Dragon Age: Inquisition - Angry Joe Review


October 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
...only 2-3 weeks late.

I've got 63 hours in and have slowed down a bit (steam sale means lotsa distractions) and I'd guess I'm 1/4 to 1/3 thru the story. :p Must...get...every...shard. I'm to the point of finishing zones that are well below my level. I doubt I'll do a 2nd run at DAI for quite some time after my first one so the first one needs to count.

I think my biggest issues with the game thus far are the weakness of the console/controller first UI design and then the flat out influence of console idiocy in general, especially as it pertains to combat. It's a good game. The combat works for an action-oriented game, but the combat is so repetitive, lightweight, and generic. On normal I almost never need to even pause let alone use tactical mode and couldn't tell you what abilities the AI companions have or use since I don't need to know. The only serious battle so far has been a dragon and it was so stupidly difficult compared to the rest of the game that it's just....stupid.

/golfclap for mass appeal and selling as many copies as possible. I prefer the kind of game design that focuses on making the best game possible, not reaching the most people or getting the most sales, and I don't think it's necessarily possible to combine it all, since anytime you go for mass appeal you MUST dumb down everything.

So while I think DAI is an excellent game and a crazy huge gaming experience it doesn't entirely scratch the deeper RPG itch in the same was as the more classic and often D&D based RPGs of days past did, with real/robust magic systems and deeper combat than spam autoattack and click a special ability once in a while when your rogue's energy bar permits (WoW reference because EVERY character has the same "power" mechanic like a WoW rogue and it's kind of lame).
Apr 22, 2013
The combat works for an action-oriented game, but the combat is so repetitive, lightweight, and generic. On normal I almost never need to even pause let alone use tactical mode

Have you tried the higher difficulty levels? They're not really any harder as such, but they radically change the pace. On Nightmare, DAI plays for me almost exactly the same as Wasteland 2: as a turn-based top-down-view squad game. The big difference is I can unpause to "fast-forward" the last few turns once a fight is in the bag.

If more tactical combat is what you want -- well, it's there in the game to be had, just turn it up.

(Okay yes, the tactical camera is a pain, but you get the hang it)
Jan 30, 2012
San Francisco
After 40 hours I'm still really enjoying the game, but the combat is all over the map. The pawn fights are annoyingly easy, but then the boss fights take 2-3 restarts before I barely win— and that's being at the high end of the recommended level for that area on normal difficulty. Problem here is that many of those fights are reaaaaallly long sequences like "Turn this crank (or point your hand in the air) for the next 10 minutes" so starting over is more frustrating than usual.

I'm also getting tired of finding the "rogue only" doors or the "mage only" fuses, or whatever the hell the 'energize' things are. The game seems to punish you for not taking one of each class, and that bothers me a bit because I don't really like any of the 3 mages (elitist bald Orlais chantry chick who I know will eventually betray me, quiet demon sympathizer dark magic elf or the homosexual fantasy Errol Flynn). I get if there's a chest in a room that only a rogue can enter— fine, or if the quest is specific to that companion— fine. But there are key plot areas that can only be accessed with a rogue or mage in your party.

Anyway there's a lot more about the game that I like, but today I will focus on bitching. ;)
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
IMO you shouldn't go for Nightmare in this game until they remove endless respawns from the game.
Tactical mode is pain on PC, but you'd adapt to it eventually if bloody spiders, bears, wolves, hyenas, lurkers, lizzards and etc didn't respawn instantly after you kill one and of course, if they didn't become instantly hostile.

I finished the game yesterday turned every stone, missed a few collections and two achievements (and it was due to bugs actually, at least I'm sure for mosaics and achievements it's because of bugs, I missed also one bottle somewhere, but could be in the same place with mosaic pieces I cannot enter).
Origin says I played 135 hours. This is not true, frequently I alt+tabbed out because I used to get very angry and nervous because of endless respawns so had to take a 10-15 mins of pause here and there before continuing.

