Fantasy tropes that need to go away

The one thing IMO even worse than having to save the world, is having to pay to do it. The world is about to end and only if I can wield the Great Sword of Doom against Foozle will I have any chance of saving everyone from certain death. However, first I have to get enough money to PAY for this sword!!

How about the trope where you are the chosen savior of the world, everyone knows this, and yet no one can do more than pony up a few scraps of leather and a rusted sword for you to start with. And maybe a simple heal spell.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Blunt weapons do extra damage against skeletons
I've never figured this out. Why is crushing a bone supposed to be easier than slicing it? Cutting a skeleton limb from limb would require less effort than grinding it to dust.

Have to disagree with you on that one. It does make sense in that certain substances react differently to blunt or cutting force. Bone would be a lot easier to smash than cut imo.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Have to disagree with you on that one. It does make sense in that certain substances react differently to blunt or cutting force. Bone would be a lot easier to smash than cut imo.

As someone who's hit a few skellies with mattocks, shovels, etc., I can tell you that hitting them with something that's got some weight, regardless of whether it's got a sharp edge, does some damage. :p

Now, slashing and stabbing that's intended to damage soft tissue's another matter, but if you hit a skeleton with an axe or largish sword, it really won't make any difference that it's not a "blunt" weapon.

Here's a big one I can't believe I left off my initial list…

Professional adventurer: This is so common that most people probably don't even think about it. "What do you do for a living?" "Oh, I'm one of hundreds of people who slays beasties by the score and scours dungeons looking for treasure. Look, we've even got a union!" It's a ridiculous concept based around having a world full of PCs and makes adventure too commonplace. There's a difference between a mysterious traveller passing through town and doing a few jobs and having an "adventurer wanted" board nailed up in the tavern.
Jul 3, 2011
The "Professional Adventurer" suddenly reminds me of Indy Jones. :lol:
But you are right, yes.

@Corwin, nice idea, too. :)
Self-smithing a Mighty Sword That Saves The World : Forbidden By King's Rules !

@Az, yes, that one, too. But only, if they do *know* that you are "The Chosen One" ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Amnesia, particularly where the character hasn't just lost their memory but also some or all their skills, and even physical strength. That said, whilst the plot device can be irritating it's been used in some pretty good games (Witcher, Torment, KOTOR).

What can't be forgiven is unexplained amnesia resulting from crappy continuity…"what's a paladin?"
Aug 12, 2007
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