Disco Elysium preview

I'm still interested, but I won't be getting it immmediately. I'm not really in the mood right now for a lengthy game that's all text regardless of how good the writing is.
I'm totally interested and it's (potential) length has nothing to do with it but everything else it supposedly offers.
However I'm also interested in Pine and the second patch should be out any day now… I'll suck every blood drop from Pine first, then dive into DE.
What I'm currently really excited for, is Red Dead Redemption 2.
I'll wait for a year or two before buying that one and maybe even then I'll decide to skippit and make it one of my neverheards.
As I want no mmo in the bundle and that ain't happening, there is no way I'll pay the full price for that bullshit. When the product price gets cut at least half we can negotiate.
By that time hopefully modders will remove animated looting from every single corpse, bartender seeing your misdeeds over half of the map distance and all other sorts of filler and annoyances. Then again, it may happen modders don't care about modding whatever thing that can't be bought without mmo.

An interesting article from PCGamer appeared - "Things I wish I knew before playing Disco Elysium" and I have to quote one:
Time passes as you talk

Time in Disco Elysium is not real-time. Rather, it's advanced primarily by talking to people. So whenever you're in a conversation, the clock will be ticking, moving the day forward. You can also make time pass by sitting on benches or reading, which is handy for objectives that are limited to a certain time.
Can't say I like that last part, then again maybe it's not as annoying as Kingmaker's timers and numerous nighttime only objectives in Greedfall.

But the rest stuff numbered there feel awsome. I might put Pine on hold after all.
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Apr 12, 2009
I'm totally interested and it's (potential) length has nothing to do with it but everything else it supposedly offers.
However I'm also interested in Pine and the second patch should be out any day now… I'll suck every blood drop from Pine first, then dive into DE.

I'll wait for a year or two before buying that one and maybe even then I'll decide to skippit and make it one of my neverheards.
As I want no mmo in the bundle and that ain't happening, there is no way I'll pay the full price for that bullshit. When the product price gets cut at least half we can negotiate.
By that time hopefully modders will remove animated looting from every single corpse, bartender seeing your misdeeds over half of the map distance and all other sorts of filler and annoyances. Then again, it may happen modders don't care about modding whatever thing that can't be bought without mmo.

An interesting article from PCGamer appeared - "Things I wish I knew before playing Disco Elysium" and I have to quote one:

Can't say I like that last part, then again maybe it's not as annoying as Kingmaker's timers and numerous nighttime only objectives in Greedfall.

But the rest stuff numbered there feel awsome. I might put Pine on hold after all.
Are there a lot of. Time based quests ?
I hate those...

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Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Dunno. Maybe there is just one, maybe every single one is such. Can't find any fair info or warning on the matter.

Maybe someone who know will answer here on a certain question related to timers designs:
I heard that time and days pass in this game. Does anyone know if there is some sort of time limit which leads to a fail state if you don't complete your investigation in time?
Apr 12, 2009
Yea, I couldn't resist the temptation and just bought it. A child in the candy store… :(
Will play it a bit later when it's installed.

Well I started it then played for hours...
I'm most probably hooked, but it's just an early impression.
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Apr 12, 2009
The game is totally different from PST.

- No classes and no breaking of d&d rules (like playing a mage who's an expert in 2H hammers)
- No party to gather before venturing forth but one sidekick you need to ditch during certain quests
- No "spells" to shuffle in a spellbook but traits instead if removed are forgotten permanently
- No crazy mazes so far like modron "factory" or suicides2exit (buy Dishonored 2 instead)
- No Witgenstein's tractatus level of brainfood like Ravel's questions, but instead a carefully written psychological horror/thriller with occassional humor

I have no idea if the game offes more than just good writing. I've passed only 2 ingame days which means it's too early to know that for sure.
Apr 12, 2009
Does the game offer more than just good writing or is this just like PS:T?

This is pretty much the entirety of the game. It's literally a text adventure. Even the rare times you fight, you do it through dialog. I've put 30 hours in and here's my verdict :

It is GLORIOUS. It's fresh, it's bizarre, it's grotesque, it'll make you laugh and give you an existential crisis. As a reference, I'm a guy who thought PS:T was one of the best RPG ever and I finished it 3 times. Well... I feel strange for finally saying this after all these years, but this might be better than PS:T. This is THE ONE. In which you're also nameless, oddly enough.

If you liked PS:T in any shape or form, you MUST buy this. I'm serious, this is a game people are still going to play in 20 years. Yeah, it pretty much only gives you a story, but what a story. You'll be guessing at the plot 30 times while playing it, but you'll be wrong. It's just... This game is genius. It's hard to explain it, it just has to be experienced.

Part of the brilliance is the way the skill checks are implemented. At first, skill checks tend to simply be a stat check, but around the 3rd day, all the important skill checks will start to be influenced by choices you made earlier. This might mean that the 20 difficulty skill then just went from impossible to 50%, or it could mean that this 12 skill check is now a 20 skill check... And everything is connected, somehow. Play this.
Mar 4, 2019
I really like the concept of playing a detective, and forging your own path in just how to accomplish that. Choices and consequences are a great lure to get me in the front door, and this game looks like it has both.
Definitely going to have to add this to my play cue, I love a good mystery and like you said, choices that actually can change a games outcome or at least the journey to said outcome always get my interest.. Been hearing so many good things about this RPG.. I'm sold..
Jan 9, 2008
This is pretty much the entirety of the game. It's literally a text adventure. Even the rare times you fight, you do it through dialog. I've put 30 hours in and here's my verdict :

It is GLORIOUS. It's fresh, it's bizarre, it's grotesque, it'll make you laugh and give you an existential crisis. As a reference, I'm a guy who thought PS:T was one of the best RPG ever and I finished it 3 times. Well… I feel strange for finally saying this after all these years, but this might be better than PS:T. This is THE ONE. In which you're also nameless, oddly enough.
I think there's a certain kind of player who will find this game brilliant — not a word I use lightly — and a different sort who will think it odd, unfun, even pretentious. It's good to know which one you are before you jump in.

Myself, I love it. The wargaming aspect of RPGs, tabletop or digital, was always the least interesting to me. I don't need "compelling gameplay" in the typical sense; I'm all in for the interactive storytelling. This feels like just the sort of game I've wanted someone to make for a long time.

Oddly enough, I tried Planescape: Torment and didn't care for it. The upside of that is that I'm not at all hesitant to say this is better.
Jul 12, 2019
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