I'll agree with Angry Joe's 8/10 on PC, but obviously my -1 goes for different reason. Controls will hopefully get patched, but the godlike mobs design crime, probably won't. Although it would be easy to change.
Would love to replay the game and pick some other choices, but without norespawn mod that won't happen.
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Apr 12, 2009
I'm with you guys on poor UI and those f*ing respawns. Still having fun, but there are some things that are really questionable - like only have 8 abilities I can use in a given combat? Unless I am missing something, you have to select a 'load out' for your quick bar (you can't change in combat - I tried) and even worse *you cannot invoke the another abilities you have that are NOT in your quick bar from the abilities list*!? I never had those issue with DA:O or DA2…it makes sense to have equipment load outs, but not for abilities I have learned. So, assuming there is no way to use those other abilities…I suspect it was done because, hey, we only have 8 clicky-slots, give that we need 3 for potions (can live with that…although annoying), and the combat commands. duh. And making it more complex would have meant having to redesign it to give similar i.e. multi-quickbar functionality to controllers too. I'm surprised more people aren't fuming about this - it is a big departure for me and essentially means I can't play my character as I want. I suspect the AI will invoke all non-controlled characters abilities if they are 'ticked' in tactics…if so, if you don't control a character it can then use all its abilities…. I guess there is some post-hoc justification for this limitation, but I think its BS.
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Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
I am also with you as a result I didn't waste money on subpar stuff and I am having fun the the real thing: IWDEE. HoF and 3 lvl 1 characters and a challenge how to finish the game. That is a real game, not this Bioshit shit. :D :D
Oct 3, 2014
I'm also getting tired of finding the "rogue only" doors or the "mage only" fuses, or whatever the hell the 'energize' things are.

Unless the door require the Deft Hand perks, you can bash it with a warrior shield bash from what I read on Reddit (I haven't tried it yet, I always forget to do so).
Oct 13, 2007
there are some things that are really questionable - like only have 8 abilities I can use in a given combat? Unless I am missing something, you have to select a 'load out' for your quick bar (you can't change in combat - I tried) and even worse *you cannot invoke the another abilities you have that are NOT in your quick bar from the abilities list*!?
It's BS and you're correct. If there is a way to use nonquickslot ability during the fight, I didn't find it. Instead I'd reload, changed skills and played again.

I mean, what's use of stun/freeze abilities against mobs immune on cc? Why do I have to realod to put something else in those slots? Terrible design. Probably again because of limited consoles.

Unless the door require the Deft Hand perks, you can bash it with a warrior shield bash from what I read on Reddit (I haven't tried it yet, I always forget to do so).
How about trying it with spellcasters' "mindmelt"? Works on wooden boxes, should work on doors too. ;)
Also never tried on doors… When you do it on boxes, sometimes it doesn't destroy the highest placed box so it continues to float in the air afterwards, haha
Apr 12, 2009
On the main quest line I am almost ready to start the kick off to the end although need 10 more power (only have 30 at the moment and it requires 40). Game wise maybe done half the content, probably a bit less ... some companions, quests, areas, and the like I will do in another play through.

I am still pretty settled around 8 (a good midpoint as some stuff I went to 7 and others a 9). Playing a rogue and haven't had to worry about the slot thing as currently I am only using 6 of the 8 alotted. On a mage I think it might be more of an issue. The interface gets the lowest scale from me as it was clearly console focused.

Most of the story and companion quests have been awesome though and get a 10. Really enjoying all of that aspect.

Will see where I end up when I finish - possibly this upcoming weekend.
Jun 4, 2008
10 more power? Half of content?
Trust me… It's way less than half.

This is my power - before taking the ending mission.


Power corrupts.

I wish you take the long sidequests route in the replay. As you may see on the pic that's with (almost) everything done. I had also enough cash to buy level 20 on inquisition power for more perks but since I didn't pick the last one anyway as all were… Not really needed, simply didn't bother. ;)

Just to add, the spell that destroys wooden boxes is Mind Blast. IMO it shouldn't do that, but well… Just tried it near a door, no, it won't destroy a door. :(
Apr 12, 2009
now at about 45 hrs and am pretty sick of this game. I would definitely recommend it to rpg-friends, at least the *ahem* storyfag ones (no i don't think it's gay and i dig stories but is there a better word for that at this point?), in fact I spent hours on Sunday discussing it with friends. But the gameplay is far too boring to justify completing any non-plot-quests. What seems like a cute "power" mechanic oriented around interesting-named sidequests like "Druffy the Druffalo" just winds up with you disappointed, hopelessly overpowered, and utterly bored of your two favorite spells. I tried playing as the other party members but actually just decided the game is better when the fights are over faster (on hardcore, except for a few boss fights where I got bored and set it to normal). So for the first time in my life I recommend everyone use "Casual" mode.

