
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
Sucks that we can assume this sort of thing IS being considered for FromSoftwares next game.

GTA V is making 50% of its income from selling Shark Cards of GTAOnline cash. The state the game is in at the moment seems really only suitable for people who pay. Early GTAonline an a high end vehicle was 1,000,000$ but today you need to buy a Bunker for 1.5million and a mobile command centre for 3million then upgrade that in order to apply any mods to your 3million rocket bike.

Elite: Dangerous reports much the same thing with all its incoming coming from paid cosmetics. Elite doesn't even supply any basic free paintjobs for your ship. If you want "endgame" looks its all only from the item mall.

I could go on!! This is the way things are. You can release your game FREE and still make money off the item mall. It just really sucks that now these mechanics from free2play games have made their way into $80 retail box games who intend to sell expansions too and then keep cosmetics behind another pay wall. Brutal!

This is why I'm perfectly happy buying Dominions 5 when it releases on the 28th this month. Sure, each new Dom is sort of just patches to the last, but you know you'll get a year of free updates and new content and no hidden catches or expansions packs to buy.
Jul 10, 2007
That was great. I like how they said you don't have to use real money and showed how you could earn the box with only 50,000,000 souls.

I think I am about done buying AAA games from the big publishers. The Witcher 3 was the last AAA game I bought. I love it and CDPR. I just don't really have any interest in these blockbuster games for the masses, especially if they are going to do the pay to win thing. I will continue to support CDPR, Larian and other developers like them. I am loving divinity OS2 right now, whenI finish that I will be moving on to Hellblade, then some other quality indie game.
Dec 16, 2013
SirJames;1061482709This is why I'm perfectly happy buying [URL="http://www.illwinter.com/dom5/index.html" said:
Dominions 5[/URL] when it releases on the 28th this month.

I didn't know that release date. Thanks. I'll be getting this. In what other game can you play as a fountain of blood?
Sep 16, 2010
That's a funny video and underscores the stupidity behind loot boxes from a players perspective. If as a player you just want to quickly "beat" a game so you can move on to quickly "beat" the next game, then seriously, devs ought to just put an "I Win" button on their title screens. To me, games are about really enjoying and exploring them... sometimes being frustrated or stumped by them... but then eventually succeeding. If you get a loot box with a BFG x a million, what's the point really.
Oct 18, 2006
If you get a loot box with a BFG x a million, what's the point really.
Ganking other players - which forces them to pay for loot boxes, too! Weren't you paying attention??

Or, if it's single player, you can take a video of how you one-shotted that boss on legendary difficulty while all your friends are having trouble with normal difficulty. You'll be SO cool!! Maybe they will even want to be your friends for real instead of just in your head! I can barely imagine it!
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
"Call to regulate video game loot boxes over gambling concerns"

"Hawaiian state representative Chris Lee said games using boxes resembled casinos and called for laws to limit their use.
The condemnation comes as Belgian gambling regulators investigate the growing use of in-game rewards.
In a statement posted to YouTube, Mr Lee singled out the use of loot boxes in Electronic Arts' Star Wars Battlefront II game.
He called the game a "Star Wars-themed online casino designed to lure kids into spending money""
Jan 10, 2008
"Call to regulate video game loot boxes over gambling concerns"

"Hawaiian state representative Chris Lee said games using boxes resembled casinos and called for laws to limit their use.
The condemnation comes as Belgian gambling regulators investigate the growing use of in-game rewards.
In a statement posted to YouTube, Mr Lee singled out the use of loot boxes in Electronic Arts' Star Wars Battlefront II game.
He called the game a "Star Wars-themed online casino designed to lure kids into spending money""

He also said "Its a trap!" Which... I bet 100$ was a staff writers idea and awesome.
Aug 13, 2013
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