Div Div /Disciples II 9.99 @ Target

Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Thanks guys(and gals),

I did research a spell but I didn't see a way to cast it during battle.

I also saw how to purchase leader\hero units in the castle but not regular units, even though I had built several different structures for them.

I'll take a peek at that mini-manual and give it another shot.

Hey xSamhainx, did you get Supreme Commander yet?

*edit* "Spells may only be cast in the Landview screen. Click the Cast Spell button and click on the party, or area on the map where you wish to cast the spell."

No wonder I couldn't cast them during battle:)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Can't cast during battle-before or after--anytime during the turn, just not from the combat screen. Click on the spellbook icon in the main adventure window and target a unit.
The regular units to hire should be there with the hero units-could be a demo thing tho that doesn't make much sense--soldiers die like flies in that game...and usually just before they get enough experience to level. :)
Oct 18, 2006
An hour to the nearest Target? Where do you live, Timbuktu?
We're kinda the outer suburbs of Timbuktu. Mind you, we have our very own Super WalMart here in The Bustling Metropolis, but you either go an hour north, an hour southwest, or an hour-n-a-half east for the joys of Target (and that pains Mrs dte to no end, believe it). Worry not--Mrs dte jumped at the opportunity to "hitch up the horses" twice in one weekend, even for a gaming run.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
This is the first time I read this formulation.

What is bizarre with it ? :confused:

Well, I don't mean in a bad way, Alrik. What I was trying to convey was the high fantasy touch mixed with the basic dungeon crawling along with the humor, which as we know doesn't always translate as intended. The feel of the game is very character oriented, and takes it out of the hack n slash fest category, for me anyway, but it isn't quite a traditional rpg either. The graphics are not sleek, but quirky--( a bit eccentric) and some of the features, like carrying bottles of dwarven ale, beer, wine and only being able to figure out what they do by drinking them, etc, all makes for a game that doesn't easily fall into a labelled category.

So, compared to a run of the mill action rpg type of game, it stands out the way a good street corner musician stands out from a recording on the radio. It has more of a personality, and that's a good thing.

Plus it has very solid gameplay, and is just a lot of fun. Sometimes anymore, that is pretty bizarre!:)
Oct 18, 2006
Thanks for explaining, I understand your point of view now much better ! :)

Personally, Divinity was my first "really big" RPG, and I love it - although the fighting became kind of boring at one point.

But what I actually liked most were the many, many easter eggs in it. :) For a fan a real pleasure. :)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Alrik, doesnt your username come from DivDiv ?
I love that game and it always annoys me a bit when someone describes it as a Diablo clone: it's really a full fledged RPG but with Diablo type combat.
Oct 18, 2006
I agree, Cormac. It is very far from a Diablo clone. I think that's where that 'bizarre' description crept in. My current addiction Titan Quest is the epitome of D2 clonishness, and I 'd be hard pressed to think of a single simularity between it and DD beyond the combat.
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Oct 18, 2006
Alrik, doesnt your username come from DivDiv ?
I love that game and it always annoys me a bit when someone describes it as a Diablo clone: it's really a full fledged RPG but with Diablo type combat.

The other way around :) . Larian Studios "borrowed" the names of a lot of Larian Studios forums members for Divine Divinity. Most of the NPC names were taken from forum members. Including my nick as well.
I "invented" Moriendor when I was playing Icewind Dale 2 and needed a dark-ish/death-ish sounding name for a Necromancer. There was a soccer match of Spain on TV at the same time and I really liked the name of this Spanish player, Morientes. After playing around with the name for a little while I came up with Moriendor and then Larian liked the "darkness" of the name as well and used it for a villain in Divinity :) .
Oct 18, 2006
Gave up trying to play Disciples II.

The demo went all buggy on me. It was one of those trial versions where it was actually the full game on a time limit. When I tried to play it again it said I had 141 minutes of trial time left, but when I tried to click on the "continue free trial" button, nothing would happen.

Oh well, I have way too many games lined up right now anyways:)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Alrik, doesnt your username come from DivDiv ?
I love that game and it always annoys me a bit when someone describes it as a Diablo clone: it's really a full fledged RPG but with Diablo type combat.