That sounds like a lot of complaints perhaps but I would still give this game a 7.5 (higher than I gave DA2 but less than DAO). I have a long memory and so a 7.5 from me is basically a "must play". However, the recent BW games really highlight the weaknesses of writing without a clear audience - both for them and for me, the reviewer! So I would have to give it a 9 for adventure geeks (a story basically without competition, marred by a lot of wasted time to get there), and a 7 for traditional RPG fans (crap pseudo-arpg grafted onto a 3d adventure game with a shocking amount of voiced dialogues, harking back to the all-text days).
Sep 16, 2011
So I would have to give it a 9 for adventure geeks (a story basically without competition, marred by a lot of wasted time to get there)
This will work for me. Are there any custom mods yet to cut the filler content out of the game? Or maybe a guide that shows me what's superfluous?

Ever since the Naruto Anime series I feel no remorse when skipping fillers, even though I used to be an utter completionist — after all, you could miss something, right? Not! Fillers are bad for your health. I feel like a more wholesome person when skipping fillers.

That said, I'm actually way behind. Still need to play the DA:O expansion first, and DA 2 (ugh), so maybe something will come up in the meantime.
Aug 30, 2006
for the first time in my life I recommend everyone use "Casual" mode.
I recommend normal or easy. Why…

Are there any custom mods yet to cut the filler content out of the game?
No such mods yet. I've asked yesterday on Bio forums for a mod and for someone to make it.

The only real filler in this game are mobrespawns. That are so annoying you really shouldn't waste time on them playing hard/nightmare difficulty. Because it's not really what hard should mean, and it's a nightmare in any case.
I would love to replay the game and pick some different choices, but when I think about those endless mobrespawns, honestly I can't force myself to replay it. I'm not a masochist, sorry.

I would have to give it a 9 for adventure geeks
9? Not really.

Astrarium puzzles, Hissing Wastes dwarf tombs puzzles and Temple of Mythal puzzles are all easy, shards temple in secret oasis is very easy and more about area exploration and pixelhunt, the only challenging puzzle is the Dead Hand temple.
The court main story quest Halla figurines doors are however top notch design as are in fact c&c puzzle. You can solve it different ways with different outcome (you can't possibly open all Halla doors so you'll have to choose which ones you will unlock), or you can skip those doors completely.

For adventure geeks, I'd put 7 or 8 as while easy and very easy, it's still a proper puzzle design and is polished. It's not "casual" hidden objects crap although there is also such content in the game (bottles and mosaics collection).
Apr 12, 2009
actually, joxer has a good point. it's more like a 9 for visual novel fans, 8 for "adventure game"rs.

as far as extraneous content, I would say stick to the fairly obvious get/help-a-companion quests, and skip everything else. the companions quests should be fairly obvious assuming you visit every possible location at least once. do as many of the "war map" missions as you can and you should notice the potential character-oriented ones, after you do a few and visit the newest area, visit your companions at home and enjoy the dialogue, and then plow as quickly as possible towards the end. No matter what you do it will probably accidentally wind up a little longer than you really want to play, if you're like me.
Sep 16, 2011
War map missions with sidekicks pic on them (not 100% sure, but close to it) grant you power amulet for that sidekick. +1 skill practically. So you should do them definetly.
Klem warmap missions usually net you a nice item or schematic so those you should also do.

