EA - Mass Effect 3 & Andromeda now on Steam

• Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut ending
isnt this the cool ending? if so, its in the dlc pack
No. That's just placebo after everyone and their mother said that the ending sucks.
Bioware fooled noone with "director's cut".
Apr 12, 2009
To be honest those facial animations were not crappy as being bad, as many games are.

They were crappy to the point to make you stare and forget a cut scene was trying to tell you something.

Not me. It wasn't any more distracting than DA:I, which had some truly ugly models and faces. It didn't help that I originally played it on the Xbox 360 and had to wait several seconds for textures to load in much of the time, but I've since played it on PC and it's not that much better.

To me, ME:A was caught up in a bandwagon of whiny hate and whatever was actually bad about it was blown completely out of proportion.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
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