Moriendor is right. :) Also, you can actually hear and read kind of a poem written by me in the game. :) Look out at the market place ! ;)

It's one of the many easter eggs. ;)

Here in Germany, gaming magazines characterize Divinity & Beyond Divinity usually as "Diablo clones". Even now, the magazine "Gamestar", which has BD on their magazine's DVD, calls BD a "clone with an addiction factor".

German gaming mags are notorious for putting games into drawers.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Moriendor is right. :) Also, you can actually hear and read kind of a poem written by me in the game. :) Look out at the market place ! ;)

I recently loaded DD again and it hit me when I opened a scroll or a book and saw your name at the end of it ! That's pretty cool what they did, though.

So there's a villain named Moriendor, huh ? Ok, he's dead. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Disciples 2 is a great game, but it takes a little bit of getting to know the mechanics and gameplay. But after that it is a blast!
Oct 18, 2006
So I decided to do the hour-long drive to civilization again. Target didn't even have a spot on the shelf for it. Build me up just to smash my dreams...damn you, Sammy, damn you to the very depths of hell! ;)

You sure know how to make people laugh!

Look bro, I bought it on Ebay for about that, 10$.
I'm keeping it in case I want to go through it once more.

Anyway, try it. Ebay is quick and painless. Most of the time.

You can stay home away from civilization and stop wasting fuel for nothin'.
Oct 31, 2006
Icewind Dale.
We aim to please. ;)

Fear not for your humble narrator. I shall be loading up the Wild Dogs and She Who Must Be Obeyed for the two hour journey to Indianapolis this weekend to make sure our old house hasn't burned down while we wait for some lucky soul to pay us top dollar for the privilege of taking over The House Of Many Children (the folks we bought it from had 4). A brief side quest to the local Super Target will, of course, be quietly weasel'd into the agenda.

Should I become mired in disappointment yet again, one of our own here has graciously offered to help a brutha out, saving me a turn in the eBay barrel.

As for staying home, I'm not sure that would be wise. She Who Must Be Obeyed was not entirely pleased with our relocation to The Bustling Metropolis, so a weekly sojourn to civilization is probably in my best interest. After all, as they say, if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I got all Disciples II and expansion packs a while back (ok, years ago), and I found it so difficult that I didnt finish playing it. I gave up after attempting the final battle for the Empire five times and losing each time to a vastly superior opponent (the demon and his bastardly crownies). Dude, I cant beat it, it is far too difficult. Since I dont like games so difficult (I dont enjoy puzzles either), I gave up completely on Disciples II. However, there was announced today Disciples III. I will probably buy it and hope its not as blasted hard to win as Disciples II...

Seriously, it was the basic Empire campaign, the last battle in the last scenario is freaken impossible !!!

edit -- In D&D terms, its just like a level 1 wizard going up against a level 10 wizard. No freaking way the level 1 wizard can beat that. Such BS. Ah yes, it made me angry, hence even though I had purchased all expansions, I just uninstalled it and it hasnt graced my hard-drive since.

Note to developers: Difficult is nice, but impossible is a game-breaker.
Oct 18, 2006
Oh but Divine Divinity is awesome game!
Oct 18, 2006
@Ammon777 re: Disciples
Yes, little Uther can be quite the Demon problem child. I felt the same way during one of the Rise of the Elves campaigns--armies keep spawning in from all directions kicking serious butt before it's remotely possible to recover from the first seven or eight..I did give up on that one.;) I actually remember saying almost your exact same words to the developers--Who designed this-the Marquis de Sade?

But then I discovered that I could abandon my pride and play on the Easy level--which is like a normal game's Difficult. ( Believe it or not, there are people on the Disciples forums who play hardcore and seem to enjoy it, the sick-os!)

I was able to beat all the original campaigns at Easy. And it felt GOOD!:p
So that's my recommendation--Or you might just do the scenarios--they are much more reasonable.:)
Oct 18, 2006
Thanks for suggestion, but I think I'm gonna wait for Disciples III. After looking for them to try again, unfortunately I lost an installation CD for Disciples II. I might have thrown it in the trash, I dont remember, lol.
Oct 18, 2006
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