Many other war map missions are mostly meh, sadly I didn't write them all down so now can't say which ones are timewasters only. They net you some small cash, semiuseless item or symbollic amount of inquisition power. If only someone made the norespawn mod so I can replay the game and write them all down…

But you're forgetting the most important duty!
Killing dragons. :D

Hinterland dragon is pretty easy (vulnerable to ice so get Vivianne, put some ice staff on her, equip fire resistance belts on everyone). Others are a bit harder, but why you should kill them? Because almost every dragon gives you a power amulet for sidekicks and unique equipment better than anything you can craft! Oh and masterwork high chance materials, ofc.
But there is a catch. If you really want to nail those dragons easily, you *must* craft, if not armor, then at least weapons (with bonus damage against dragons runes).

IMO a beautiful strategy design. Not overpowered crafting, but still needed to get the best items in the game.
And don't forget to upgrade Varric's Bianca with crafting! ;)

The only problem there is that inventory system is consoley_retarded so crafting can be annoying as hell.

Yes, the game offers so many things… And they ruined it by sucking up to console grindlovers.
Apr 12, 2009
10 more power? Half of content?
Trust me… It's way less than half.

This is my power - before taking the ending mission.


Power corrupts.

I wish you take the long sidequests route in the replay. As you may see on the pic that's with (almost) everything done. I had also enough cash to buy level 20 on inquisition power for more perks but since I didn't pick the last one anyway as all were… Not really needed, simply didn't bother. ;)

Just to add, the spell that destroys wooden boxes is Mind Blast. IMO it shouldn't do that, but well… Just tried it near a door, no, it won't destroy a door. :(

You still have the best looking male character I have seen created with this editor so far.

I expect I have much more to see. I was more indicating stuff I hadn't even ventured into. There are 3 regions/zones I have not even opened up yet let alone do any of the quests. I still have not picked up Sera yet (and don't plan on it this round) and 4 of the companion personal quest-lines I have not done and saving those for another play through. Western Approach is the only region I have done 100% (minus the skull shard thingy which I don't plan on doing). I have also avoided some of the repetitive quests (requisitions) or ones I know are just simple fetch/deliver style.

To wrapped up in the main story and the followers to want to spend to much time on the side stuff. Playing on causal I don't need to worry as much about having the best armor. I do craft weapons and armor though - enjoy a little of that and it does make some nice stuff. Plus I enjoy custom naming what I make. I killed my first dragon last night (the Abyssal High Dragon in Western Approach) and my crafted dagger for Grim was better than the purple unique that dropped ... but that might be due to the fact I am level 16 and the dragon was level 14.

So you have a lot more power because you have been a lot more thorough with your hunting :)

I have 48 power right now after last night. 40 is set aside for the final quest line which I will start probably Thursday night. The next two nights tracking down the warden and possibly opening up one more region I have not been to.

I felt guilty killing the dragon though. Such majestic creatures and free of the blight curse they are pretty cool. The one last night didn't even attack me - I lured it in. Iron Bull was ecstatic over it but my character felt some guilt. I liked the idea that Qunari may have some dragon blood in them from the past though.

When I play a second time (probably after there is a patch and some new content or maybe see if any mods come out) it will be a much more thorough one. Right now I lack the patience to do it all as I want to enjoy the main story. After I enjoy that and my favorite companions then I can create a more role playing character and dig into the rest of the content.
Jun 4, 2008
Requisitions suck. They add you only +1 power after much of grinding and you should do them only if you're after requisition achievement. You don't need to fulfill any of those at all. I did them only till the achievement kicked in and on replay I plan to skip them completely (plus the bloody Spider Ichor which is an useless item otherwise and needed only for requisitions takes 1 space in your limited inventory, and etc).

Sera is… Superb writing. You don't need her combatwise nowhere definetly, but for the sakes of the story, you should have her.

While I was creating my character I wasn't really trying to make him cute, but yea, he does look cute, lol
What I wanted from this game were things I dream of doing in RL. And I actually got it.
Just imagine stepping in front of EA's executives and saying this to them:

Usually I wouldn't ever give above 7 to a game that's endless respawns grinder. DA3 is exactly that. But because it's the best grinder that exists thanks to the content that isn't grinding, I can't hate it enough to drop on 7 or below. Will be 8 and will write it later when I sum all thoughts up.
Apr 12, 2009
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