Demon's Souls

I'm gonna laugh when Dragon Age wins.

That won't alter my opinion of Spike or their so-called awards show which is really just another excuse for a celeb photo-op.
Oct 18, 2006
That won't alter my opinion of Spike or their so-called awards show which is really just another excuse for a celeb photo-op.

Yeah, well, it ain't my scene, blame Atlus they sent out the e-mail.
Oct 26, 2006
Recent and positive review of Demon's Souls @ CVG.

The relentless setbacks are eased by the spectacle of some of gaming's most memorable boss fights. From fighting monsters in the half light to battling a 30-foot silver knight with nothing but arrows and a prayer, the game's sky-high stakes ensure its rewards are also irresistible.

Demon's Souls is a rare creation in today's market of easy, anyone-can-succeed games. It rewards mastery over mere perseverance, and, while those rewards are hard won, they are also some of gaming's most intoxicating.​
Oct 26, 2006
GotY 2009 according to Kat Bailey at 1UP.

On top of all this is a layer of shocking innovation, a "massively single player experience" like nothing I've ever seen before. I've heard that the inspiration for the online component came about when one of the designers was stranded on a mountain road during a snowstorm. He was eventually freed by a few anonymous rescuers, and he later found himself wondering about who they were. Demon's Souls boasts a passionate, slightly insane community, and I feel like it's that dynamic of strangers helping strangers that helps bind them together to some degree, however anonymously.

In all, Demon's Souls is one of the most intriguing games I've played all year. I feel like I could spend another month writing about it, just because it's so hard to quantify what exactly makes this game great. I suppose I'll leave you by paraphrasing Potter Stewart — I know a great game when I see it, and right now, Demon's Souls is my game of the year.​
Oct 26, 2006
Based on the fact that it is Spike, the worst and lest relevant awards ever … I'd say Borderlands, since it is the worst of the three and least of a RPG.

Best RPG: Dragon Age: Origins :lol:
Oct 26, 2006
I'm gonna laugh when Dragon Age wins.

Actual I think Dragon Age is a way better RPG that Demon Soul is, and the best RPG this year, but mostly because Demon Soul is an Action RPG.

Then it come down to Action RPGs, I think both Borderlands and Demon Soul is exelent games, but fore me Demon Souls win, as I prefer Fantasy over SFI :)
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Nov 11, 2008
I got this as an import, and have messed around with it a couple of times. Haven't been able to get into it as of yet, and frankly I'm not sure I get the appeal.

I was originally very excited, but it really doesn't "invite" me in as the reviews suggest.

I'm thinking it has to do with me being weird, rather than the game not being all that great.

I'll have to try again soonish.
@Phonix, that statement wasn't really about which is the better game rather an ironic gag about txa's remarks about the Spike awards.
Oct 26, 2006
This does not even look like an RPG. Looks more like God of War or something.
Dec 12, 2009
I played it for about 10 hrs. Story and rpg elements are poop. The grand prize lies in the challenge. Like games of old, mega man, zelda 2, and metroid, this game is extremely difficult. If you like hard games, then you will keep playing. And as you keep playing, you will get better. You will learn each foes fighting styles and exploit the foe's weaknesses. In terms of pure reflex and intelligent strategy when it comes to combat, this game is awesome.
Jun 2, 2007
I played it for about 10 hrs. Story and rpg elements are poop. The grand prize lies in the challenge. Like games of old, mega man, zelda 2, and metroid, this game is extremely difficult. If you like hard games, then you will keep playing. And as you keep playing, you will get better. You will learn each foes fighting styles and exploit the foe's weaknesses. In terms of pure reflex and intelligent strategy when it comes to combat, this game is awesome.

Maybe that's it then, because that sounds mindnumbingly dull. Almost like sports without the physical and competitive aspects.
Maybe that's it then, because that sounds mindnumbingly dull. Almost like sports without the physical and competitive aspects.

Its anything but dull! One thing that make the game so exiting, is then you explore unkown places, the tread of dead is very intence. Dead mean somthing in this game, then you die you can't just reload, but must restart the level, further all you hard earned souls are lost, unless you get to the spot you died an collect them, if you die before you reach them, the old sold collection are lost, and a new one are there you died this time. This make some relly nerve thrilling moments.

Even through you die, you wont loos you curented level, any equipment you have, and no slayn bosses will respawn, dead is not like "start all over" but more a part of the game.
Nov 11, 2008
Nothing terribly unique about that….it sounds like most of the games I used to play for the NES or Sega Genesis. :)

That can be a great feature if done right - like in Dark Forces.
Oct 18, 2006
Nothing terribly unique about that….it sounds like most of the games I used to play for the NES or Sega Genesis. :)

Well, actual the same can be said aboute moste MOORPG's of recent time, like World of Warcraft, then a party get wiped, they must start all over, and the mobs has likly respawned, but not Bosses.

I think that Demon Soul is more of a mix between MOORPG's and Singel Player RPG's, that a return to "old" days.
Nov 11, 2008
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